I havent received mine in toronto yet. maybe next week. how long does it normally take for dvds to make it there?
I'm in London and I received mine on Wednesday or Thursday, don't remember exactly. They might be with you tomorrow - I assume the post is not working today because of the Bank holiday?
No, I didn't. I don't remember ever having to for any of the DVDs I've been ordering from the USA and I've bought quite a few. Hope you'll find yours in your mailbox very soon!!!
Did you have to pay customs?
When it comes to having to pay customs it's really hit or miss. Though customs is supposed to collect an import tax they usually don't on smaller amounts as they don't have enough employees to do so and it is too costly to collect the smaller amounts. But it's kind of like speeding tickets, when they need money for their budgets they step up enforcement.
I received my ICE DVDs in Bulgaria / Eastern Europe yesterday . I was not charged customs or VAT. My DVDs arrived just as I began getting upset thay they may have lost - they left the USA on 19 December and I couldn't track the postage further. Luckily got a call from the mail woman that my package is ready for collection at the post office .
I tried Rock'm and To the Mat and I'm very happy :)
I received my ICE DVDs in Bulgaria / Eastern Europe yesterday . I was not charged customs or VAT. My DVDs arrived just as I began getting upset thay they may have lost - they left the USA on 19 December and I couldn't track the postage further. Luckily got a call from the mail woman that my package is ready for collection at the post office .
I tried Rock'm and To the Mat and I'm very happy :)
That's actually pretty quick for Eastern Europe. It's not unusual for International packages to take 4 weeks to be delivered. Sometimes longer. So I wouldn't worry if you haven't received an Intentional order from us yet as its only been about 2 weeks since we shipped the ICE pre-sale orders.
Nathalie....YIKES!!!! Fees on top of the actual cost of the set? So your new dvds' cost about double?
I am in toronto and they still have not arrived. I have confirmation that I ordered so I don't know what the hold up is. That said, I've been trading a few dvds too and they are taking a while to arrive as well.
I am in toronto and they still have not arrived. I have confirmation that I ordered so I don't know what the hold up is. That said, I've been trading a few dvds too and they are taking a while to arrive as well.
I just got my preorder in the Vancouver area last evening the 4th. Hope you get yours soon! I cannot see it taking a great deal longer. (you can use the tracking number on the Canada Post site as well and it will let you if it's passed through customs or not. Mine appeared to pass through customs in under 12 hours.)
Nathalie....YIKES!!!! Fees on top of the actual cost of the set? So your new dvds' cost about double?

No it cost me 32 usd on top of the pre-order price. Next time I won't let the custom win!
I will do something about how my parcel will get shipped at lowest cost. This is just ridiculous!
I still haven't received my DVD's. I never received an email with a tracking number but I do have an order number. I wonder if they missed me? I mean I've paid. Hmmmm. I've sent CS an email. I guess I will just have to continue waiting.

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