tummy tuck or not?


Cathe, I have had several tummy surgeries, including a c-section and hystroectomy. I was ok tho until Hypothyroid hit me and i gained tons of wt. then lost most of it. but now, on my lower tummy there is sagging skin, do you think it is possible to get it in shape with exercise and not have to get a tummy tuck? and if so, are there special exercises i should do?
this really lowers my self esteme alot. and i have been considering a tummy tuck. would love to hear what you have to say about this first tho.
I am not Cathe,but she has answered this question before on this board. If you do a search for the words stomach or tummy you are bound to come up with tons of suggestions and previous Cathe replies.

:) :)

I think the problem lies if you have excess skin or excess fat in that area. If the problem is fat, then doing aerobic workouts will help eliminate that (plus clean eating). Then, you can incorporate abdominal work. The only problem with doing abdominal work alone is that you are only spot training. This leads to a larger waist because you are only adding muscle and not getting rid of the fat. Certainly, you should strength train your abs (and whole body), but don't forget about the aerobics. There are tons of videos on the market, and Cathe has a wide selection. Plus, don't forget about the treadmill and eliptical. And, make sure your excercise program is okay with your doctor. Only he/she can determine the consequences after your surgeries.

Don't let your stomach make you feel depressed. I have had 2 children, but my problem lies in my butt and hips. We all have a trouble spot (or two), but with proper diet and exercise you will probably eliminate much of the problem you have. We all tend to overestimate the problem, so give yourself credit. After all, not everyone goes through c-sections and a hysterectomy. If all else fails, after 6 months of proper training and clean eating, then see a doctor. I just wouldn't resort to that first. There can be problems in the long run with tummy tucks, as they are not the ultimate cure. You can regain the weight or have problems with toning that area after the surgery. Best wishes and stay positive.

I'm not Cathe either...wish I was, but I digress. I have the same problem as you. I have had two C-sections, one being a set of twins. I have fought stages of depression over my stomach until I had a wake up call from my doctor. I was really depressed because the doctor told me with my family history that I should be put on medicine for high cholesterol. I begged for a few months to try to lower it on my own. I have been trying to eat as cleanly as possible. (I do eat pasta and chocolate on Sundays.) And I started doing Cathe's workouts. I'm happy to say that I dropped the cholesterol by 25 points since February. I have toned up my back, arms, butt and legs, but my stomach is still "out there". I asked Cathe how to address my problem and as FitnessAngel said, I need to increase my cardio. I hate cardio, but I'm determined. I figure if I can lower my cholesterol, I can lose the stomach!!! I'm giving myself one year. At my age (54) it is quite the struggle. Please keep a positive outlook. I know how hard it is. Just know that you are not in this alone.
Not Cathe and I haven't put out a message here for so long I forgot my user name! (I have been a lurker.) But I hope to encourage you in your post. I haven't had a C-section, but have gained over 70 lbs twice with my two children. Each time I lost the weight through fitness and of course, eating clean and correctly. I had my second child at the age of 37 and I thought the sagging fat on my stomach was there to stay. And it did for a long time. It has taken me three years to get my abs to where they are now and I am pleasedw ith them. I did lose that hanging area through consistent cardio, abs work, planks and stability ball work. I added an extra ab workout and did planks everytime I worked out...still do. I do abs during commercials even. I hate planks, but do them all the time. I really started to see results just in about the last 8 months when I decided that I could lose the last 10 lbs and cleaned up my diet. The fat disappeared (ok...almost gone) and all these years of abwork are showing through on this now 40 yr. old tummy of mine. Now I look for ways to challenge my abs. I don't have all day to workout and do my abs as I have a busy career as well as taking care of my great boys and my DH. But the self esteem I now have with my middle is so great. My family went to a water park and my DH said my abs look better than those women half my age...until one very fit young gal passed his way. She motivated me to keep working on it.

So I hope you give that a try as it takes some time. I am no expert but my tummy was a lost cause I thought. And I haven't had a C-section so I am maybe speaking out of turn. But I hope you try for a long while first before surgery...just to see if you can do it. Good Luck!!
The only advice I have is my own personal situation, I will not claim that this or that is the only way to go.I have had 3 kids, the first being a c-section for a 9 lb baby. I am petite and hence I had a lot of excess skin that stretched out. After pregnancy the skin above the small c-section scar was an unsightly apron of loose skin that hung over the scar. No amount of situps or any type of ab work or clean eating was going to address the loose skin. As was explained to me by my obstetrician, it really depends on ones skin elasticity. Some women have skin who posses the remarkable ability to stretch out during pregnancy and return to almost the same condition as pre-pregnancy and others don't. In a nutshell every persons situation is different. I had two more kids and after years of working out and clean eating I was in good shape except for my kangaroo pouch. I had a full T-tuck with the adbominal wall repair and my only regret is that I waited too long to do it. Best of luck!
Thank you Fitnessangel, elaineee, Becky P, and BooBoo39, for taking the time to respond to this. I feel so lucky to have found a forum with so many supportive women on it. I am not sure if it's fat or not, but i am sure willing to give it try and see if i can't firm it up through exercise and clean eating. I have seen a nutritionist once and she says she doesn't see anything i'm doing wrong diet wise, but i am always looking to learn more about it. :) Debbie, has made me a routine, so i am going to work with her and through her maybe i'll get somewhere. i also hate cardio, and maybe thats where i been going wrong too. i have basically avoided it for a few weeks now and didn't get much before that. so ladies.... wish me luck, and i'll keep everyone posted on my success. i have been trying to upload my pics on here through picturetrail, but still haven't figured it out. when i do, i'll post before and after pics. Again ladies, thank you so much for the kind words and support. hugzzz to you all!:D
That is the spirit. If you have a rotation already created by Debbie you are on your way. If you really hate cardio- mix it up. I love cardio, but really hate working my bis and tris. Here is some hints to get you started-
1. If you incorporate running or the eliptical put on some great, motivating music (or pop in a movie). Otherwise, Cathe has some pretty motivating music in her cardio videos (some of the best on the market).

2.Aim for a goal (be honest and real)and think about this goal when you are working out. If you have an old picture of yourself that you would like to get back to then keep it where you can see it often.

3. Don't expect results over night or even after a week or two. Results vary by person and by the quality and type of workouts you do. Also, eating popcorn and lots of candy won't help the problem. You can be paper thin, eating junk food, but you might have problems maintaining your energy level, fit body, and healthy body.

4. Eat right- see if your nutritionist can put together a 5-6 meal plan together. Make sure you are eating enough protein and lay off the unhealthy white pasta. This may cause bloating. Instead, utilize the abundance of whole-wheat products on the market. Don't expect to lose 40 pounds in a month despite the ads that say their product can do this. It is dangerous and unhealthy to lose that much weight in a short amount of time (most of this weight is water and muscle- not fat).

5. Don't forget to have a cheat day and rest day, but make sure it is a moderate cheat day (don't eat 5000 calories or you only gain back the weight.

6. If the problem turns out to be excess skin, then weigh all of your options then. Any cosmetic procedure has it risks, but they also offer benefits. I just wouldn't subject myself to one this early in the game. Plus, you may save yourself several thousands of dollars and a long recovery.

Best wishes and stay strong. You can do this.
:) :) :) :)
Good Luck to you! Cardio is key and I now do more cardio now and really I only heavy lift once a week. The other 4 workouts are cardio and maybe one that incorporates touching my muscles one more time lightly. But, always cardio and always abs. Planks and abs with the stability ball are tough, but the results are worth it!

I look forward to your post in the future that you are literally a "hot mama" and you are proud of your abs. :)

Becky P
I recently had an evaluation and doctor recommended a tummy tuck. About 22 yrs ago I had an emergency c-section. The scar is north/south probably about 6 inches long. I also have an appendectomy scar on the right side. Needless to say the skin and ab muscles are loose. I have pockets of fat trapped between the scars and unfortunately, because of the north/south incision my ab area looks like butt cheeks.

I have had two evaluations and both doctors believe I am a good candidate for the tummy tuck. The procedure will remove the scars, sew up the loose muscles inside. I should only have one scar low in pelvis area going east and west.

Its quite expensive $7500, but no amount of clean eating and exercise will get rid of my butt cheek abdomen. I hope to do it this fall. I've always felt embarrassed about my mid section. I've always wanted a chance to have it corrected. I'll update this forum on my results. Say a prayer....Thanks.

What an interesting link. I read all your posts with interest and I just wanted to wish everyone here the best of luck in handling this particular problem.

I've had two kids and although they were naturally born, I am petite and my stomach had expanded so much and I had so much extra skin and scaring -- that one doctor refused to believe that I hadn't had a C section.

Over time (I'm in my 50's and have been exercising since my mid- 30's) the stomach has gotten better and I can now even see abs definition -- but it has taken a bit of work on my part to do this.

Anyway, again, keep at it, I really do think that exercise will help to correct this problem. It did with me -- although again, I didn't have a C-section.

Have a great day, everyone.:7
I feel your pain. I had twins girls and they are 6 now and I still have a "pouch" in my lower abs. My upper abs are fine and I actually have alittle definition in them but I can't seem to do anything about my lower abs. I do tons of cardio and weight training 6 days a week but my eating could be better. I get frustrated with my stomach too. I would love to get a tummy tuck. I'm sure that alot of my problem is excess skin but I could never afford it. It really is depressing sometimes becuase I never had a problem with my tummy my whole life unitl I got pregnant. My weight was always in my butt and legs. I always had a nice flat tummy. Now when I look in the mirror its just gross. I've lost about 50 pounds or so in the last 3-4 years which I'm happy about but I wish I could lose it in my tummy too. Well, good luck and I hope you get your tummy back!
You all are so kind. :) It has been 24 yrs since my c-section. my daughter is 24. I don't believe my problem lies there really. it was after the thyroid hit. my tummy got so big. i gained about 80 lbs in a yr. slowly of course. and it was after i had been cut open again across my c-section scar to get cleaned out, (scar tissue) i really blew up from the thyroid. so most of the wt. came fast. i was 14 when i had my daughter and i had a cheating boyfriend which gave me huge female problems. then over the years they kept cutting to find out why i wasn't able to have more children, which resulted in, my having to have a total hysterectomy in 2000. but wt wise up til 2000, was fine. and now, sometimes due to lack of motivation, I haven't kept up on a exercise program as i should. becuz i didn't know how to make the routine so i could lose. I eat whole grain pastas, yogurt and skim milk, mozzerella cheese, lots of salads useally, steamed or canned veggies, kashi bars, weight watchers meals to work. chicken usually is my choice of meat. so i think i eat pretty clean. fitness angel my diettiction did recommend 6 small meals a day. she has told me some things to eat, but if anyone here has some recommendations i would love to hear them:D. I'm not good at coming up with workout routines or meal plans, but i can follow them. "crazy huh?" :). Thank you all so much for your own experiences, believe it or not it really does encourage me. I know through all my new friends and debbie and Cathe, I am gonna be one hot mama!!!:D .... I better become one hot mama, considering my fiance' is 25:p he loves me as i am, really, it's me that is the hardest on myself. Thanks again ladies, you all are sooo great! p.s can anyone tell me how to upload my pictures to hear? i have them on picturetrail, but can't seem to figure out how to get them hear. :)

One more thing -- there's a book out there, EAT FAT LOOK THIN by Bruce Fife, ND -- he goes into hyperthyroidism in his book with a possible natural solution that others have had good results using. It might be worth a good read.

Have a great one!:)
Thanks but i have hypothyroidism. not hyper. also i work with a herbalist and she has me strickly on a herb for my thyroid. we'll see how it goes.:):)
I have lost 70 lbs and I work out like crazy. I enjoy it because I notice the changes it has made in my body and life. I had the stomach I couldn't get rid of. I did an hour and fifteen min. of cardio a day and lifted weights, but could never get rid of my stomach. In 2005 I had a tummy tuck and it is the best thing I have done. My stomach is flat and I love it.

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