Upper body split question...


What is the most effective way to do a 2 day ub split (as opposed to 3 day like GS or 4DS)?



Keep smiling & sweating!
Ok since no one has answered you yet ...I will take a stab and if I am understanding you correct this is what I do. I will do all sorts to keep my body guessing, 3 day, 4 day and my fave doing each body part once a week(and then adding in MM at the end of the week) but you could do
Mon--Back Biceps
Tues Shoulders Legs
Wednesday Triceps Chest

or do them
Mon Back Biceps
Wed Shoulder legs
Friday Triceps Chest

And I also like to switch up the body parts so they are not always on the same days or even break up the body parts so that the same body parts are not always together. Is this helpful or did I miss the boat!!! :)
Gym Styles IS a 2 day split isnt it? Back/Biceps/Shoulders and then Chest/Triceps??
I personally like to combine the things Im looking to do the most work on and do them together. For example, I really want to build up my back the past few months, I feel it has been neglected and not caught up with the rest of me.. I have been doing back and shoulders together for the past 4 week rotation now. I do bi/tri/chest the other day.
A lot of poeple like to do push one day (chest/tri), pull the next (back/bi). Some like to mix opposing muscle gorups (like in 4ds) and Ive seen a LOT of shoulders on leg days too.
I would try just taking any two upper body muscle groups and doing them one day, then the other three the next :)
Cathe's video's usually have some good premixes that can accomodate, but if not then just skipping chapters Ive found have worked for me... I have days when I just DON'T want to do triceps hehe, so I skip right over them :)
Oh, you are right! I feel foolish...

I prefer to do chest/back together & bis/tris together....so, my ? is, which day is best to do shoulders (besides w/legs or another day) OR maybe I'm just thinking too much & it doesn't really matter.



Keep smiling & sweating!
>I prefer to do chest/back together & bis/tris together....so,
>my ? is, which day is best to do shoulders

I'd do shoulders with bis/tris (do shoulders first, then bis/tris, in that order). Chest/back are large muscle groups that can take more work, while bis/tris are small muscle groups that don't need as much.

Just make sure you don't do the two workouts (back/chest, shoulders/arms) on back-to-back days, as shoulders are also worked during chest and back work and would need more recovery than that (at least for many, if not most, people).
I do the same split as Kathryn. I always make sure to do back & chest early in the week. That way, if I don't have time to get in a second upper body workout, I've at least worked the large upper body muscles that week.

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