TTC/Preggers Check-In March 30

Morning Preggos! No one is TTC here anymore are they?

DDs are up early and happy this AM so I made pancakes to treat 'em! I wanted to go out for them but decided to make them instead - a whole lot cleaner I'm sure! Had a glass of oj w/ it. Boy, do I miss produce!;( And cereal - the milk makes me gag.

My scale is higher than ever and I am so bummed. I have gained nearly 10 pounds!!!:eek: Not much else to say. Yuck. I am only 11.5 weeks.

Lisa, Glad you got a good day y'day. I have 1 Amy - Adv. Step Challenge. I like her well enough - its just that I love my Cathes. I hope you get a good day today again.
lisa, it was not instant love with amy for me. i need at least 2 times with her dvds to like them. style is different, but it is fun. i have always loved cathe's immediately. strange, huh?

anne, we found out gender and did quad screen with both. i think it is just individual preference.

kate, great job getting back to the workouts. try not to worry too much about the scale. i know that is easier said than done.

i actually had a great 8 mile run today. then ds woke. but it felt so good, i am happy. have a good day everyone
Morris, Glad you got a good run in.

I'm hoping for a walk on this nice sunny day. Its chilly so we'll have to bundle up, but I know DDs are anxious to get outside too. Gotta burn off some of these carbs I've been inhaling. If a miracle occurs I'll get in some Classical Stretch too! And a nap!
Today is a struggle for me...I came down with a nasty chestcold lastnight. My DH had it over the weekend, and now it's my turn. I can take Robitussin, but I didn't take any yet (I am paranoid). Gosh, it is so uncomfortable:-( . I did take a nice, long walk yesterday, but I am not going to do any exercise tonight. If I feel better tomorrow, I plan to walk for 30 minutes before my evening class. Take care!
Oh, at the next appt, I am going to get the screen (I can't remember if it's quad or triple). I did get it with my first pregnancy.
Sorry you're coming down w/ a bug, Jen. Yuck. I know what you mean about being paranoid. I've had a headache for a week but I refuse to take anything for it. My chiro is out of town and will be back next week...I'm trying to patiently wait.

I had a nice walk outside w/ DDs today. Tomorrow is going to be nice too.
Hope you feel better Jen!

Kate - I'm afraid to see what the scale says tomorrow at my appt. At home my scale hasn't really budged, but we'll see. Pancakes sound yummmy!

Morris - Me too about Cathe. I instantly loved her and Amy is not bad at all, but I think I like Cathe's walk through and explanations better if that makes sense. Great job on the run!

I ended up throwing up again last night so I ended up taking a Zofran which I was trying not to, but it did help my nausea tremendously and I had a decent sleep. Did some weights and cardio yesterday, but nothing too intense. I'll see how I feel tonight and maybe I'll do some B&G or something. Tomorrow is my u/s. Can't wait!

Lisa, Good luck at the drs. - I bet you're excited to see that sweet bean!! Instant Cathe-love here too. Sorry about the puking. Yuck. My dog puked last night and I need to clean it up now - I'm really scared that its going to send me barfing too. Glad you're getting WO's. I walked outside y'day, hoping to do the same today and an "official" WO too.

I ordered some more ts from 2chix. (one says "let it show" the other says "with bump, not plump"!!!) And a jean skirt from OldNavy. I need DH to go out to the barn out back and find the totes that have my mat. clothes. NOTHING fits and I feel like a huge fatty. Last night Gina told me my belly is looking bigger.x( I WOULD be excited but the area where my belly is noticably bigger is carb-related not baby-related. Oh well.

oH - If you're interested the coupon code at 2chix for 15% off is fitpreg. It applies to the sale and clearance stuff too.

Have a great day everybody!
kate, i am right there with you feeling fat! yuck!!! plus, my varicose veins are terrible - so embarrassing. love the ssound of the tee shirts. enjoy your good weather. i only wish.

lisa, are you feeling better? great job getting workouts in. i do recommend amys asc2 if you like step. it is hard, but lots of fun.

yesterday i felt so great. today i am hormonal and tired. did asc2 this am and some imax 2 blasts. now i am in work all day and wishing i had a box of cookies. not good at 9:15 amx( please send me no cookie vibes!

good luck on the us lisa. oh, my gest diabetes test is negative. yeah!!
Morris, Glad you got a good test. Sending no-cookie vibes to ya ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! Sorry about the v.veins. I have one super super tiny one about a 1/2 inch long. Hopefully it doesn't get bigger. When I worked at a chiro's office a lady came in that had them AWFUL. It looked like her legs had got stuck in a blender. I thought she was abused - the other manager told me what they were. I really need to get more into ASC1. Thanks for the motivation. Maybe I'll work on it tonight.
Lisa - Yay for your u/s tomorrow! Tell us all about it!

Kate - Your t-shirts sound great! I just wish we had the weather to wear short sleeves. We just got a couple of inches of SNOW tonight! Ughhhh...

Morris - Great that your GD came back negative. That's excellent!

Jen - Hope you're feeling better soon!

Well, this week has been tough. Had a killer migraine headache yesterday. I couldn't workout or anything. Just had to lay down and then go straight to bed. Not sure if it's b/c I forgot to take my progesterone in the morning or not. I'm sure a drop in hormones like that, since it's been so consistent, could be the culprit. Also starting to feel sick at night and sooooooo tired, I'm falling asleep at work.

I did get in IMAX 2 and GS Back/Bi/shoulders tonight, so that felt really good. Hoping to sleep well tonight.

chat later,
Lisa, Warning Enabling follows! 2chix has long-sleeves too.
Sorry about the migraine - sounds like you might've figured out why. Sounds like you're feeling more and more pg too! Very exciting! Great WO's tonight! You sure made up for none yesterday.

I got in MM tonight. Felt so good. For some reason I have TONS of energy tonight. I made a cheesecake for no reason and have done tons of housework. Hope I feel good tomorrow too.

Sleep tight!
So.....I got to see my baby!! We saw fingers, toes, kicking legs, and a strong hb of 180!! My due date is Nov. 3 and I have another u/s scheduled for April 23rd for the nuchal testing thing. I'll post more later because it's getting late here, but I just wanted to share the good news with you ladies!!

lisa, that is wonderful!! i am so happy for you and only hope this is followed by you feeling better!

anne, sorry for the migraines. hope today is better.

kate, yeah on the energy! i do not have mm but am thinking of getting it.

yesterday was awful. i stood in surgery for 5 hours, then worked the rest of the day and felt so sick by the end. i hate my long days!! today i managed to drag myself out of bed and run, but i could have gone longer if i had gotten up earlierx( i will be abck later
Aw, LIsa!!! Congrats! How exciting!
You make me so excited for mine - but I have to wait another 8 weeks!
Morris, MM is great and not many og modifications are necessary. Only 1 that I can think of that you would have to switch to an incline. What kind of surgeon are you? Sounds hard to be on your feet so long...yuck.

I'm feeling pretty good today. Tomorrow I'm 12 weeks so it should just keep getting better!
Its Friday night, DDs will go to bed soon, I'll do BM2 cardios.... yay!

I am feeling so great - so excited to finally be coming oout of this.
I'm wanting more of my normal foods and I've worked out Mon, Tue, Thur so far this week. Weight is stabilizing.

Hope everybody else is having a great day too!
Hi! This is super quick. I am still fighting this nasty cold (fever, etc.). I hope to check back in the next time feeling healthy (and more like myself). I am off to bed (8:00p.m. here).
I am planning on having a great day. It's almost 8:30 and I have *NO NAUSEA*. Today I am 12 weeks pg, I have worked out all week, eating is better everyday... I am feeling great!

Workout will be upper body weights of some sort. I'm thinking about starting a 4day split rotation again but mixing up the cardios. I don't want to do the same 4 for a month again. Last night I did ASC1 warm up and a little bit of combo 1. I need to preview the crazy shuffle some more. I can't WAIT to get that move.

We are doing cleanmax this morning as a family. Our hose is CLEAN thanks to the cleaning lady but severly disorganized in closets, under bed, in drawers. After lunch we'll clean up gardens, etc outside. It's going to be 62 and sunny today! I am so excited to have nice weather ....and

I FEEL GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all have a great day too!
kate, that is just wondeful!!! yeah for the 2nd trimester!!

hope everyone is feeling good. i slept in today (for me) but did manage a 6 mil run and a little kickboxing. it felt great today. we will go for a family walk soon and cook some scallops on the grill tonight!

kate, a 4 day split sounds good. i may try a week or 2 of 1 body part per day, if i have time....

happy saturday everyone

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