
I tried it 5 times...it was right the first 2 times and I was surprised and thought how cool. I've got to show my family.

Then it wasn't right with the last 3 tries. It would figure that it would happen when I was trying to show my family. I'm sure they distracted my concentration.:+

hhmmm i'm trying to figure out how this works. I'm thinking, did you put your mouse near the symbol when you concentrated on it? The computer program might be able to detect it. Just a thought :) i put my mouse near the wrong symbol, and that symbol came up, not the one i was thinking of. :)
I had my mouse all the way on the other side of the screen and it worked 4 out of 5 times for me. Weird! Does that mean some of us are more susepctiable (? spelling) to suliminal messages?
Wierd. I'm going to sit here at work ALL day now and try to figure this out. It will kill me until I do!

Thanks for sharing.

Don't read unless you want to be disappointed
The symbols change every time...your number will ALWAYS be a multiple of nine (9,18,27,36.....)The symbol always is consistant with those multiples.

Lizzie's right. I tried it 5 times and the first 3 were dead on (all multiples of 9), the last 2 were wrong (not multiples of 9). Makes sense now. It was really fun...I have forwarded it to friends and family to see if they can figure it out :)
Ah.....b/c its fun! And this is the open discussion board.
I did it and it worked everytime.It has me confused.

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