This is another "mash note" about the Hardcore series -- in particular, at the moment I am truly "enjoying" }( the Gym Style series. I am usually able to keep up with you on upper body workouts, more or less, but the Gym Style workouts, in particular Chest and Triceps, are pushing me beyond any of your workouts to date. My triceps especially were just fried -- no, fricaseed -- after that workout. I seriously reached a point on the crossover tricep work where my muscles just quit -- total failure. Kaput. Fini. I was actually shocked-- shocked! -- since I do a lot of weight work, am quite strong and almost always able to finish all the reps using the weights I was using in this workout. Fortunately because of the way you've designed that particular move I was able to "spot" myself safely. And then the Bonus Burns with the band -- yowee!! My triceps were feeling it for days afterward; I haven't had that kind of upper body soreness in ages. No doubt starting off with all those descending sets of pushups was a major contributing cause.
Anyway, sorry to be longwinded, but just wanted to let you know how much I'm finding the Gym Styles fresh and fun, the sequencing is extremely effective. Reaching muscle failure gives me clear goals to push for in future workouts. And those Bonus Burns are EVIL GENIUS! Thanks so much and -- BRAVA!
This is another "mash note" about the Hardcore series -- in particular, at the moment I am truly "enjoying" }( the Gym Style series. I am usually able to keep up with you on upper body workouts, more or less, but the Gym Style workouts, in particular Chest and Triceps, are pushing me beyond any of your workouts to date. My triceps especially were just fried -- no, fricaseed -- after that workout. I seriously reached a point on the crossover tricep work where my muscles just quit -- total failure. Kaput. Fini. I was actually shocked-- shocked! -- since I do a lot of weight work, am quite strong and almost always able to finish all the reps using the weights I was using in this workout. Fortunately because of the way you've designed that particular move I was able to "spot" myself safely. And then the Bonus Burns with the band -- yowee!! My triceps were feeling it for days afterward; I haven't had that kind of upper body soreness in ages. No doubt starting off with all those descending sets of pushups was a major contributing cause.
Anyway, sorry to be longwinded, but just wanted to let you know how much I'm finding the Gym Styles fresh and fun, the sequencing is extremely effective. Reaching muscle failure gives me clear goals to push for in future workouts. And those Bonus Burns are EVIL GENIUS! Thanks so much and -- BRAVA!