Using dumbbells instead of barbell


Hello, Cathe and/or educated crowd. When substituting a barbell for dumbbells on squats, is it better to get them to the shoulders or to let the arms hanging with the dumbbells? Does having the arms flexed (with the dumbells) during the squat decrease the challenge for the lower body?

I use dumbbells usually in plac of a barbell cuz it feels better to me and I have gotten great results. I guess weight is weight. But it may vary by who you ask. Tracy
I too use dumbbells all the time, with a 4 yr old in/out and trying to mimic me, I feel safer with dumbbells and him underfoot. I tend to put them on my shoulders so that I have a similar grip to the group in the video, it seems to me that with the weight on your shoulders, you have to use extra muscles to keep balance and I find it easier to maintain a proper form, if they are on my thighs I can't squat as far, but has Cathe says in ME, "it has to feel good to you".
dunbells are what i use in PLB just cuz it is quicker I either put them on the shoulders if not to heavy or let hang by sides on plie squats I will rest on the quads
My son and I were discussing this friday we both agreed the weight on the back with barbell felt the best as far as keeping proper form and sticking out the glutes but sometimes that barbell hurts my back and neck corse he goes to a club so he ahs access to machines I can only geta bout 55 pounds over my head onto my back that is as heavy as I go I think if you hold the dumbells with your arms flexed you definitely are working the arms more
I used to do PLB with a combination of DBs and a BB mainly to make it faster for me to shift weights. I used a pair of 15's and 20's and a 35-lb. and 45-lb. BB. When using DBs I'd put a rolled, thick towel around my shoulders so I'd feel the weight, not pain. I also used a BB pad.

Nowadays I do wall squats with a stability ball between me and the wall, and it's easier for me to get into proper body alignment with the DBs at my sides, my arms having the tiniest bend at the elbow to protect the joint.

When using dumbells I like to rotate between placing them on my shoulders and letting them hang down. I definitely feel that I am working my muscles in different ways depending on the way I am holding the dumbells. However, I never put over 15 lbs on each shoulder and when I use over a total 30lbs of weight I will always shift to my barbell. :)

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