Tuesday 12 of october


Good morning.In my holiday day I am going to do Cardio Kicks and ctx series kickbox and abs.I hope you will have a good day.:) :)

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie
Good morning, Mariángeles! :)

That sounds like a great combo...I'm leaning towards kickboxing this morning myself but can't make up my mind between CK and KPC...I think KPC's gonna win but of course this is one of those days when I won't know until I get to the TV! Have a great day! :)
Hey ya all,

kickboxing sounds like fun. For me it was Imax1 and Supersets. Yesterday was my day off, so I really felt like I had to push it. Boy, I really don't like to take days off, I miss that energetic feeling all day!

Have a great day everybody,

Good morning,

Last night I had some extra energy so I did HSTA - definitely thought my arms would be sorer than they are.

Anyway, I just didn't want to get out of bed today but I did and I did Rhythmic Step (minus the challenge) I was sweating but not as much as I would have been had I given it 100%. I don't know why I've been so tired lately-it must be stress - Oh how I hate being Type A!x(

Here's a really good low fat snack if anyones interested: Put fat free Cool Whip on a chocolate graham cracker and freeze it - tastes just like an ice cream sandwich.:9

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning.....Wendy sounds like a yummy treat! I am doing P90X Core Synergistics and a 6 mile run...enjoy the day ladies....:)...Carole
Boot Camp for me today -- I don't have too much time nowadays that I'm a single parent for 3 weeks...... Mari
Hi all, I did Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders and Triceps today with abs only off of All Step. I haven't down Pure Strength in a loooonng time so it was a change to get used to it again. :D

Hope everybody has a great day and workout!!:7
Annette I absolutely love the shoulder work in PS. I seem to go back to it all the time...:)...Carole
Good Morning Ladies,

I did PUB this morning and will be running 6-8 miles tonight depending on what my running partner wants to do. This weekend I did 12 miles on Saturday and a tempo 8 mile run on Sunday and yesterday I only did a 45 minute spinning class.

Hey all,

Did ME for the very first time--had to modify a few things, but for the most part I hung in there. I guess next week I will be able to do in its entirety.

Wendy that recipe sounds YUMMY:p

Today I have done cardio kicks, the upper body split of ctx series,two segments of abs of the ctx abs compilation and the kickbox too.I need to rest tomorrow.Have a great day.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.
Good morning, everyone,

I tried something new today and *loved* it! I did Cardio Kicks and Leaner Legs as a circuit workout. I have CK on tape, and LL on dvd, so was able to switch back and forth quite easily. My circuit went like this:

CK warm up (until she gets to the shuffles)
LL squats to the end of the second set of calf raises
CK shuffles to the jogging on the spot (when she says "the intensity stays ups there from this point on", or something like that)
LL sit and stand to the end of the leg work
CK jogging on the spot to the end of the arm drills

Then I decided to add on all of the Push Pull and Supersets thigh work and ab work, using the mix and match feature on the dvd. I finished with the Superset stretches.

This was a really, really fun workout. I will definitely do it again. The CK/LL circuit took about 85 minutes; the thigh/abs/stretches took about another 20.

Have a great day everyone!
Sandra.....wow....I think you have legs of steel....after my 6 mile hill repeating run my legs are screaming just reading your post!!:+ ...Good workout...:)...Carole
Evening All,

For some of you: I'm back!!! I had some personal issues I had to work through which totally messed with my workout schedule, not to mention my running injury after tumbling over Rover during a 12K run. Anyways, I've been sticking to my running schedule for the past month, building up slowly again.

Now I just need to fit in my Cathe workouts. I'm not doing so well with that. And surprise surprise, son no. 1 (just turned 14yo this Sunday) has been joining me on my runs and promised he'd stick with it (and me) this time.
Really missed you guys, and missed the boards.

For all the others I don't know: nice to meet you. I'm a Dutch girl (ahum, woman) who used to come here quite often.

Today we were running in circles of 975meters. My son made me run a circle in 5:25 then he allowed me to run an easy one, again a fast one 5:41 then an easy one and the last circle I ran at tempo run speed. We ran 11-12-13min with 1min walkbreaks. Not sure whether we were intervalling or fartlekking:) And ofcourse we had to run to the starting point and back again. All in all 5.5K.

See you girls after my next workout, not making any promises you hear :) :)

Have a great day, I'm off to bed.

For me it was the aerobic conditioning premix of KPC and then about half of ME - my bod just gave out. Maybe I'll finish ME up tonight.

Y'all are a bunch of running and hard working out ladies. Today I did sections 2 and 3 of Christi Taylor's Hi/Lo Heaven. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday. :) Renee

I am so glad you're back- we really missed you. And for those of you who aren't familiar with her- the boards just aren't the same without her!

How's school? Are you still going?

Even if you're not getting to do Cathe as much as you would like, please keep us posted on what you are doing? That's great that you're son is running with you- what a great way to bond (and workout)!

So glad you're back Dutchie- Wendy
I took a rest day!!!!

I've been pushing it hard for four weeks and when the alarm went off this morning, I knew I needed to take a break.

One extra rest day every month is just fine. I feel better tonight already and I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning!

Peace out!


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