Tyra Banks Rant


Okay,what's up with this girl anyway??

First its"I'm not fat, in fact I plan on gaining 5 pounds every year, I have curves, who cares what you think!"Remember the so-what deal?

Ok, cool, if you are happy in your skin, healthy and feelin' fine and foxy, very good, Tyra was right, the hell with what others think right?

But....now she graces the cover of Life&Style mag, 30 pounds lighter, and the article inside details her diet plan, healthier food choices, exercise etc....okay great. Glad she "cleaned it up" and started exercising and eating better. She always looks stunning, no matter what, her show is great, etc....
I guess my rant is this: Shut the hell up. At least Oprah is pretty much honest about her struggles, the average woman can relate to her--well at least with the struggles with exercise and eating right!

But this Tyra thing is annoying for some reason. If you were so dang happy at your other weight and made such a huge deal about it to the press and on national telly, then fine....now all of a sudden a retraction...

I don't know why I should even care anyway. Just happened to really bug my butt when I saw this article today.:)
I get what you mean, however, I just see her as human, with insecurities and vulnerablities like the rest of us. I suspect during her "so what" phase, she was just trying to convince herself that she was happy, but really wasn't so content after all. Everything's public about her--we all get to see if she's heavier or thinner. Everyone has something to say about her body. And everything she says about her own body, and her own feelings, gets documented, analyzed, and critiqued forever. I'm sure glad I'm not in that boat, 'cause I've been known to change my tune from time to time. Not because I'm deceitful, but because I'm on a journey to figure out what I REALLY think about things. Aren't most of us?

Yeah, this kind of thing is a little strange. Why didn't she say from the beginning; " I know I have gained some weight, but I just love to eat" And then get all of her audience to wear their weight on their chest for a t.v show. Id be a little pissed if i was there that day ! LOL I would have been like..."what happened to celebrating our weight?
She was far from fat and certainly didn't need to lose 30 lbs. just eating healtier and exercising would have made her feel better. And maybe she realized how ridiculous gaining 5 lbs a yr actually was! LOL
She was probably trying to convince herself that she was happy. She didn't get the best training at eating healthy as a model, so she was probably just so happy to be "free" of that lifestyle. Now that she's had some time to adjust, she realizes that there's a happy medium between letting yourself go and being obsessed with every thing you put in your mouth.

I think she's tempermental and emotional - but I like her.
i read the mag she is in, its confusing actually. in one part it says she was upset by the photo and the forced her to look at things, then later on she says that she just wanted to eat healthier and exercise to feel better. well which is it was it health and tiredness that motivated you or was it the fact the ppl earn a living by exposing unflattering pics. i think she looked good either way and she is human,but she need not be honest with US as the public but with herself.

it did have some nifty meal ideas though. i was expecting more on the workouts b/c the cover said it would talk more about that but it was really a little blurb of things she tries instead of an actualy workout. bummer, i like reading workouts from the famous and not-so famous.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

Personally, I think she's a fraud. I understand the theory that she was hurt and her rant was an emotional response (which is probably exactly what happened), but at the same time, when you are in the public eye, your words are held out there, recorded and some expect that you are going to live up to them, at least, in some sense. It's not like if you or I were to say those words. She went on this huge rant and "stood up for the young girls out there" to promote a positive body image. Then she back right up on that when she had the time and energy to lose the weight. I know others won't agree, and I see the other side of the coin, but I have no respect for her actions.
>She went on this huge rant and "stood
>up for the young girls out there" to promote a positive body
>image. Then she back right up on that when she had the time
>and energy to lose the weight.

Christine, that is a very good point. It is kinda sad. I'll admit, I was confused this week when I saw the "thinner Tyra" mags (including Shape), because I had read the People mag article from months ago.

Tneah, it's funny you brought this up. I hadn't even noticed myself, until my 17 year old son pointed it out to me. He felt basically the same way you do. He went on about how she went public about her weight, as though she were fine with it, and then proceeds to go on this diet and loose the weight again. He was basically saying the same thing. Shut up about the weight already, since you obviously do really care what others think.
I thought the exact same thing when I saw that magazine cover. But this is one of the reasons I can't stand Tyra. She's always trying to be whatever it is she thinks people want. She'll talk "proper" when she thinks that is the audience, and then play at being all "ghetto" when she's trying to get at that audience. And neither stance is natural for her. She tries to be relevant and she's just not. I just wish she would go away already. I'm sick of her posturing.
This is why I like Oprah so much - billionaire or not, she's real. Could be from her dirt-poor childhood which she has never forgotten. We all have been with her and the weight increases and decreases.
I saw that article too! What the heck is wrong with that woman?

Society sends so many double messages to us:

Tan is in and Pale People are chastized, yet tans cause skin cancer and premature aging

It's OK to be the size you feel best in as long as it is a size 00, which is an unnatural size for most mature (as in age) women.
I got sucked into her show "America's Next Top Model". I normally don't give two looks to these people. I was impressed that she was still on top, hosting a show and she looked good to me, even though she was not model thin.

Besides, what is wrong with curves? I have curves - my husband loves them and I am at a healthy weight. Marilyn Monroe had curves and they sure didn't hinder her in photographs.

The thing that makes me laugh on this show is the models that are told to lose weight and they are drop dead gorgeous and already look thin!

She had one show that had two girls who were plus models. They didn't make it. It wasn't their weight - they really weren't good models.

Tyra is part of a competitive and shallow and vain world. I even saw a model who was in her 20's cut down because she photographed old. Jeesh - I'm 47 - what do my photo's look like.

I think all celebrities that gain weight say they are okay with it, etc. etc. but deep down, they want to get back to ultra thin. It's part of their world.

Just my humble opinions.
Pale people are chastized? Hmmmm...I never have a tan and have never felt any negativity about it. Of course, I'm almost 40 and people think I'm only 30, so that might make them shut up.
You go with your white pasty self!:7 Frankly, I admire those with beautiful white skin. I spray my tan on now, cause I just look better with a little color--blond hair/grey eyes, but always wished for either red hair/fair skin or brunette/dark hair, fair skin--like Dita Van Teese!
I agree heavily with the original poster on this subject. Tyra is absurdly annoying to me for some reason. She never quite seems to come across as genuine at all (like another poster said, proper one minute and ghetto the next). Every interview and article that I have ever come across about her is just simply annoying.

I personally think she thinks that she will somehow inherit Oprah's thrown once Oprah decides to step down from a daily show. She is already trying to gain sympathy from the masses when it comes to her weight "struggles" (much like Oprah did).

But news flash Tyra....no one is sympathetic to you!! At least I'm not!!! She perpetuated an unrealistic image for years as a model now wants to turn around and be "relatable" to the masses and have us share in her weight battles!!!! PUHHHHLEASE!

Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! Its enough to make me want to pull my hair out.

Ok...thats my Tyra rant for the day.
"She went on this huge rant and "stood
up for the young girls out there" to promote a positive body
image. Then she back right up on that when she had the time
and energy to lose the weight."

I think it is very conceivable to stand up for young girls out there" to promote a + body image and lose weight/get healthier at the same time. Actually, I don't see any other way to go about it...productively. What young girl is going to take health and fitness advice from someone who is pounding whatever it was Tyra was pounding to gain weight so fast and from someone who does nothing for exercise.

I'm not saying that the VS Tyra was more credible. What I'm saying is the VS Tyra is no more credible than the gaining/sedentary Tyra. If she wants to promote a positve self image and be a role model for young girls, she has to eat right and workout.

As for her going back on her word...I'm not so sure she did. I did see (on The Soup) that she suggested the media kiss her fat arse and went on a rant. It was obvious she was hurt. She is human, we all would be. Gaining weight in the public eye would be as bad as being in the Miss Universe pageant and falling on your butt. Yes, she chose this life but still, it would hurt to have those things said about you.

Then, months later, Tyra decides to get healthy. GREAT!! Maybe she realized that to have the positive self image, a healthy mind and body that she preaches about, she needs to eat right and take care of herself. She had to come to these realizations on her own and on her own timeline. We all know you can't make someone do these things, they have to want to. Well, now she wants to.

For the record, I'm not really a Tyra fan, never stomached thru an entire show.
Your rant "shut the hell up" did make me chuckle! I agree, it seems pretty contrived that she was content with herself and now there is all of this hoopla about her weight loss. I don't get it either. I guess deep down inside she was not happy even though she told all of us that she was!!
Actually, I know Dita from the periphery. She's been around a long time -- she really did not catipult to fame until she married Marilyn Manson.

She is very, very shy and according to the owner of a company she used to do photos (he and I are colleagues of sorts), Dita is very difficult to photograph due to her alabaster skin.

I agree, though, she does have nice skin and I like her burlesque style.

Dita is a very tiny woman -- very tiny.

But classy and always well dressed!
Let me tell you -- when I was younger (a century ago), people made fun of my skin all the time.

They used to be very critical of my pale skin.

Even my mother hated my skin and used to try to force me to tan.

All the sun ever did for me was give me water blisters, a fever, and pain.

I've only had two sunburns in my life and that was two too many.

I cherish my skin and at 52, I am told I look much younger than my chronological age.

And tanning beds are worse than the actual sun!
She married Marilyn Manson? What rock was I living under then?? I wouldn't be surprised if she did hav issuses now. Anyone who marrys Marilyn or Micheal as serious problems....


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