Turbo Jam?

You can make them high intensity. It's all what you put into it. I was dripping sweat by the end and I'm an advanced exericiser. I'm also training for a marathon, and these workouts are tough enough for me. Definitely not low intensity. The intensity was just as high as one of Cathe's. I go into it full force and love it!
Variety is the spice of life and I love rotating "Turbo Jam" into my workouts! The fun factor is high and I enjoy using them on days when I'm feeling "the dread factor" for my other "more serious" workout DVDs.

I'm not trying to become a kickbox expert with "Turbo Jam"---I just wanna have some fun doing cardio! Woo hoo! (I'll save the seriousness for some of my other workouts). Oh yeah---I get a great cardio workout, too! And since I haven't thrown my back out or injured a limb, I guess I'm not doing too bad:)
Tried these. Thought they would be fun and thought they would be a more authentic kickbox workout. This is definitely not a kickbox workout, wasn't enough of a cardiovascular challenge for me and was boring. The style might be fun for some though but don't kid yourself about it being a kickbox workout. Sent mine back. I think you are going to find those that love this workout and those that dislike it. I am in the latter category.
Hi I order the Turbo Jam and got it a few days ago and preview a couple. I just trid the 1st cardio party and I thought it was great. I really work up a sweat. The cueing is not as great is Cathe but I think after you do it a couple of times you should get it down pack. I am going to try the legs tomorrow because I did preview that one and it really looks like a good one. I will let you know. HTH:)
>Where do you get this? Who makes it?
TurboJam is put out by Beach Body. There is a new infomercial and I think the price is different then the website.
>Hardcore kickbox afficionados will not like these workouts."

I consider myself a hardcore kickbox afficiondado and I love these workouts. IMO Chalene has excellent form albeit different then Cathe. I am pretty aware of my form as I studied a discipline of Tae Kwon Do and have been awarded my first degree black belt.

These workouts are fun, the music is great and Chalene is adorable. I'm fairly funk impaired but still enjoy these workouts. I can hardly wait for more as she has promised.

I have no problem making them fit the intensity level I desire. If I want to up the intensity I use weighted gloves or my heavy bag, the same things I need when I want to up the intensity of Kick Max.
Thanks for your honesty Jen! I have been reading all the reviews on the Turbo Jam workouts and can't decide whether to order them. I have thought of just getting CP 2 and the legs workout ($24.99), but not sure. I've looked on ebay and they are really pricey there. Just when I think I want to order them, I read a bad review then I'm not sure again. I'm really pickey with workouts unless it's Csthe. I've sold a lot of workouts I've bought in the past because I didn't like them so that is why I hesitate so much.

Hi Mickey,
Thanks for the review on the TJ workouts. I have been debating on getting them, but wondered how they compare to Cathe. I do mainly Cathe workouts with a few Firm from time to time.


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