Update 12/30/05

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Hi Cathe! I just got online and can not believe the some of the posts here! But, being an instructor myself (granted - on a much, much, much smaller scale!), I know how cruel the masses can be!!

I love the presale - especially the presale prices - and I am glad you offer the opportunity to order this way. It sounds like some of the crowd here are just not "presale" people and should probably wait next time to order once the DVD is in stock.

What I love most is the finished product - always worth the wait!! Your workouts are first class! Keep doing what you are doing - you do it so well!

Best to you in the New Year,

>For future reference SNM, maybe you should think about any
>announcements until you are READY to film. This way the wait
>time is not too long and you are not put to the fire by
>announcing things and then have to recant.
>And once your do announce a time frame, if there are any
>delays/obstacles, it would be in your best interest to
>announce it and let the customers know of any delays. Even
>when customers pre-order or back order an item from various
>stores, etc, a timeline is given or possibly a date. And when
>there are any delays, it is in their best interest to inform
>the customer of any delays, etc.
>It is just communication. And I think that is all anyone on
>this board want.

I agree completely!
Hi Cathe,

I can't wait to get your new workouts. I will wait as long as it takes to get them done. It's not like I don't have enough of you to last me for a long time:) I think people just need to chill out. For the prices we paid for the preorder it is worth the wait. People always need something to complain about.
People have to remember they don't have to preorder they can wait and pay full price. I would rather get the discount and wait. I bet everyone would get really up set if you didn't offer a preorder price anymore. If people keep complaining thats what might happen next time.
Keep up the good work and I hope your leg feels better.

I really cannot understand why people are actually upset and taking it personally that others are complaining or not completely happy with SNM. The thing what started this whole discussion was simply a few people asking for an update, which given the delays that are occurring is CERTAINLY not out of line. Why are these people being treated like complainers who have done something wrong. We have all agreed that we love Cathes workouts, they are well worth the wait and most people don't want their money back. I think the point was that some of us just felt blown off because we were told nov, then a few weeks from the beginning of dec, then a message that really gave no indication of what to expect as if it was all some big secret. It was just so disappointing to some of us. Then after all the bit....g that has gone on today, FINALLY, we get a message explaining what the heck is going on.

I can also see why people think that Chris sounds rude because sometimes he does sound a little rude on email(Sorry Chris, but it is true, just keepin in real). So many things are lost in translation in email, and he is actually a nice guy. I talked to him one time because I had a problem with one of my DVDs. He was very nice and helpful, but on email he is very short.

If some people are completely happy with SNM and have no problem with the lack of communication about the delays in filming, that is wonderful. I am happy for you. But for those of us who are a little disappointed, let us be disappointed because that is our decision and our perogative.

I have been visiting this forum for about 4 years now and I would like to continue coming here, but only as long as I can voice my opinions or ask questions without being attacked or judged by others.
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