UTI – Help Needed


I was just wondering if someone could help me? I know this is kinda personal, but felt someone might be able to shed some light. For the past six weeks or so I have been peeing much more than normal. Especially at night. I have the constant urge to “go” even after I have just emptied my bladder. Lately I have been experiencing a “tingling” or “burning” sensation at the base (not during peeing). I think I have a UTI and I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about these and or if anyone’s husbands have had these before? Any help would be helpful. Thank you.

Hi Wayne

Sorry to hear your not well.....we've been wondering how you are. Listen I think you need to see your Doc, he will take a urine sample and test it, you might have an infection but there are other things that could cause your symptoms, do you have any discharge? Are you passing blood in your urnine? Your GP will ask you all of this, there are soooo many things that can be the issue here from prostrate ( but your probably too young) to SDT! ( Sexually transmitted disease!) Sorry about that last one! To infections. You cannot leave this as you will just continue to get run down. Drink loads of water and see your GP SOON!!!!!! Also, do you have a history of infections, does it run in your family? Don't be afraid to see your GP, he can and will help, if you need to talk to me, you have me email......

Get well soon

Lynne X
hugs ()
Hi Lynne

Thanks for the e-mail and Cheque (which came today, bless you x).

No I don’t have any blood or puss. None of that. So thankfully that is not the issue. Just the need to pee constantly. Which is upsetting. I’m off to the doctor today, who I hate, as years ago when I went to see him when I first moved to Abergavenny (South Wales) I developed a rash (which was from stress as I now know) but he told me that it could just as well be CANCER! As you can see, I’m not best happy about going back to him.

As for STD, I supoose it could be, though I’m a careful lad, and I’m not sure which STD it could be that would make me pee all the time. And trust me, I’ve done the disagnose yourself on the internet and it ain’t nice. You type in your symptoms and wait for the word, CANCER or AIDs to appear on the screen…

This is making me really nervous.

awwwh!!! listen, it could be something simple like you've changed your wash powder or fabric conditioner! irritability of the urethra in a male can be specific (caused by something) or most likely and more likely is non-specific (there is no reason) in males the urethra is isolated and doesn't tend to cause as many problems in males as females. Let your GP sort it out. The main reason I brought up STD s because while I spent 6 months bank nursing on male urology, we saw this alot, where UTI's were mistaken and vice versa. I am sure you will be fine and going to the Doc is the best thing, god these diagnosis sites have you dead and buried before you type your name!!!!!! good luck and keep us posted.

Lynne X
Lynne, can i ask you...what STD's were mistkaen for UTI...as i've had a look and apart from Chlamydial i can't see another that makes one want to "pee"... can you shed some light? Thank you

Wayne, it could be that, or it could be a few other things. A simple urine test at the doctor's would confirm it or not. If you have one, seven to ten days of antibiotics will clear it right up. I would urge you to see your physician and find out what it is, as it could be something else. Drinking lots of water all the time, every day, will help keep them away. Keeping your urine acidic by eating things like yogurt can also help some people. It's more unusual for a man to get them, but it does happen. See your doctor to find out for sure, and best of luck to you!!

Hi Wayne

what I meant to say was that men often presented with pain on urination, but would always have "something else", STD's are a very small part of a very large process of elimination and I honestly think you are worrying unnessecarily, once your doc does all his tests then you will have a better picture, but remember not all symptoms show for all conditions, and not all diseases will present in an identical way, do what Carol suggest and drink loads, see your doc and you will be fine, try not to worry! Just get better!

Lynne X
Ok...been to the Doc...he told me that i have an Irritable Bladder and gave me some tablets to see if that helps. He did an infection test infront of me to see if i had any, which i don't he told me. So lets hope these tablets help...he sent my urine away for testing, but told me there was nothing to worry about ... but as you can see, i'm still very worried. Wayne.
Wayne, sooo glad to see you here. We have been wondering about you! Glad that the doc told you there was nothing to worry about. I am in the same boat as you. I went today for my appointment on my month old injury and I had myself in surgery BEFORE I ever saw the doc! Ha! But, after X-rays that showed nothing, he is diagnosing it as a strained hamstring. He precribed me an anti-inflammatory. Sooo, let's have positive thoughts (both of us!) and I am sending you a BIG "GET WELL SOON"! Keep us posted.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Wayne, my dear old dad used to say, worry is like a rocking chair, you can rock all day and it gets you no where! Think bout it. You are a fit guy and you take care of yourself. Relax. When was your last complete physical? A complete workup might reassure you? I have a bladder the size of a pea and I used to think I was diabetic and my hormones were wacky but it was in my head. I got a clean bill of health and the assurance I could live to be 80 or 90! I was a pest but in the end my doc reassured me and you might need that. But try not to stress too much. It's not good for your immune system. What do you do for relaxation? Meditation, yoga? Perhaps you might something to help calm you down. Even a good book can do the trick. Keep reassuring yourself in postive terms! There's nothing wrong with you! And breath and smile alot! That's an order!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/coollook.gif Bobbi
Hey Wayne,

I know how it's so easy to worry about stuff like that. I've had similar problems for years, on and off, and no doctor I have been to gives me a good answer. It's always something different, and never anything definitive. I live in a town famous for its awful health care, though. Even for emergencies, people try to leave town for care as opposed to going to our hospital. It's sick and sad how bad it is. I wonder if Elko is the asylum for all worthless health care "professionals". They just come here when nobodye else will take them. As soon as I get out of here (I finally have health insurance again) I am getting myself to a GREAT facility and getting a FULL FULL FULL physical exam. For everything.

I'm glad to hear your doctor doesn't think it's anything serious. Maybe you can get a second opinion in another town when you get the chance? Until then, try not to worry!! I think you'll be fine.


aaahhhhh! what a fantastic prescription Bobbi.....Wayne are you listening.....breathe and smile, breathe and smile.........feel better? I know I do!

So sorry you are not feeling well. I agree to definitely see your doc. I know someone who had to pee all the time and he found out he had diabetes. Not saying that is your case, but it could be so many different things.

I hope you will get well soon!!

Oops...editing to add..I just read you already went to the doc! I hope all is well!!

Hey Girlfriend!

I've hardly had time to lurk, let alone post, since we got home, but your post here caught my eye (of course :)) and I am SO happy to hear that you're hobbling over just a strain. I say "just" with full understanding that a strained hamstring is a slow-healing injury -- I've done it myself and truthfully my left hamstring will never be the same again, as I kept re-injuring it. So my girl, the moral of this story is: take it really slowly and let it get all healed before you (literally) jump back into anything too strenuous for the ol' legs. I know how impatient you must be -- squelch it, my dear! :)

I will be in touch later via e-mail -- gotta run now!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
Hi Cutiepie Wayne!

SO glad you went to see your doctor, my dear! It sounds like you're still wound up in all likelihood over nothing, but I know you're feeling stressed nevertheless. I hope some relaxation, extra water and a couple of days of those tablets will start helping things. What's in those tablets, by the way? Curious about the treatment regimen you get "across the pond" for UTI's -- I rarely get them but have a sister who gets them every time the wind blows, so I've kinda been "around" them my whole life.

Hugs to you sweetie and hoping you're feeling perkier really soon!

http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0903/spezial/spudniks/spudniklifter.gif
Well, still having trouble sleeping, which is really getting me down. Sigh... Still peeing, but only twice last night (that woke me up) which is better i guess. The stinging has now gone (urge to pee) and left with just a normal urge to pee. Doc said it was stressed related and that i may just have to put up with that fact that i have the bladder of a 90 yr! Saying that, though i've had this for months without a single worry, it was only when i became concious about it that it started to effect my sleep and i felt the stinging...think thats kinda funny right? Perhaps me and my body over reacting. I don't mind so much having to pee, but please, just let me get some sleep. I'm so tired...
You are rather high strung aren't you, Wayne? That makes you a kindred spirit. I tend to be a little wired myself and I am a notoriously bad sleeper. Sleep deprivation is horrendous! I often say when I don't get enough sleep, it ruins my life. Yes, I m very dramatic but there's truth there! I was having some trouble with depression not too long ago and I was very wakeful. My doctor helped me deal with the dark side of that but I have continued to rise at a time most people would consider the middle of the night. I will not lie in bed and try to get to sleep. I find that stressful and I don't want to associate my bed with stress but rather, with sweet dreams.

I have found breathing and relaxation techniques very helpful. I am often keyed up, my head full of thoughts and plans and that's great when I can deal with them but I don't want them when I need my rest. I have been drinking Valerian tea at bed time but I did wake up to use the facilities so I don't know if that's going to be something I continue. I have a couple of guided relxation tapes which teach me to relax by going from limb to limb tensing each muscle so that I feel first what tension feels like and then it guides through relaxing each muscle so I know what relaxation is. It's better than a sleeping pill! I rarely make it through the whole tape. I found the tapes of Dr. Emmett Miller really helpful and you might try his sleep tape. http://www.drmiller.com/products/body.html#easingintosleep

If worse comes to worse you can always ask your Dr. for a sleep aid to get you through. It will pass! Try to stay relaxed and postive and reassure yourself that this is but a temporary situation. Your medication is already helping but you are still very stressed out and that's perfectly natural. You have the power within you to get this under control. You must accept it and demystify it and start to build confidence in your own abiblity to change it. Relax. Breathe. This too shall pass and once you master it, it will never be able to stump you again. Try the tape. It's wonderful!

Hi Bobbi

Thanks for the reply. The funny thing is (and it isn’t really funny). My peeing hasn’t really bothered me at all. Sure I noticed that when I lay flat I feel the urge to pee, and it can be bothersome, but it hasn’t bothered me. That is, until someone said “oh its probably an infection!” that started this whole thing off. Worry, OMG I have an infection… since someone told me it could be an infection I’ve been worried about it, the peeing is getting worse and I’m now waking up in the night, 2,3,5,6 times to pee. I never woke up before. Never… The Dr said he couldn’t see an infection, and say’s its Irritable Bladder and that is stress related. I already have Irritable Bowel, so this just about finishes it off. As soon as I go to the toilet…I feel the need to pee again. No matter what. Its very upsetting and I don’t like it. I can deal with it in the day, but at night, its bad that it keeps me awake worrying. I hate it. I’m trying to control myself and only empty my bladder ever two hours but it’s hard. Sigh. I have a friend who is a Dr and I’m getting him to check me over for other tests just to see…but I’ve always peed a lot, so perhaps I need to RELAX, get back to normal and try and stop concentrating on “OMG I need to pee again and I’ve only just been”…

Thank you all for your concern. It means a lot to me.

When I was a child, one of my teachers called my mom because I had to pee all the time and it was because I was wound tighter than a little spring. I highly recommend relaxation exercises but I am not particulary good at them. Partly I accept that this is me and it's normal for me and I workout and I am busy and I get at least 6 hours sleep, more when I can. When I am feeling calmer, the relaxation techniques are heavenly but I cycle in and out of rather hyper behavior. It's a busy stressful time of year too, so that's probably a factor as well. You know, we are surronded by potential infectants all the time and our bodies do a great job warding them off and you eat healthily and workout so you have an edge. I highly recommend yoga and I do mean the spiritual type that emphasizes the mind body connection through the breath because people do not know how to breath although we all do it, have to! Breathing shallowly can result in a constant state of stress. I love the Total Yoga Series by Tracy Rich and Ganga White. http://www.whitelotus.org/books/index.html

We make our bodies strong, we nourish them but we often forget that our bodies are only part of the whole and that our thoughts, fears, worries have a direct affect on our stress levels and hence, our good health. As always, becoming aware of something is the first step toward fixing it and it is fixable. Mull it over and decide what steps you can take to help you calm your fears and release yourself from the grip of your stress! It is within your power!


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