Ugh, anyone else bored?


Ok, I have no money for fun stuff. Any suggestions on what to do when there's no money?

I've cleaned, I've worked out, I've done my scrapbooking, I've read enough, friends are working....seriously...what do I do? TV's just NOT cuttin' it.

ugh, sorry I'm having a irritatingly boring day. thanks for letting me vent ladies. :confused::(
I've been sort of bored too! LOL But I LOVE IT! Boring is good sometimes, and is MUCH better than a hectic-in-a-bad-way life, right? LOL

I have 2 boys, so entertainment is pretty easy when you play cards, board games, sports outside, roaming the neighborhood, raising salamanders and grass hoppers (seriously, lol) etc. I have some time to myself while they're in school, and I've done all the things you've listed also (scrapping, reading, exercising, etc), so I've resorted to decluttering and donating again. AMAZING how much stuff I keep coming up with to donate, I swear it multiplies when I close the cabinets or closet doors! ;)

How about friends??? I'm fortunate that my friends are pretty close to me and we all keep each other company. I've had to stop going to lunch and pedis/manis with them because of the costs (although they still continue to go), but they understand and we will have lunch at one of our houses once a week or so. We're all getting together this Friday at my house for a Bunco night.

I was dying right around 3 p.m. Too bad this thread didn't start then! Now, I'm busy taking care of the wienies - nail trimming and baths. You're welcome to come help! :)
Why don't you volunteer? I know it sounds like something your mother would say, but really - you've got time on your hands and need to be stimulated and there are so many people/animals/places that need help. And there is nothing like helping someone else to make you feel good.
When I'm bored, I pick up projects I have pending. I make some of my own jewelry, so I'll do that, or practice my golf swing as I am a newbie, play a video game, or practice my Chinese! I have my hands in way too many things to get too bored!
Aaaw Liann! If you lived here...I'd be there RIGHT NOW! lol:p

Well, I don't have any kids AND I also went through my ENTIRE closet and DONATED TOO!!! LOL Seriously, I don't know what to do. My real good friend works 2 jobs!! So it's really hard for her to see me. I have 2 other friends but 1 has kids (not that I don't like kids, I do!!!:D) it's just she's doing things with them and family (totally cool!) and my other friend is working....ufff.

I've redone my filing cabinet, I'm shredded all papers unwanted, I think i'm just doomed to watch tv. I just can't stand sitting around.


Well stink...back to watching tv/websurfing (that gets old real fast too:confused:)
Hmmm, volunteering is a good idea. I looooooove animals, maybe I'll call SPCA/Humaine society and see if they need help. Thanks!! Darn it, why didn't I think of that? Eeeek, I hope that doesn't mean I'm selfish!!!!:confused::eek:
Ok, I just filled out an app for volunteering at the SPCA...what to do now? ::jeopoardy music plays:: LOL!!:D:p
You'll have to take up knitting or sewing, then you'll always have some sort of project going on. I have way more fabric and yarn than I need. . . . . I know what you mean though. I work from home and sometimes after everything is said and done I'll just download some new music from itunes and take a really, really, long walk yesterday I walked for 2 hours.
See, that's the problem with walking, it's kind of an "eye sore" around here. I'm not trying to make is an just makes it harder for me to WANT to go out and walk ya know?

My husband and I used to walk pretty far to get to this cute little pong with ducks and geese, we would feed them. Gosh I miss him! He'll be home shortly though! Then we feed the birds!! teehee!:p:D
OH! Yes! The SPCA is an awesome idea! My kids and I go every 2-3 weeks and help with the cats. We go in before they open to the public and we clean out the cages, brush/play with/clean the cats, changes litter boxes etc. We're a bit scared of the dogs :eek:, so we stay with the cats and WE LOVE IT!!!!!

Great idea!

Eeeek! You brought up a good point! On my volunteer app I said I would work with dogs, now I'm kinda scared! Cause what if they bite or something?! Crud, well, hopefully I can work that one out when they call me to come in.;)
Fantastic! I too am a huge animal lover - hopefully you will be able to walk the dogs. Both of you can get exercise that way. :D

I have to say ...very impressive! You didn't let any time go by before volunteering...I would definitely say you are not selfish.
Eeeek! You brought up a good point! On my volunteer app I said I would work with dogs, now I'm kinda scared! Cause what if they bite or something?! Crud, well, hopefully I can work that one out when they call me to come in.;)

You two crack me up because I would be way more afraid of the cats! I love cats, but aside from my little love bunny Raja (RIP), all of the cats I have been around bite and scratch me just out of the blue. I'm jumpy around them now cuz' I never know what they are going to do. I would probably be nervous dealing with certain dogs, but I'm sure the SPCA would only let certain people deal with dogs that they deam in any way questionable.
Eeeek! You brought up a good point! On my volunteer app I said I would work with dogs, now I'm kinda scared! Cause what if they bite or something?! Crud, well, hopefully I can work that one out when they call me to come in.;)

I volunteer walking dogs at our local humane society, and they won't let any dogs go out of there if they haven't been tested for temperment. I've walked some crazy dogs, but none of them have ever been mean or come even close to biting. I'm sure the agency you're going to volunteer at is probably the same, so don't be scared! It's a great thing to do!

I also want to suggest some craft hobby for you, or try learning a new language! A couple years ago I decided I wanted to learn Italian, so I went to the library and got a couple books/tapes and have been slowly learning on my own.

Take care.
Find a public library. Find a book, magazine, or newspaper. Read it. Expand you mind and your horizons. :)
Good thinkin' Denise! I'm totally mindless sometimes!! HA!:eek: I know you're right about them making sure they don't put rabid dogs with people. Geesh, ok well, I'm not really scared anymore I suppose. I'm just ALL OVER THE MAP!! taahaaa!:D
Oh Liann! About the cats...I suppose there will be a few CROTCHETY old cats in there that are not as nice....BUT! I'd rather get a few scratches than a big ol' dog bite! nevertheless, I'm going in there and I'm just going to pretend all animals are cute little nice things that I will LOVE and give my affection to! hehe;):D
my recent hobby is upcycling. I take things that people will either throw away or put into recyling and try to make new uses for them. I recently just made this portable water bowls for dogs in the car so they can have something if their thirsty...I'm going to make self watering garden container this weekend or next weekend out of kitty litter buckets that were lying around in my friends garage. It's ubergeeky but it's been fun and considering how I'm a bit more strapped for cash, it's been useful...
On the subject of dogs. When I went thru the volunteer training, they did say that the dogs are all 'road-tested' and stuff, but personally, I just know how skitish my kids and I are around those big dogs down there. 95% of the dogs in our SPCA are a Pit Bull-mix and they are HUGE. I mean, when standing on their hind legs, these dogs stand as tall as my 9 year old! :eek: Now, I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just justifying MY lack of interest in helping the dogs. The SPCA also said that the ONLY way they'd put me in with the dogs was when I personally felt 100% comfy in there, or else they wouldn't force the issue.

OK, enough of that! lol

UPCYCLING! I've never heard that term, but it sounds like something that I've recently started doing also! I'm a crafter who scrapbooks and makes cards, and recently I've been taking other items and 'altering' them. What I do is take a used item (like a PB jar, loose tea tin, the big plastic container my organic lettuce comes in, etc) and decorate it to be used or given to somebody. This past weekend, I decorated the PB jar, filled it with shredded paper, an iTunes gift card and some things like a pack of gum, tic tacs, etc, and attached some balloons to it. No wasted gift wrap or gift bag, and the decorated jar is PART of the gift. I'll be doing the same with Christmas gifts too. When I get a chance later today, I'll post a few pictures if you want to see what I'm talking about. My sister took an old baking cookie sheet and made a decorative perpetual calendar with it!


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