Robin, your comment about BIL cracked me up...he needs to step up and kiss Leanne's cute little arse today, or at least send over a nice bottle of bubbly!
It actually was kinda funny, dumping the keys into the ocean, shortly thereafter, I tripped and fell walking up the stairs on the boat--I think I am still trying to get my "sea-wits" about me.
Deb, ahhhhh, I have heard about what poor little Keegan is going through, I trust the vet knows what she is doing and he returns to normal soon. And Hugs to you and your dad, I know that was an awful phone call sweetie, my thoughts and prayers are with you today.
Alli, finish your meds, or do what Robin said and ask your doc for new ones?
Shannon, ah yes, the voice of wisdom.
So glad someone is listening to her body and healing properly. Lets hear it for low impact! I am right there with ya darlin'...my ole body just cannot do some of the things it used to do without horrid things happening.
Judy, I love getting my nails done, enjoy your day!
Breckie, hey chica, you get to eat watermelon???YUM. I never got that...*pouts* then sticks tongue out at Mr. Trainerman...
Erin, you are getting a new house??
AF arrived this morning in all of her glory.
Boy, I am glad though cause I was an evil mess this week, it looks like my cycle is right in sync with the full moon again...weird huh? It does this once a year, I swear I am so lunar or something. Very pagan, old world.
Romantic, or maybe I am just weird.
Leanne darling, I love you chica and want this day to be very special for you, please go out, eat drink and act like damn fool okay??