Turbo Jam on backorder


To those who have ordered TJ or want to order: I have seen this in the video fitness reader forum.

TurboJam on Backorder


I am so bummed (would use other words but want to keep it clean) that I ordered on Monday and they are on backorder. The Rep I talked with said she has no clue when they will have more in.

I don't understand why wouldn't they make enough copies.

Mariángeles :-( :-( :-(
Maybe the DVDs have to be pressed in certain amounts - 500 at a time or so. For example, if you only had orders for 1200 DVDs, you'd have to wait until you got more orders to make the third pressing worthwhile, because 200 DVDs are not enough to run another full press.
Holy cow! This just came out last week!

I'm sorry, Mariangeles, I know you were really looking forward to getting the workouts. Let us know when they come off backorder. (I think I will be ordering, too.)

Hang in there and do some Cathe in the meanwhile! :)

Hi, Eminenz2 that is a possible explanation.Thank you very much for your support Marie. I appreciate it. I have been looking forward to getting the workouts for a long time.I will let you know when come off backorder.I promise. I have sent a email to BB answering and I have not an answer. They have a poor consumer service. I will stay working out with my dear Cathe and Tony Horton in the meanwhile. Thank you.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Chalene Johson the creator of Turbo Jam has posted this in the Turbo Jam BB forum:

I just spoke with Customer service and learned the second shipment is due to arrive on Thursday. I'll see if I can get a more accurate/detailed report!

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Thanks, Mariángeles, for keeping us posted. I just ordered Turbo Jam last night. I've been anxiously awaiting it's release ever since I first heard about it. I'd really be disappointed if shipment were delayed several more weeks.

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