
I am pretty surprised that I haven't found a thread on the new movie yet with as many Twilight readers that we have here, but I am excited to start one! :D
Okay, what did you guys think? I really was pleasantly surprised, and I am even more surprised that DH liked it even more than I did (I may have to get him back out to see it again ;]). I was really sad that one of my favorite lines from the book was left out, and that they really didn't show how Bella took care of Charlie (cooking for him - I would love, especially since I have an almost teen, for a "cool" movie show kids helping out around the house and being considerate toward their parents ;):p). I went in expecting nothing and walked out feeling pretty pleased, though. What are your impressions/thoughts?

I went to see the movie but I have not read the book. I thought it was great. I didnt realize that this was was a teenage movie until I was on line to go into the movie theatre and saw all of the teenage girls but I still enjoyed it and thought all the vampires were beautiful especially Edward!!!
My DD and I both loved the movie and the books. We both went with low expectations knowing they couldn't put everything from the book into the movie. We're going to see it again tonight, we liked it that much. Edward Cullen {{sigh}}.
I really enjoy the movie since it followed the book. My DD and her friends (13 years olds) could not wait to see it. They were giggling at certain parts of the cute.

Will definitely see the next movie if they make it.

They were giggling at certain parts of the cute.

Yeah, I loved that line when they are at prom at the very end and Edward says "I leave you alone for one minute and the wolves come out" or something like that and all the teenage girls are laughing (and I admit I was) and DH was like, "wuh? I don't get it." I told him he had to read the book... ;) I really really really hope they don't stop here. It is really neat to see something produced the way you had imagined it (for the most part) when you read it.

My DD and I both loved the movie and the books. We both went with low expectations knowing they couldn't put everything from the book into the movie. We're going to see it again tonight, we liked it that much. Edward Cullen {{sigh}}.
My sister wants him to turn her, like he is real. No joke. She is 18, lol.

I went to see the movie but I have not read the book. I thought it was great. I didnt realize that this was was a teenage movie until I was on line to go into the movie theatre and saw all of the teenage girls but I still enjoyed it and thought all the vampires were beautiful especially Edward!!!
You should read the book. :)

I was pretty happy with it. I thought everyone was very well-cast (except for Eric, one of the guys at school ~ I did not picture him like that at all).

My favorite scene was when Bella went to meet the family, and they were attempting to make her dinner. After a few tense moments, Carlisle turns to his family and says, "I think that went well." :D

Missy: Ha. I'm not into Edward, but after reading the series, I want to be a vampire in the worst way. I want a special power too, darnit!
Missy: Ha. I'm not into Edward, but after reading the series, I want to be a vampire in the worst way. I want a special power too, darnit!
LOL, I also loved how they put RAW bacon into the salad, hahaha. I am honestly not that into Edward, either (I like the Edward from the Anita Blake series - give me flame throwing, bad@ss sociopaths over sparkly granite any day ;]) but to have the kind of speed and strength... and to never have to sleep. That would be pretty darned cool.

I don't know, I was really excited to see this movie--and almost felt like I was rekindling a Shawn Cassidy-like crush for Edward--sick--I'm too old for that! But when I saw it, I just couldn't get past all of the cheesey dialogue. It reminded me, a little bit, of the Star Wars prequels--with the sort of wooden dialogues that seemed to lack emotion. Now that I think of it, I thought Hayden Christiansen was pretty cute too (maybe my expectations of the teen heart-throbs is too high). When I think about it, Edward, definitely had the tortured look down, but when he pulls Bella from the thugs and they are in the car---Stop me (say with no emotion) I might do something (whatever he said) It was just silly. Or when he tells her to hold on spider monkey---I just felt the corniness was too much--Is corniness a word? No.

I hope the sequels get better with a bigger budget.

I have not seen it yet, but glad to see good reviews. I have one friend who thought it was terrible and laughed all the way through it. I may have to drag DH to it.
Yeah, one must remember that the series is geared toward a much younger audience, so both the books and the movie don't have the most sophisticated dialogue. I wouldn't have made it past the first book if my daughter wasn't reading all 4.

However, the concept is awesome. And considering the target market is the teen population, it's nice to see Edward and his family present a decent, respectable picture. Ethical, well-mannered vampires ~ works for me! :D I'd love to see a grown-up version.

My daughter and I have a game now: What we'd do if we were vampires. :eek: Yesterday, we were deciding how we would eat. I told her I'd feed off state prisons. That way I'd stay nourished and do society a favor.
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I've been looking for a thread, too!

I confess I'm a huge fan of the books, so I too went in to the movie planning to be okay if the movie was horrible--cause how could they really put what was in my head on the big screen? However, I was very pleasantly surprised. I thought it was pretty good! It definitely had some cheesy moments, but the books are made of cheesy moments! I'm rereading Breaking Dawn right now and I'm really noticing it--not a problem, just fun!

My big complaint about the movie was the audience I saw it with. I realize teenage girls are flipping out over Robert Pattinson, but it would be nice to actually HEAR all the dialogue without the squeals and giggles!

Can't wait for New Moon!

My big complaint about the movie was the audience I saw it with. I realize teenage girls are flipping out over Robert Pattinson, but it would be nice to actually HEAR all the dialogue without the squeals and giggles!
That's why we went to a 10am showing. I think, including us, there were about 15 people in the theater. ;)
I went and saw a 10:00 A.M. showing the first day, too, and I had to laugh since I was one of the youngest women in the audience -- and I'm 37! The audience was mostly women in their 40's, whose daughters had all gone to the midnight showing the night before! :)

I really liked it, and my crush on Edward is even bigger than it was before. ;) Missy, I also thought it was odd that they didn't show Bella taking care of her dad more; that's such a big part of the book!

I'm hoping to go see it a second time soon!
I went w/ some galpals in the afternoon of opening day.

The theatre was jam packed.. we went around lunch and alot of teenage girls cut school to go see it which cracked me up!

I enjoyed the books and thought they were great brain candy, read all 4 of them in about 2 weeks. They did a great job with the movie staying to true to the book. The casting was really good imho as well.. I also liked the the fact that they made Charlie much funnier in the movie than in the book.

While I enjoyed James Pattinson as Edward, I still think the "angsty vampire to beat" is David Boreananz as Angel.. sigh... now THAT'S a vampire!! :)

Lynn M.

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