the movies....soon


Oh....I just clicked on my local theatres bookmark and what I was too excited to see a 'Buy Your Ticket Now' for Twilight!!

Nov. 21! I will so be there, but a few days after the opening cause I feel certain it will be sold out for a while.

It was originally scheduled for release 12/12,iirc.

So, Twilight fans....will you be at the theatre opening night or a day or so later?
did you read the book

did you read the book....My friend told me to read the book but vampires?? not to sure whe said she was not either but she is hooked to the series.


My daughter is crazy about Twilight. I have read the first book and did like it. I will be taking my daughter and her friends on opening night. I do not know if Robert Pattinson will be dazzling enough as Edward Anthony (Masen) Cullen Jr. But Kristen Stewart is a great fit for Isabella Marie Swan.


I just went and looked it up. I does sound like a great movie with all kinds of twists and turns. Who knew that I would be interested in a Vampire Movie!

Thanks for sharing,

did you read the book....My friend told me to read the book but vampires?? not to sure whe said she was not either but she is hooked to the series.
I've read all 4 books in the series.

It's a cool concept: Vampires living and interacting with us, yet the majority of the human population has no idea they exist.

The author aims for a younger crowd, so if you do pick up the first book, keep that in mind. The character development isn't too deep, and your gag reflex may be challenged a bit with the romance between Bella (human) and Edward (vampire) :p , but if you can get past that, it's interesting.

I read the series because my 13 year old was introduced to it by the other women in our family. If not for the fact that my daughter was going to read all 4 books, I probably wouldn't have made it past the first one. I'm glad I stuck with it though ~ the final battle scene in Book 4 is kinda cool. :eek: I went from "Oh God, this is dopey...I'm gonna barf." to "I wanna be a vampire too!"

I am looking forward to the movie. I think this is going to be one of those rare times when the movie will be even better than the book.
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I read all the books too. I loved them because for one, no bad language AT ALL.

No demonology, no taking the Lord's name in vain, no ridiculous sex stuff....think Laurrel K. Hamilton.

The love story with Edward and Bella entranced me. I don't know whether to be embarrassed or not, but I loved the romance of E and B.

Jacob was awesome, but a tad aggravating. His 'teen-ness' was the only thing that kinda got on my nerves.

And all the other drama was just plan....well, fun. I had FUN reading the series.

I need lots of fun...believe it
Like Lori said, Twilight (the first book in the series) definitely has more of a "teen" feel to it (lots of mushy, first-love stuff), but all four are fun reads.

The author is actually Mormon, and so the books are very "clean," like Kims said.

Another Team Edward fan here! :p

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