Update: Went to the dermatologist have a question??


Hi everyone,

I wanted to thank everyone for all of your advice about dealing with my acne! I went to the dermatologist and he perscribed Tazorac. Has anyone used this?? The product suggests to avoid the sun. Has anyone used it in the summer months??

Yup - I still use it from time to time. It is very powerful and you can only use it every other day, because it makes your skin peel within 24 hours. Be sure not to exfolliate with an abrasive because that will cause raw skin. It's good stuff, I use it for forehead wrinkles.
Hi Aila --

I have used it in the past but stopped using because it was too drying. I think if I would have used it just a couple of days per week, it would have been fine (instead of every day like my dermatologist prescribed). I *did* notice a change in my skin (looked more youthful -- but not necessarily less oily). It's amazing to me how my skin can be so oily and yet so dry and peeling at the same time! Anyway, I remember my skin looking more "glowy" (which isn't really a word, is it? but you get the idea.). Now that you've mentioned it -- maybe I'll start using it again :)

I have not used it in the summer but she did caution me to avoid sun, and wear a sunscreen during the day -- even though I only used the product at night. Also -- she told me to be sure my face was completely dry prior to applying it. She suggested waiting 20 minutes after I washed my face at night OR using a hair dryer for a couple of minutes to dry my face completely.

Good luck!
I went to the dermatologist today, too, to hopefully get my pimple-prone face under control. I was prescribed Differin, not Tazorac, but do know that the instruction sheet that my doctor gave to me did say to mix Tazorac with a little mosturizer before applying. Just wanted to pass that along!:)
RE: Update: Went to the dermatologist have a question?...

Hi Michele,

No, I didn't know that. I hope this stuff works!! I can't stand it!! The dr. said that if this didn't work for me then Accutane would be my next step:( . I am trying to avoid going that route if possible. I hope the Differen works for you!! Good Luck!!

RE: Update: Went to the dermatologist have a question?...

I went to the dermatologist about 6-7 weeks ago and she gave me Tazorac for my acne & extra vitamins. (I haven't had acne in years and boy did it come on strong - it was truly horrible!!!)

After two weeks my skin was actually worse, so I went back and she put me on Tetracycline. I'll tell you that I was desperate at that point. My parents' 50th anniversary was the following week and there were going to be a lot of photgraphs taken. Unfortunately the antibiotic didn't kick in until the following week, but all of the party-goers who didn't already know me thought that I was in my 20s!!! So, see acne does have it's benefits! LOL! (However, I cringed when I saw the photos - even with makeup, it looked really bad!)

So anyway, I've been on it for about 3 weeks and it's looking a lot better and flatter. The discoloration is still there so I'll talk to the dermatologist when I see her this month.

I'm wondering why so many of us are suffering from acne. I'm really careful not to wear makeup when I work out and wash up afterward. I'm hoping that this isn't hormonal and will just go away! LOL!

Good luck!!! And tell us how you're doing.
I highly recommend the book "The Acne Presciption" by Perricone. I recently followed his diet recommendations and my skin is clear for the first time in 20 years. I used to have cystic acne as recently as the day I read the book. I am 37.

It isn't so much what products you are putting on your skin, or what drugs you may or may not be taking....it is the food you are eating.

I won't attempt to recreate the book but if you cut out the table sugar and simple carbs in your diet, your skin will clear up. Other stuff is important too...like 6 to 8 glasses of water and plenty of fruits and vegetables, protein, and fish.

Get the book out of the library. I am telling eveyrone I know. It is a miracle. Or go by the bookstore and read the chapter on diet.
Hi Aila!

I'm hoping the Tazorac works for you! I did Accutane back in 1995 before my wedding and had incredible results. The downside is that it's a very potent drug. I had to be on birth control pills (I already was) but it can cause severe birth defects, had to get cholesterol tests done every four weeks as it can cause your cholesterol to skyrocket and since I didn't have a prescription plan back then it was very expensive. It cost me close to $250 a month-it's a five-month treatment.:eek: Since I was getting married, I was PETRIFIED to have a big zit (or more) on my face, and knowing how my nerves are anyway, was sure that my nightmare would come true!

It did work; however, about two years later my acne problems began again. That's just me, though, and I know other people who have taken Accutane and have never had another major breakout...my sister, for one.

I haven't been to the dermatologist for years, but have gotten so tired of having breakout after breakout. There is always something brewing on my face! I was prescribed an oral antibiotic (can't remember now what it was, since my pharmacy had to order it), a topical antibiotic (Duac) and the Differin. I'm using Neostrata for cleanser and was also given an AHA to use every other day. I'm praying this works!!! I'm 34 and my skin is worse now than it ever was in my teens!;(

Good luck! Please let me know how everything is going!
I have adult acne (never had a pimple at all during my teenage years!) and have gone to the dermatologist before but have never stuck with any of the stuff they've given me - has anyone ever tried ProActive from the info commercials? Just curious as to what those results were if you have.
Hi Rachelle,

I think the ProActiv system is great. I tried it way back when the infomercials began airing and liked it very much. At one time, I felt like it stopped working, but I think that's because I wasn't following all of the steps. I'm also somewhat of a product "junkie" and am always trying new things. I usually end up going back to ProActiv though. Just started again a few days ago lol. Definitely worth a try.

RE: Update: Went to the dermatologist have a question?...

I'm in the same boat as everyone else, never had bad acne till i hit my 30's, my derm put me on antibiotics (can't remember which one) i had good results but was leary of staying on them long term. She switched me over to a drug called spironlactone(sp?) which i must say i liked alot. It's good for long term, and didn't seem to have scarey side effects that alot of the other acne prescriptions have. And one benefit was that it is a diaretic... so no more bloating!! It didn't clear my face up 100%, but I would say it was about 80%better..... That was a big improvement to me. Good Luck Carolyn
RE: Update: Went to the dermatologist have a question?...

Thanks for your responses!! I am actually going to start using the Tazorac today. I hope it works, but if not I will mention some of the other medications to the derm. Thanks!!


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