Upper Body Slimming


Active Member
Hi Cathe,

I am pretty much new to your videos. I only have Bootcamp(tough but I love it!) and MIS(very tough, still working at it).
I consider myself at the intermediate level as far as my workouts go. I workout between 4-5 days a week. I am working on slimming my upper body right now. I would like to get some more of your tapes or dvds. Can you give me some suggestion on which videos might help me achieve my goal and maybe any other workouts that might help?

Just a side note: I am what some call top heavy and I have a flabby stomach. I really want my upper body firmer so I really need some help.

Thanking you in advance
Would you mind if someone else jumps in here? I hope you don't, because you may not like what I have to say, but there is no such thing as "spot reducing". If you have a flabby midsection, you need to do more cardio workouts and watch your diet. There are plenty of exercises for toning your upper body, if, for example, you want more shape in your arms. But there are no exercises that will target the loss of body fat from a particular area of the body. That's just a myth perpetuated by television advertisers and other unscrupulous characters.
Hi Ciara--I'd like to echo what Nancy said. My body shape is similar to yours--whenever I gain weight it goes right to my waist/stomach & I end up looking like a barrel w/two skinny arms & two skinny legs.

If I didn't follow a very strict diet, I'd be in big trouble. While I do cardio 3-4 times a week & lift 3 times a week, the exercise is not nearly as effective as the dieting when it comes to staying slim.

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