Update on future workouts....

Hi, Cathe I noticed you are online. Now that the 4dvd split are done and shipped, do you have any idea on when you have the future workouts available ( or designed). Also, when will the new ipods workouts be available. I dont want to rush you, but curious minds wants to know. Excellent job on the 4dvd split! Even though I cant do them all as is, I love the premixes..Thanks,Veronica
Hi Veronica! I am working out the details of my next offering now. It is a more involved offering so I have to make sure I have all my ducks in a row before making any announcements. I do plan on saying something by weeks end though. Glad you are enjoying the 4DS.

Take Care!
Hi Cathe,

I am so happy to hear this news. I'm not rushing you to start the process, but knowing your plans helps me to plan. I will definately put some of my fitness dollars aside if I know that you are going to film.

Thank you for answering this question,

> It is a more involved offering ...

You tease, you!;-)

I'm thinking "is she going to do the 3-day split AND the boxing series(the two I'm most looking forward to) at the same time?" (Pardon me while I wipe the saliva off my computer keyboard!)}(
How exciting, Cathe!! You do such a wonderful job of continuously spoiling us with great workouts.

I'll take whatever workouts you have up next. I can't wait for the details.
Thanks, Cathe! You deserve a rest! No sooner do you have one series out, when we are begging for more! No one can blame you for playing a close hand. With all the clamoring for information you get, which is usually followed by endless discussion, dissection, and analyzing of your every word, which is, of course, followed by more clamoring for more information, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't utter a word until the day the pre-sale started - or until the vids were sealed and ready to ship! Keep up the excellent work, Cathe!! :)

Shelley G.

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