Update on Dad, Mayo, MN, and Cars.


Hello Friends of the Forum.
Great news-My Dad will be coming home soon. I just got back yesterday after a delay from MN, flying through O'Hare. My Dad's numbers are improving and so is he. It was great to be with my folks this weekend and for Mother's Day.
Mayo. If you've never been, it's something worth experiencing. The subway and skyways are enough to get me confused. Although, by the 3rd day, you know where everything is at. Victoria's is great. Hyvee's is good too.
MN-Beautiful state even it the SE section. Hope to make it back there sometime for fun instead of medical reasons.
Cars. My new Civic is awesome. Bright royal blue with a beige interior. My old Jetta has been now formally donated to a mission.
They fix up cars and sell them to residents that are recovering in their complex or sell them to the general public that are truly in need.
It's all good, praise GOD.
yeah, the funny thing is that I feel blessed tremendously although they're getting the car.

I am so glad that your dad is doing so well. I have been praying for him and for your family. I have been wondering how the stem cell transplant went.

Keep us posted!

I'm glad to hear how much you liked MN Mayo Clinic.
I'm from MN and worked at the Mayo in Jacksonville, Florida on the operating room transplant team.

It truly is a great place and I'm glad to hear you dad is doing well!


so happy to hear that all went well. yes, praise God. you know we have all had you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
what a wonderful idea to donate your car.

Jennifer, thanks for the update. I'm so happy things are looking up for you and your family. I'll continue to pray and please keep us posted.
I'm glad to hear your Dad is better. I actually live in the "land of Mayo". Yes, Victoria's is fabulous and HyVee is the friendliest grocery store I've shopped!

Enjoy the Civic!

So glad to hear your dad is doing so much better & that so many other things in your life are going so well!

Thanks for the update...:)

I'm so glad your dad is doing better. Yes, Minnesota is beautiful - I've lived here all my life and the changing of seasons is awesome. I hope you will return again soon.

Lisa - Do you live in Rochester or just close by?


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