Upper Body Double BM2 Premix....


The upper body in BM2 is about 20min per the back of the dvd cover but the Double UB Premix says 72 min....is this correct???

I did this one last night (doing only one set of the shoulder, bicep and tricep work and ab work). I think the total premix time was right around 70 minutes, but that includes warm-up, abs (also done twice) and stretch.
I did this premix the other day and it is a toughie!! I thought that 5s and 15s were going to be way too light..HA!! I had to drop to 12s for the second set of militaries and the second set of incline curls. The abwork is also done twice--YOWZA! This premix is going to be in my rotation quite often. I'm thinking it probably took me even longer as I had to pause between some of the ab sets.
Those biceps curls on the incline ball are killer for me!!! I also had to drop to 12s - oh my! I did this yesterday, leaving the abs off, and then followed up with the full B&G plus 2 of the leg add ons! I think it was a full body workout. I foolishly didn't think the upper body 2x would be that much. Was I wrong! I am feeling it today!! :)


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I was so sore after i did the BM2 upperbody just once with the 5's and 15's, i cant imagine how sore i'll be with the 70min upper body premix
Oh my goodness!!!! How long did your entire workout take you?? It sounds like you blasted both UB and LB! I would be one huge ache!;)
Yes Susan - it was a rock solid 2 hour workout - and it was fantastic!!! I had gotten all of my housework and office work done, and the kids were either at school or unexpectedly with grandparents. NEVER get that kind of opportunity, so I took full advantage of it. And I used 5 pound ankle weights for B&G - I was FRIED the next day - but loving it!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6

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