Tubal Ligation


According to my search, I know this has been discussed before on this forum and Erica was so sweet to email me about her experience a few months ago. I'm getting my tubes tied on Friday and I'm hoping to hear more experiences with this surgery perhaps from new members or those who didn't respond before.

How long was the surgery? When did they let you go home? What was your recovery time? How soon were you able to workout afterwards?

Many thanks,
ummm mine was a little differant , I had it with my c-section ..I just wanted to wish you luck and hope for a speedy re coupe.I'm sure it will only be a couple days !!!!Like by Monday you'll feel better.
Hey Angie, I haven't had one so I can't give any advice. I just want to wish you a painless, hassle-free surgery and a speedy recovery. Lots of relaxing and healing vibes coming your way!:)

Good luck, Angie!

A friend of mine just had a tubal ligation on Monday and hers went great - she just had some minor shoulder pain from the gas and that was it.

Hi Angie.

I had mine in 1995 on a Friday. I was back to work on Monday. The only thing I had a problem with and they didn't tell me about this before the surgery, was the cramping several hours afterward....

My husband couldn't get to the drugstore to get me Tylenol 3 fast enough!!! Once those kicked in and I kept up the dosage, I think the pain only lasted through that night.

I think they wanted me to wait for about 6 weeks before working out again, but I don't think I did.

Good Luck
I had it when I was 23 (7 years ago). It was considered outpatient surgery and I had no pain afterwards and was cleaning up (although not recommended by the doctor) the next day. However, you are supposed to lay off the exercise for, I think, 6-8 weeks.
Wow, they must have done the surgery differently years ago. I had my tubes tied in March and was told that I could go back to exercising in 3 days with no limits!

I had the cramping after the surgery also - it felt like my tubes were in spasms. That definitely hurt more than I expected and I couldn't get any relief, but by late afternoon it went away (my surgery was at 7:30am).

Hi Angie,

I had mine 18 years ago, about a month after my DD was born. I remember being a little sore around the incision and wearing loose fitting slacks for a few days, but no other problems. I wasn't working out regularly then, so I can't comment on that issue.

Good luck and God bless....
I had mine a little over a year ago. Three little holes in my abdomen, a few hours as an out-patient, terrible pressure from the gas they pumped in, hardly any cramping, back to moderate exercising (except abs) in a week, could fully exercise (abs too) in 3 weeks. For the first few months after, I had a wierd cramping during my periods. Overall, piece of cake and worth it!

Hope all goes well with yours, Sue
Like Erica, I had some painful cramping. Not trying to scare you, but mine was really bad. Worse then labor pain. I was given morphine and it still didn't take away the pain. I was 22 when I had mine done which was along time ago. LOL!
From what I heard, not alot of women experience pain like I did.
I hope your experience will be pain free.

This isn't much help, but I had my tubes tied while on the table after my C-section. It was the best thing I ever did. I love not having to worry if I am pregnant or not. No more birth control, etc. It makes life--and sex so nice.

Good luck.


I didn't have a tubal ligation, I had a non-surgical procedure, it is called Essure and titanium is usedin the tubes, scar tissue builds up and you are sterile. No recovery time, no cutting, I didn't use any anesthesia, but it is available. It is relatively new and was approved by the FDA a couple of years ago. My insurance paid for it, I think this is the bees knees of sterilization for women! Good Luck, you might want to inquire about this before getting cut on! Oh, by the way, it does take about 3-4 mths for scar tissue to block completely and then you get a checked to see if it is permanently closed!


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