TTC/Preg Check in June 9th


Good morning crew! Hope this post finds you all energized and content.

Last night DH started making some "stork" comments and even gave his EDD prediction as Jan 15th. He seems like he's really come around to the idea. Even wanted to know when we should "officially" announce it. We decided anytime after my first appt---my birthday---July 18th. Long ways away. I might slowly tell good friends prior, we'll see.

Anyway you ladies might be up to a rollcall of some sort? I'm having trouble keeping everyone straight! I'll keep an index card by my computer. First name, estimated due date/or TTC begin date, currently how many kids, occupation (SAHM definitely counts), and geographical area that you live in & anything else you want to add.

Due Date: Jan 25th?
We have 3 boys
I'm a pharmacist
Live along the Minnesota/Canadian border

I haven't decided what I'll be doing for w/o today. Probably try BOSU--it's raining outside so no run. OR step. I haven't gotted my StrikeZone that I preordered from Tracey yet. I did order 2 of Kelly Coffer's last night--step & step kickbox. I typically don't run very much when pg, it makes DH nervous.

Best go figure out my workout now. I hope my elliptical comes this week. :D :D

Happy Monday!!!!


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Melanie, Yes, energized and content! Great nights sleep and no school to rush kids off to! I'm glad DH is coming around. July 18 is a long time to wiat to tell - I couldn't hold out that long! The Bosu is so much fun isn't it? yay to new workouts! I'm ordering S.Zone and PreggiBellies.

NOt quite sure what my WO will be today - I might go to water aerobics tonight if I can get one of my sisters to go with me. I haven't done some good lifting in over a week and I'm missing it.

Name: Kate
Due Date: Oct 18
We have 2 girls, ages 6 & 4 (another girl on the way!)
I'm a SAHM, DH is a plumbing contractor and I help with that when I can
We live in Michigan
Should we go ahead an announce Morris for everyone? I'll add the first piece: her first name is Nina (isn't that beautiful)?
Did BOSU, lots of fun. :)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Just wanted to pass on some info. No, Mel, not me! Morris was going to the hospital at 6pm for cervical thinning then to be induced tomorrow am. To help her out, one boy 2 years old, occupation vet. Boy #2 hopefully arriving soon.

Mel- glad you have adjusted to the shock. Although i do believe if you aren't using birth control, the pregnancy is planned!
I just got back last night from Houston. It was a tough trip, and it seems that morning(noon and night)sickness is here to stay. I did tell my family I was expecting, as I was a lovely shade of green and my news did not surprise anyone.
Kate and Melanie- You all and your workouts! I am so jealous!
Congratulations to Morris!

Name: Staci
Due date:???Find out for sure Wed, I think around Jan 20?
Other kiddos;DD 6, DS 4
Occupation: rn, nutritionist, and office manager at DH's practice.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
Mikkia, Sorry Houston was hard on you. Not fun to travel when sick! I'm sure your family was all very happy for you!

I am feeling so tired and big this morning!
DDs are playing with Barbies and it would be a perfect time to wokrout but I am EXHAUSTED! No clue where this is coming from the last few days. It's almost 9AM and I'm already ready for a nap! I feel like a big lame-o!:+
Hey Melanie - Congrats! I think I missed your announcement as I was MIA.

Morris - Thinking of you today!

Hi Trish - Welcome to the group.

Hi Kate

Here are my stats
EDD - Sometime in the future, God willing!
# kids - none yet, working on #1
Occupation - Business Analyst
Live in Iowa, corn country!

Hope everyone is staying cool and/or dry this week where ever we all are!

Gotta run.
Roll call is a good idea.

name: Kristan
due daet: July 4
kids: DD 7, DD 5, and DS 2
occupation: attorney(parttime)
live in Missouri

I am eager to hear of Morris' news.

My last week was ok; I'm officially allowing myself to "take it easy".

tues- cardio @gym for 45 minutes, then LIC (green DVD) upper body/core
thurs- 1 mile swim
fri- L+G, etc. from TimeSaver DVD
sun- 1/2 mile swim with kickboard, some of Prenatal Pilates with Lizbeth Garcia (good DVD by the way)

I have an ob appt on Wednesday. I have started taking extra iron and it has improved my energy.
Melanie~glad your dh is coming around a bit. I think it just takes men in general longer to process the info. We actually waited till I was 14 weeks before we told my family and my dhs family. I was afraid of their reations w/ it being #4.. they were really shocked about #3 so I didn't expect a very good response w/ #4, but they did okay. I think since we dropped the bomb that DH was going back into the ARmy active duty and then the baby all in the same week they were more freaked out about DH going into the Army. LOL Hope you get some sotra workout in today! Maybe your elliptical will come today!

KAte~after swimming yesterday I think water aerobics sounds GREAT! I forgot how wonderful it feels to be in the water. I hope you can get your sister to go tonight.

Mikkia~ sorry about the terrible m/s on your trip. So you have your appt. and first u/s on Wed?

Anne~are you getting all this rain out there in Iowa.. it was on the news w/ all the flooding and non stop rain.

Wow Kristan that is only 3 weeks away just about. So you are the next of the group that is due??

I am not sure why I am feeling so great these days. REally this entire pregnancy has been pretty easy so far. I am wondering if that means later on I'll have a rough go. I hope not. My first pregnancy was like this.. VERY easy.. almost too easy. Tehn in the lsat week I got PIH really bad.. got induced and ended up w/ the C/S. Well I got my 5 mile run in. We are going back to my inlaws when Hunter gets home from shchool. He is on half days this week for the last 4 days of school so he'll be home about 1. I will put LAndon down to nap again and hopefully I can relax for a few hours in the pool. Then Hunter has karate so I'll try to get a walk in while he's there if it's not too hot. Should be a fun day.

Oh and I talked to my dh last night. He has gained 12 lbs in the last 3 weeks. He was underweight to begin with. HE only worked out if he had to.. he's 6'2" and was 150ish when he left.. so I am excited to see he's gaining weight. They are working out sometimes 2x a day and lifting weights and stuff so I just might have a hottie when he gets back! (well he's a hottie anyway, but at least he'll be a hottie w/ bigger muscles. LOL)

Oh and heres my info

Name: Trish
EDD: Oct. 26th (c/s will probaly be 1 week early)
Kids boy 6, girl 3, boy 2
Occupation: SAHM
We live in northern VA right now, but as of the beg. of Aug. we'll be where the Army puts us.
Hi Anne, Good to see you!

Kristan, Glad you're having more energy - not easy to do at this point is your pg!

Trish, Sounds fun today! It is very hot here and the pool sound snice but the water is FREEZING yet! Maybe I can get DH to turn on the pool heater. Too cool on your hottie husband!

I did Bar Method Designer Sculpting. I was feeling energetic afterwards but I'm feeling big and clumsy now that we've been outside a bit. This is going to be a long, hot summer for us preggos, isn't it?

DDs are outside still playing in the sand. I think I'll take my hypnobirthing book out there and sit in the shade with it.
Kate~yesterday the water temp was 86 so it felt great. My parents pool in FL is staying in the low 90s. That is crazy hot for pool water!
Hi everyone! I think a roll call is a great ideal since there is so many of us.

due date: Oct 18th (same as Kate)
I have 2 boys 6, 4 and expecting another boy
I am a sahm
I live in California

Kate I got the preggi bellies dvd. I was suprised that I really liked it. I am waiting for my strike zone to come. This morning I ordered Walking Strong and Pure Barre. I am sticking with non weighted lower body b/c it is just too uncomfortable right now. I am going to go do PUB right now while my boys are busy playing. I will check back later.

Hi guys. I'm getting a late start around here today. Kiddos actually slept until 8:30 and 9!!! Gotta love that!
Melanie--Sounds like your DH is getting excited! That's great!

Kate--Sorry you're feeling tired today. It's probably just the Monday blahs. I find that weekends can be SO draining!

Mikkia--Sorry your trip was so rough! I know you're glad to be home. You're occupation sounds so interesting. I'm sure I'll be asking your advice on many things!

Anne--I have been lurking around here for awhile before posting. I just want you to know that I think your attitude and spirit are so inspiring. You'll make a wonderful mommy--soon I know!!

Trish--Congrats on the 5-mile run. I'm so in awe of you guys who have kept up your regular fitness routine. I couldn't run 5 miles even if someone were chasing me.

Morris -- I know she'll not be reading this today, but my thoughts and prayers are with her!! Hope she has a quick/safe/wonderful delivery!!

OK roll call:
Name: Stephanie
Location: Tennessee (just south of Nashville)
EDD: Oct. 9 (though c/s probably will be a week earlier)
Kids: Two boys: Oliver, 6 and Henry, 3 (third boy on the way)
Occupation: Former journalist, now SAHM and freelance writer/church newsletter editor. I've written some children's books too that I'm trying to get published, but apparently if you're not Madonna or someone famous these days, they don't want to publish your children's book (I'm not bitter or anything ;) )

So I've got to now go clean up the house a bit. It always looks like a cyclone around here after the weekend. Too hot to spend any quality time outside, but I'm going to try because we're expecting rain tomorrow. Hope everyone has a great day!!
Hey Everyone,
Sounds like you all are doing good!! I am so excited to hear about Morris' experience.
I go see my dr here tomorrow at 1. I am still lightly spotting, nothing major. This is so different from last time. I hope I won't need a d/c.
Stephanie, I just love Nashville! We lived in Smyrna for a few years right after dd was born. My best friend still lives in the area and we go there often. I am orignally from Oxford, Mississippi, but now live in Ark..not happy about it. We will be moving back on Oxford in the near future.

Name Susan
Location Little Rock Ark
TCC since last summer, 2 m/c
1 dd, 8 years old
married to dh for 15 years this July.
Occupation:sahm for many years, started back to school last fall, goal is dental hygeine.
Trish, THat pool sounds amazing!!!

Candra, GLad you like PB - I'll orderit tonight. I love PUB - one of my faves. Hope you got to finish it! Starting is easy, but with the kiddos around....finishing...not so easy!

Stephanie, HOW do you get your kids to sleep in so late!?:eek: My Indians were up by 6:30 today!!! Actually they went to bed at 7:30 so they had really had enough sleep. I would just love a later wake-up! Btw, I'm sure you knock Madonna out of the water, in more ways than one!;-)

Susan, 15 years of marriage - good for you! We'll be 9 next month and it feels like yesterday that we were dating - funny how time flies. I hope too that you don't need a D&C. (((hugs)))

I had a great 2-hour nap today with DDs. We all pile into my king-sized bed together. I love it. Dinner is in the crockpot and DH won't be home for an hour or so. I may go sneak in some Classical Stretch while DDs are playing....
My elliptical will be here Friday AND I got my strikezone today! YES!!! Anyone else get theirs?


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Melanie I got my strike zone today also. I am hoping to preview it after I clean the kitchen and do a few loads of laundry. I just love Mondays:p I'm sure you are going to love your elliptical I got mine after I had Owen 4yrs ago and I still use it all the time. Do you use any of the itrains? I love to use those workouts on the treadmill and elliptical. I even have a couple outdoor itreads that I do. Are you hoping for a girl?

Kate I am jealous of your nap. My oldest Wilson refuses to take naps anymore and Owen will only go down about 3 days a week but then he never wants to go to bed at night.

Susan I hope everthing happens naturally for you and you can avoid having a d&c. Let us know how your doctors appt goes.

Hi Stephanie we are going to have our hands full with 3 boys!!

I have a question for everyone, do you eat deli meat while pg? I know I did with my first two. My dotor told me last pg just to make sure the meat is fresh. Now with this pg he tells me not to eat it unless it is heated. Warm deli meat totally grosses me out. I gave in today and ate a turkey sandwich:) My friend who is a nurse said the risk of listeria is really low and it is usually with the soft cheeses. I just feel guilty for eating a stupid sandwich;(

Candra, you wanna do Strikezone tomorrow & compare notes?!?!? It'd be like workout out together. ;) I never preview my DVDs. I"m a hands on kinda gal. I am hoping for a girl, I don't think we'll have another one...although a few weeks ago I had a dream that we were dedicating our "5"th child in our church. Eck!!! I don't eat lunch meat when I"m pg, I just don't like it that much to risk eat.I am thinking about eating tuna though.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Melanie, I will take you up on doing Strikezone tomorrow. I am going to preview it right now. I eat tuna also no more than 6oz a week though. I have been craving it.


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