two questions


Active Member

I have noticed in some posts you may eat a "PR Bar" prior to workout. Is this the "PR Bar" you get in the store or through the mail?


I have also noticed that you suggest keeping a routine for several weeks or months. I have always just tried to do aerobic 4-5x/week and strength 3-4x/week. I still have a long way to go to look as great as you. Is there a particular reason to keep a certain routine for a period of time? I mean the same strength exercises or tapes? Maybe this would produce better results. I always thought I was doing good because I was keeping my body confused. (But I am also sometimes confused ha,ha) Thanks for your input.

Sorry to but in, but I had a question re: PR Bars.I called the 800 number to see if I could get a sample (just one or two bars!!), but I was told I could not. I was then told that the bars sell for about $23/box, and there is a two box minimum (I didn't ask how many bars per box). Forty-six bucks and I might not even like them?? I am puzzled.The rep told me they are the "best tasting bars," which is nice to hear, but I wanted to form my own opinion. Oh well. I did not place an order.I was just wondering if anyone thinks these are worth buying. Do they really taste better than the other stuff out there? I'm not falling for the 40-40-30 bit; I would just buy them if they tasted good (since bars are so convenient).sorry for the long post. Just curious.Michele

I have tried PR Bars & Balance Bars and to me Balance taste better and you can get them for $14.99 from PR BARS, to me, have a medicinal taste were Balance does not. The Honey Peanut is the BEST.....Maria
Balance bars


thanks for that info on where to get Balance Bars. I've been having a hard time finding them. I love those Honey Peanut bars, they are the best. But just one problem I didn't see the Honey Peanut on their list of Balance Bar Flavors

Lydia L
Balance Bars and Met-RX

I LOVE balance bars. I am particularly fond of the yogurt honey peanut -- actually, I like all the Balance Bar flavors. I have been getting them for .99 each at Kroger in my area.

Another great nutritional supplement is the Met-RX shakes. I love these and have one every a.m. for breakfast. Vanilla and Apple Pie a la mode are my favorites
balance bars

Thanks for your posts. I was a bit concerned about the sugar in the Balance Bars (although I do love them, maybe that's why)

Too, Source One is very good without a lot of sugar. I really like the Iced Oatmeal Cookie!!
I just wondered if these were good for energy prior to workouts. Any comments?

Maria,Thanks for the info. I've seen Balance bars, but never tried one. I will check them out. Any other good ones besides honey peanut?
Thanks again,Michele

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-99 AT 10:47PM (EST)</font></center>

I like the Honey Peanut the best but they do have a lot of different flavors and if you can get them individually try the Brownie and Chocolate Raspberry. Maria
PR BAR/muscle confusion

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-99 AT 02:40PM (EST)</font></center>

Based on the way you worded your question, I am assuming that you are familiar with the Ironman bar by Twinlab(formerly owned by the makers of the PR Bar)and the PR Bar that is only available by ordering directly from the company and only when accompanied with the Fastburn program. To answer your question directly, I have access to both bars and enjoy both of them equally. I must admit, however, that I enjoy the PR Bar/Bavarian Mint flavor the best. It tastes just like Mint Girl Scout cookies.

The reason I recommend staying with NEW weight routines for a few weeks at a time is because it takes a little time for your body to adjust to the new format and the new poundage you will need for all of these exercises. If the weight routines are routines that you have done very frequently and your body is very familiar with them, it would be okay to rotate in and out of them more frequently.

As far as cardio is concerned, you can rotate frequently in and out of different types of workouts. The only time I would recommend staying with a specific cardio routine for a few weeks, is if you are introducing it to your body for the first time(or re-introducing it to your body after a long time away from it). For instance, if you never took up running before and suddenly wanted to start, your body would need a few weeks to specifically acclimate itself to the frequency, duration, and intensity required for this new type of workout. Good Luck!
PowerBar and Clif Bars

I like PowerBars and Clif Bars. I eat
at least one everyday. They are pretty
good. I like Clif, regular PowerBar, PowerBar Harvest, and PowerBar ProteinPlus. The
ProteinPlus bars contain 24 grams of protein.
Regular PowerBars contain about 18 grams of
sugar and 10 grams of protein.

I was afraid that they would make me gain
fat, but they didn't. I think that when I eat
them, I end up eating less junk food. They definitely give me more energy. I also get very hungry when I am trying to eat healthy things
like fruit and yogurt. The bars satisfy my
hunger. Sometimes, they actually satisfy my
sweet tooth.

I can buy them in singles for $1 at Gaylan's.
$1 for them is cheap--I have seen them elsewhere
for about $1.50. ProteinPlus bars cost $2
at Gaylan's.
Thanks for the web sites

Melissa & Maria,

I'll have to order some. It's pretty expensive to buy them ala carte. Balance Bars are 1.20 or 1.30 each at my local health food store. Amy, that's a good price for your bars. It's unfortunate I don't have Krogers near by. Grand Union has them but they don't carry my fav honey peanut. I don't think their prices are that great, either.

Lydia L
Thanks, Cathe

Thanks for your response. It is so great to be able to communicate with you and "pick your brain"!!!

So, if I am understanding correctly, I could vary my cardio (unless introducing a new activity) but should stick with a specific weight routine for a few weeks. After reading several posts I, too, am going to try the one body part per day.

Thanks again.
cheaper Balance Bars

I have found Balance Bars to be cheapest at Target and Drug Emporium. They are .99.
Targets or Drug Emporium


Thanks, unfortunately I don't have either store close to me. But I think I might check out a Rite Aid or Cvs. Or even GNC. If I do buy a big box over the net, I'm hoping the bars would keep in the fridge. I notice they do have an expiration date stamped on the package. But they are so good I don't think that the box would sit for too long

I notice BJs and Price Costco carry some bars but I'm not sure on the brand, I'll have to check. I don't think that they're Balance bars.

Lydia L
PR bars

Hi Michele! Read your post regarding the PR bars and I order them all the time. I did start w/the Fastburn Program which included the bars (they come in all different flavors: Strawberry Truffle, Chocolate Peanut butter, Bavarian Mint, Granola and Vanilla Yogurt) and followed their meal planner and recipes and had a lot of success w/it and so did my husband. It is expensive and if you didn't feel the need to purchase this you can always take chromium picolinate (but make sure you do not exceed 250 mg a day), and eat a 7 grain toasted bagel or have some yogurt w/fruit or granola before you work out for your energy and this will suffice but if it's weight you want to lose or lower your body fat I would recommend this highly. This teaches you the correct combinations for the 40-30-30 diet. It's very nutritious and the recipes are full-proof and tasty. It's up to you. Take care and let me know what you decided, Kathy
thanks, Kathy

Hi, Kathy,Thanks for your input. I'm still considering rtying PR bars, although why I'm so caught up inthis whole "bar" issue is beyond me. I used to eat plain old regular food before working out & throughout the day, and weighed about 10lbs. less. Go figure. I guess I'm just looking for something to jazz up my routine. I should most definitely be concentrating on eating LESS, not more.Anyway, thanks for taking the time to respond. I'll keep you posted.Michele
Balance Bars

Hi Lydia:
I found Balance Bars at WalMart for $.97. Surely you have a WalMart. SAM's also sells them by the box, but they don't have as many flavors.


Thanks, Rosemary, I'm heading to a Walmart this afternoon. I had picked up a bar at the Grand Union and they are asking $1.69 each bar. Is that highway robbery, or what?

That health food store near me was asking $1.79...
The nearest Walmart is about 20 minutes... But, I do have other pertinent things to do there... I'm looking for that BodyPUMP tape and barbell...Gotta get ready for Cathe...

Lydia L

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