Update 3/15/06

Best regards and heartfelt prayers to you Cathe. I use your videos at least 3 days out of the week and have been rotating the 7 I have for over a year now. You uplift my spirits every morning and set my day straight. With my husband being in the Marine Corps and away so much of the year during this stressful time for our country, you have continually kept my spirits up at home during my workouts everyday at 5am so I can take care of my 1 year old on my own.
I previously ran a Sports Medicine Clinic and know how hard it can be to go through an injury. I hope that you stay focused on your own health during this time....you've already done so much for all of us!!
Much love,
Beth Hornsby
Marine Corps Base Hawaii
Hey Cathe! Just wanted to say I'm sorry you are still going through this. It must be driving you crazy!!! I hope you find out what's wrong when you go to the specialist so you can get the proper treatment and start getting better!!! In the meantime, I have plenty of your workouts to keep me busy and I have a list as long as my arm of ones that I still want. My goal is to buy one per month until I get them all!!!
Feel better!!!
RE:Feeling Better

Dear Cathe,

As I write this I am amazed how inspired I am about you and your remarkable contribution of keeping us all in tune with our bodies. Just a thought- It would be a nice way of saying get back to us soon if you might do the next set of dvds directing and having one of the backup crew (CeeDee, Jai, Lorraine, Brenda, Rhonda)could each do a series designed by yours truly! I think that would be a great series) In anticipation to the next series with the Queen back in her Throne! Here's always wishing you a speedy recovery (take it easy!) and many blessings for the inspiration...Albert;-)
I've never written before but I'm fairly sure that I own every one of you dvds and videos (except for the premarital and prenatal as they did not apply). I just love you. You are such an inspiration to me. I am 41 years old and around 114 lbs with yes, three kids (my oldest is 22 years old). I've always been able to maintain my weight and passion for fitness because of you. My dying wish is to meet with you some day because the large part of my history involves your work outs. I often thought of becoming a professional body builder but I don't think that it would pay as much as I make being a CPA/Consultant. Plus I don't think that I could ever measure up to you. Please heal yourself and take care because my biggest future luxury is the release of your next dvd.

Take care,
Cathe, I am forever your devotee and truly don't know what I would do if you injured yourself to the point of having to retire! So take care of yourself, and PLEASE don't worry about us. We're in it for the long haul, just like you. :)
RE:Feeling Better

NO, NO, NO! The above people that you listed are all WONDERFUL, but Cathe is in a league all by her self!
Cathe...does this mean when your knee gets better you're gonna come back and kick our butts??? ;) (Not like you haven't aleady!)

Sending healing vibes...good luck!

oh I'm sure she will!!!
ya know it does stink when you can't do the things you want but there must be a reason for this- use this time to do the things you maybe haven't for a while. I recently got a really bad cold and strep throat and was laid up for a little over a week- I never get sick but there were alot of nasty germs going around ..plus I wasen't working out like I should- I know excersize helps the immune system. anyway I watched alot of shows I never get too- read a book i've been wanting to read and just had a relaxing week. now I'm better and back to the hour plus workouts!! it is a little rough getting back in- and I hate it because I start out slowly and want to do an hour but only can do 15-20 min. at first....but in no time you get back in there- and yeah she'll kick our butts even more- I can't wait!!!
Hi Cathe,

I'm new to this forum, but not new to cathe workouts. I love, love, love them! Thanks so much for all your hard work. The mentioning of your injury caught my eye on the home page and I had to read about it.
Just 3 weeks ago, during the Rhythmic Step workout (feeling extra energetic) I felt a sudden sharp pain in my left calve muscle that sent me to the ground. My first reaction was to just quickly pause the tape and wait a minute. That didn't work because I couldn't even stand on the leg, so I decided to pop in Ab Hits and give the leg a rest for a while. At the end of this I still couldn't stand up and realized this was serious.
I strained or 'pulled' the medial head of the gastrocnemius.I applied ice and elevated the leg for the next 2 1/2 days and was able to walk on my toes. After just one week I was lucky enough to walk almost without a limp carefully and lightly stretching the muscle each day. After two weeks I did the step workout from the wedding tape without step. I'm now using the step again without risers cutting out all jumps and twists. I take extra time to stretch and warm up my calves and have increased my water intake during the workouts (the lack of it supposedly reasons that can cause this).

I feel for you and hope that by now, you are doing much better. I hope you will be extra careful when you start stepping again, because everyone tells me if it happens again it will be much worse.


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