Trying B&G tonight for the first time.........


I'm gonna do the leg blast premix as recommended (or as challenged? ;-) ) by you guys. What's the "Guts" section like? Is it a good long ab workout, or do I need to break out Core Max after?

Wish me luck! :)
Laura - I think you'll like the "Guts" segment. She uses weights (and ankle weights, if you have them). It's quite challenging. And as Kassia mentioned, if you want something more, there is a 15 minute long stability ball abs bonus section that is really great.

Have fun!
Laura, you'll have a blast... no pun intended! The Leg Blast is hard. Hard hard hard. I like both ab sections, but I think the stability ball version is more fun.
> I like both ab sections, but I think
>the stability ball version is more fun.
I also prefer the stablity ball abs segment.

I recommend that you do the warm-up before doing the Leg Blast premix, as it doesn't include a warm-up.

Have fun!
And if you're ever ready to add a bit more challenge to the Leg Blast premix, try this:
Floor ankle weights segment
Leg Blast premix
I was scared to try B & G until one of Cathe's rotations called for it. It's an awesome and surprisingly doable workout, even the leg blast premix! Cathe sequences the exercises perfectly so you avoid total burnout (until the next day when you can barely walk LOL).
This will be a piece of cake for you. Oh wait...I haven't done the premix. The guts section is my favorite ab workout of all the videos. I think it's about 15 minutes.
Ahhhh, you're gonna love it. I do this premix later in the week. Just when you think you're done with the squat/lunge combo and Cathe couldn't possibly make you do it again....yup..that's right, one more time.
Hey Laura-

If this is your first time doing B & G, I would do it "as is" before doing the premix. Not saying you couldn't handle it ( you seem pretty fit) but the workout as originally designed is much more balanced on getting ALL parts of butt and legs.

If you need to ante up the "hard" factor, I'd use 8 lbs dumbells ( instead of 5 lbs) a 45 lb (instead of 35) dumbbell and 5 lb ankle weights( instead of 2-1/2 lbs) .. that's what I did and was very humbled on the first time I did it.

Will look forward to your review tomorrow!!!

PS.. the gutt workouts are pretty similiar to Coremax.. no need to add on, esp the weighted one( but use an 8 lb dumbbell)

Lynn M.
Well darn, now I'm confused! I definitely want to hit glutes, hams, quads & calves as hard as possible, will I not do that w/the premix?
Oh sure you will... but with the premix, you aren't doing any of the lower body work. This puts the finishing touches of exhaustion on the glutes with some subtle moves that you don't normally get w/ standing leg work.

You are also getting some really focused inner and outer thigh work, which complements the standing work pretty well too.

The Leg Blast is a GREAT challenge, no doubt. However, to "get the full flavor" of the workout, I think you should do it for the first time as is. Go heavier though as suggested in my earlier post if your legs are already really strong.

Also, this workout doesn't have any specific calf workouts in them, so you might want to plan on adding them in either at the end or on a different day, esp if you like to work your calves hard. :) You'll hit them a little bit just by the nature of all the lunge type movess, but nothing directly focused.

Have fun! I love this workout, I've never done a workout that was so "glute" related.. My butt has never been higher!

:) Lynn M.
I am too ... How did it go? Are you on fire? I just got my copy and am starting it tomorrow...can't wait to hear what you say first tho'
OK, I did it last night. Had to skip the guts portion b/c I got stuck at work & by the time I finished the leg workout it was 7:30 & after getting home just before 1 am the night before I was tired!

So, I am sorry to say this workout doesn't hold a candle to my gym routine. I did go heavier as Lynn suggested but even still I'm maybe a little stiff this morning, not seriously sore the way I am after the gym workout. I'll try to break down the goods, the bads, & the mixture of both:

The good stuff:

--it is a tough workout b/c it's not just resistance training, it also includes endurance & some cardio
--I definitely felt the burn in my quads (altho nothing today)

The bad stuff:

--it is WAY too long & repetitive. My gym routine is about 40 minutes--6 exercises, 3 sets 8-10 reps. I can't remember ever working one body part for more than an hour. I was getting really antsy & bored maybe halfway through.
--there wasn't enough serious ham & glute work for me. Like I said, I really felt it in my quads, but barely felt anything at all in my hams or glutes. Could be I wasn't using proper form, I don't know (I've been doing squats & lunges for almost 2 decades so I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case).
--no calves, but easily remedied on my own. However I do think a full leg routine should include some calf work.

The good & the bad:

--it seems to be more of a toning workout than a muscle building workout. I think it's probably a great routine for those looking to "shrink" lower body, but for ruler-shaped girls like myself who need to build a butt it's not the type of routine I need.
--cardio/endurance in a workout can be a good thing, depending on your goals. Personally I like to separate the two b/c I like to really focus on muscle building when I'm lifting. On the other hand, if you're not trying to build size but are trying to lose weight & tone, this workout is ideal.

I think the main difference between doing legs at home & doing them at the gym is the fact that gym equipment enables you to lift heavier. For example, I use the smith machine for squats & lunges. I can really load up the plates on it b/c I don't have to worry about lifting the bar up & over my head to rest on my shoulders--I just set the bar at the appropriate height before I put the weights on.

Gym equipment also enables you to really focus on specific muscles. I can hit compound muscles w/squats, lunges & presses, & then really concentrate on quads & hams w/extensions & curls.

I hope this doesn't come off as too negative--I do think it's a good product & will be useful when I don't have time to get to the gym. So while I can use it as a sub when needed, it definitely won't be a replacement. ;-)

I don't think you come off as negative. I think it's just that everyone has to do what's right for their body type. I've pretty much sworn off lunges, squats and leg presses since I don't need to do any more in that area and have started doing more pilates, yoga and floorwork and I feel much better. I never had heavy legs but I just felt my quads keep growing when I started to do heavy leg work with Cathe. I use Butts & Gutts but usually skip the squats/lunges/leg presses and do the floorwork, firewalkers, hammer punches and deadlifts (love deadlifts, will never stop doing them, they are the best for my hamstrings.) For me Legs & Glutes is probably my favorite of Cathe's leg workouts. It has a bit of everything and never stays with one exercise for too long so it goes by really fast for me.

I can understand you not getting a good leg workout because this workout isn't used to target the legs. The name is Butts and Guts hence the focus on the butt and abs. I thing Cathe addressed this before by saying this was a focus on the butt not the legs since she already has a Legs and Glutes workout. I'm sorry you didn't like it. But hey, a little extra booty never hurt anyone!!!:) :)
Oh hey, I'm not saying I don't like it, I'm just saying I like my gym routine much, much better!

BTW, your butt is your glutes........;-) I am definitely in need of some extra booty. In fact, I'm just in need of A booty!

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