Two Days Off and I'm Going Insane!


Hello All,
I have taken yesterday and today off from working out. My period hit like a ton of bricks and my legs are not too happy lately either. So I have forced, and I mean forced myself to take these 2 days off. Physically I feel better from the rest. But mentally it is taking its toll on me. Yesterday I did a lot of yelling at my kids. Today I am cleaning the house so as to avoid being so testy. The house is looking and smelling great and I feel like something is being accomplished. My reward for taking these rest days is that tomorrow my husband and I are going to the Base Fitness Center to play racketball, use the eliptical machine, and do some laps in the indoor pool. My 2 oldest boys go with us--they are learning to play racketball, and like running around the indoor track, and shooting hoops. This Fitness Center is brand new and really awesome! And it is free because my husband is retired from the Air Reserve. It is 30 miles from my house--but we only go once a week and we go to the library and the Commissary and fill up the car with gas while we are there.
So I've got to get back to sweeping,mopping,vacuuming, and dusting. Can't wait till tomorrow--can't wait till tomorrow--can't wail till tomorrow!
Thanks for listening to my whining. Just needed to vent. I can make it through this. I know I can.
I completely understand!!!

If I am injured or tired and take more than a day off - I am not the sweetest apple in the bunch! Isn't it amazing what exercise does to calm and refresh us? Hang in there...and don't worry, you are not the only one! Now, do not go out there and hurt yourself tomorrow. Listen to your bod!!
I completely understand!!!

If I am injured or tired and take more than a day off - I am not the sweetest apple in the bunch! Isn't it amazing what exercise does to calm and refresh us? Hang in there...and don't worry, you are not the only one! Now, do not go out there and hurt yourself tomorrow. Listen to your bod!!
I sprained a rib yesterday putting the hard top on my convertible. I can't remember the last time I had an injury. Maybe 10 years? I went to the chiropractor this morning, he told me no impact, no upper body weights, no see him again next Friday.

So, yesterday I was supposed to do cardio and legs. Nothing. Today was supposed to be upper body. Nothing. Tomorrow I am going to try riding my Airdyne and doing some lunges and squats with dumbells hanging by my sides. I'm going nuts already and it's only been 2 days.
Thanks for the support Jennifit. I never realize how working out effects me mentally until I can't workout. But I have made it through today and looking forward to working out at the Fitness Center tomorrow.
Mogambo, I am truly sorry to hear about your injury. It is so hard when something like that happens. Last year I had to take two weeks off because of plantar facititis(sp), then after working out one day I hit my little toe and broke it--that really hurt. I was so mad at myself for not having shoes on. Then in July I had surgery on my foot to remove a growth, so I had to take 6 weeks off. That was hard to get going again after 6 weeks. So I really try to listen to my body and take a rest day or two when I need it so I won't have to take a couple of weeks off to recover from an injury. Hope you heal quickly.
Thank you. I hope so too. And I hope you and Jennifer and everyone gets to work out all they want with no injuries. It make such a difference!
Boy can I relate I go crazy if I evevn think about not being able to work out I do however take 2 days off per week sat. and sun. due to the hours I work Monday can't come soon enough. When I am sick which is rare thank god, I panic about not working out but Iknow rest is best So Ihope it helps toknow others feel the same have fun on staurday
Oh, Magambo! That's really rough! I've been sick this week with some kind of stomach flu symptoms or something and haven't been able to work out, but when you're sick you don't want to work out. When you're injured, on the other hand, I imagine you want to work out and just can't, which must be awful!!:-( But ribs heal quickly, and just keep in mind that your fitness gains will not disappear so fast. After a few days back, you won't even know you took the time off...

Get well soon!

Oooh, Mogambo, rib injuries are painful! May you recover quickly!

Miss Heather, will you just listen to yourself! Settle down, young lady! The idea of taking time off to prevent overuse injuries and prevent burn out is to take time off! Don't push yourself and go on a mad cleaning binge (unless you want to do it HERE:) ) relax and read and soak in hot baths, stretch, listen to music and make Father of Six give you massages! Enjoy it! Working out is wonderful but there must be time for downtime! Remember your post about feeling overtrained? Rest is an important component of fitness but it's not much good if you spend the time agonizing over not working out! So, stop that! That is an order!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Thanks for the advice. And looking back, yesterday was a cross training day, not a day off. Cleaning can be great exercise! But not nearly as rigorous as Cathe's workouts. My house looks great. I rearranged my livingroom so I can workout right in front of the television again. I had been having to do my step workouts about 20 feet away from the television set--had to have the volume up quite high, too. I always feel better when the house is clean and uncluttered. My legs feel much better and my period is over! Since I quite nursing my youngest I get a massive headache during my period. I found that putting an ice pack on my head helped alot.
So, we are off to the fitness center.
I hope everyone who is sick or injured gets better real soon. And if you can't workout your body, work on your attitude! I am going to work on mine too!
Heather :D
Thank you Nancy and Bobbi. It's taken a lot of will power for me to not work out at all the past two days, today I am thinking maybe I can do Legs and Glutes. I think if I skip the one-legged deadlift exercise, everything else should be ok. Or I might do Leaner Legs with dumbells at my sides and skip the deadlifts. Or maybe I'm crazy and should just do nothing for another day. AHHHHHH! It's also a nice day outside and I could go running, but he said no impact . AHHHHHH!

I know I should just relax and let it go, but it's difficult. I think "It feels so much better, I'll bet that silly rib won't mind if I just do a weeeeeee bit of leg work."

Do I sound irrational? Of course I do. Am I going nuts? Of course I am. Do I read this forum too much to torture myself? Maybe. No. Yes. Maybe.
Irrational? No! Nuts? Maybe. ha ha ha ha
If you want to try leg work, just try it. If it hurts -STOP!! You are too funny. This thread has been so funny to read because we all can relate to our borderline obsessive exercise cravings. (which, I think is just great!)
I hope your rib gets better! Keep us posted.
Yes, it is a healthy obsession I think, but maybe not when the healthy thing is to rest some little tiny body part who just has to ruin it for the rest of them by needing all this attention. Well, that spoiled little brat didn't foil me. Here is a copy of my fitness checkin with a friend:

"Some might call me a risk-taking fool, but I decided that after two days
no exercise, I was going to try cautiously and see what happened,
if it seemed safe to do so. I selected StepBlast on 6", using the combo
1,2,3 only premix, and I kept the impact low, but it felt fine, so I
followed it as is (adding her level of impact). It is 36 minutes of
half-baked cardio. By the way, it seems like it will be easy to modify
make it tougher by turning all the "sculpt" moves into power 7s or power
and lots of other jumping moves can be added without too much trouble.
fun to do, for what it's worth.
Anyway, I had queued up MIS to the leg work, skipping the warmup. So, I
changed T-shirts and did MIS legs. The chiropractor told me I could use
weight as long as I kept it by my side and didn't put it over my head,
so I
tried holding 2 20 lb dumbells. That felt awkward and precarious, my
very tense holding the weight, hitting my legs, straining my shoulders,
so I
started it over and picked up a 40 lb barbell, very slowly and
No pain, no nothing, so I just did MIS with a barbell and small dumbells
the last two exercises just like Cathe does it. So far so good. Then, I
the calves and stability ball work from PLB. I wondered if the ball work
would feel funny, but it didn't. I got through the whole mish-mosh with
apparent damage. I still feel fine, but I guess if I'm way stiff in the
morning, I'll know I shouldnt have done it. If I'm not stiff in the
then I plan to do ME upper premix. If I feel anything negative at all
upper body work, which if anything is the most dangerous thing to try,
I'll just do some bike cardio instead.
Today was also the 1000 calorie day for my diet. I just consumed an
obscenely large pile of cooked brussel sprouts with salt, pepper and a
teaspoon of butter. I have maybe 50 calories left for a cup of decaf tea
with milk before bed, or 1/2 T. of peanut butter if I'm starving.
Tomorrow I
will make yellow rice and black beans, with a fried plantain and a
salad. But tomorrow is another day."

I seemed undamaged this morning, so I'll proceed with ME upper premix later and hope for the best. And my legs/glutes are sore today. MWAH HAHAHAHAHAAAAA! That stupid little rib didn't win, not yet anyway.

Boy, you know I am always amazed at how much excersise affects me emotionally. I have heard it said that working out changes a person at the cellular level...and I can't agree more. Everytime I have had a crisis in my life and thought I needed an anti-depressant, a good run or workout changed my outlook for the better. I admire your determination Heather. When I homeschooled my kids, I remember wanting to workout more. The moms in my school group would frown and say nasty things. I would get up at 5am just to get my run in. My house and teaching life felt sooooo much better, I was much more creative and patient. Hang in there girl. Enjoy your day at the health club! ~Deb
Thanks Deb,
I homeschool my children and I know I wouldn't be able to if I didn't workout. After I workout, the little things don't bother me so much. I have lots more patience and get more done. You would think that I would have more time to get things done if I didn't workout, but it doesn't work that way. Working out gets my day going and keeps it going. I feel better and behave better with everyone, especially my kids.
I had a blast at the health club. Played racketball with my husband, then did a 50 minute Cross Training Course on the eliptical machine, shots hoops with hubby and sons, and then did laps in the lap pool. Had a hot shower after all that and felt terrific. My legs really felt better after taking a couple of days off. I am glad I listened to my body instead of pushing myself into an injury.
You have more energy than I do though. I don't ever get up at 5 am. I workout when I wake up anywhere from 7am to 9am. Usually earlier, but sometimes when I don't sleep well it is later. My kids are good at getting going on their schoolwork without me. They know they have to get it done no matter how long it takes. If they get done with the stuff they can do on their own, then they get to go outside and play. They are real good at leaving mom alone while she works out. They have learned to get along, help each other, and leave me alone. Praise God for that!

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