uneven arms


If there is a strength discrepancy in my arms, should I train to the 1 rep max in my weaker arm (and underwork the stronger one) or the 1 rep max in the stronger arm (and constantly fail in the weaker one)? I assume that I should not train unevenly, when using dumbbells, by using a different weight for each arm.
Weaker side

Most people will have a strength difference between their L and R, but unless there is a very big difference in strength between your L and R, just use a weight that will work for both sides. Usually, even if you only test your strong side, you will still be able to perform or come close to the recommended reps for your weaker side when doing each exercise. You can always give your weaker side an assist to get an extra few reps to help it become stronger.

Also, keep in mind that weakness in one side compared to the other may have more to do with where your tendons attach to the bone than with the size of the muscle. This can give one side a big mechanical advantage even though both muscles are the same size and strength.
the discrepancy I have is related to nerve damage, so it is a bit more than the generic left/right arm dominance matter. The weak arm will fail much sooner. If I use a weight that is suitable for the weak arm, then the strong arm is not challenged at all. I think I like the idea of using the heavier weight and assisting the weak arm as needed.
If there is a strength discrepancy in my arms, should I train to the 1 rep max in my weaker arm (and underwork the stronger one) or the 1 rep max in the stronger arm (and constantly fail in the weaker one)? I assume that I should not train unevenly, when using dumbbells, by using a different weight for each arm.
I have the same problem.. my left arm is much weaker then my right ( had frozen shoulder due to a fall) had sugery 11 months ago and my left arm is very week. I started sts a week ago and notice my arm is getting stronger already. I did the one rep max with my right side( not thinking about the left side). I can do most of the reps with my left with the same weight as my right just maybe off by 2 then i just help it along at the end. Good luck!
I just realized yesterday that my left tricep is stronger than my right...never had any injuries or problems. I just noticed that my left arm has better motion too with the weight and the right arm really struggles a lot more. Bizarre...but I guess it can happen.

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