trouble with OH press


Hello, Cathe fans!

I am having trouble with any kind of overhead press move for shoulders. I use fairly light weights - either a 10-15# barbell or two 8# dumbells, depending on what the particular video calls for.

The problem is that I just can't get the weights over my head over and over! I mean I can do a couple of reps, but then I get very strained and tight through my neck and chin and I feel like I can't breathe correctly. I know that sometimes I am even holding my breath, which I know is wrong. Then my back arches and my booty sticks out which I know is worse!

I feel that if I go any lighter with the weights I won't get any benefit from the exercise at all. I am double sure to check my form because I know these exercises are so tough for me.

What should I do? Is it not normal for a female to have a hard time with shoulder exercises? All my other muscles seem to be fairly strong. I mean, I can keep up with the tape with a challenging weight for all other exercises.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Susan G.
Hi Susan,
You don't have to use the same amount of weight that it calls for in the videos. If you are struggling with the weight you're using, go ahead and lighten up. If 8s make you feel like you're straining, use 5s. Make sure you exhale on the lift. My shoulders are my weakest spot, which is the case for a lot of women. I can use a fairly heavy amount of weight for most upper body moves but when I get to my shoulders, lat raises and front raises, 5-8 is about all I can handle. Although the OH presses I can go heavier, some women can't. Try a lighter weight for a little while and see if your muscle strength improves for OH presses.

Hi Susan~my hubby has trouble doing overhead presses also. It hurts his back and neck also. He gets very tight. He has had to lower his weights very low just for that move. BTW~When I saw your subject title, "OH Press", I thought you were having trouble with OHIO reporters! I live in Ohio~It's late here and I'm tired. Can you tell? ;-)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Debbie! I thought the same thing! Haaaaaa!!! :-jumpy

My sister lives in Ohio also.

I am cracking up as I read your post. That was hillarious!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
Debbie, runathon!

That was a riot! :) I just burst out laughing here at my desk! :)It sure is quiet here so thanks for 'waking me up"!

Runathon & Angie!

Runathon~Now, I don't feel sooo stupid! I always use "OH" as an abbreviation for Ohio! BTW, if she wouldn't mind, where does your sis live? We've had a couple get togthers with a handful of Cathe fans. We all live in the Akron/Canton/Cleveland area. We even had Murph fly in from Chicago! Hey, Angie~Glad I could help liven up your workday!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hey HB!

I'll menton it to Dave! That just might work for him. We just finished CTX Upper Body Split which had those "OH" presses. I struggle myself on them but can match Cathe's weights. As Cathe says, "Struggling on those cause they ARE NOT easy!":-tired

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey HB!

I know you have that weight machine in your workout room...if you have the military press option, he may want to do his shoulder presses on that instead of using free weights. Cathe won't mind, I'm sure.
Along with lightening the weights, another possible help is using the split stance a la Power hour. I use that stance in lots of other videos and for that reason I'm glad PH was one of my first Cathe videos.
I would suggest doing your overhead presses seated, starting with a seat that offers back support but does not interfere with arm movement, and then graduating to a seat that does not offer back support. Make sure your feet are firmly planted, and the seat is high enough so that when you are seated at the edge of it and your feet are planted your knees aren't any sharper than 90 degrees. That will minimize the amount of work your lower back and hams will have to do, and I think it will be more safe.

Also, don't underestimate the amount of work your triceps are having to do as assisters. Remember, the triceps work to extend the elbow, which is part of the motion of an overhead press regardless of how your palms are positioned (facing toward your ears, facing outward). Further, don't underestimate how hard your forearms and wrists are having to work just to maintain the weightload. As part of your training, make sure to do some specific forearm and wrist strengtheners, and maybe upkick your weightloads on your other triceps work (as well as push-ups!) to increase your triceps strength.

Just my $.02 -

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Runathon & Angie!

Hi Debbie!

My sister lives in Pickerington, next to Columbus. She is not an exercise enthusiast like me....she is rather...hmmmm, how can we say this...unmotivated. She has 4 kids, one of which is giving her lots of problems right now! He is 14 (you see what I mean???). She doesn't have the "pep in her step" kinda stuff that makes us Catheites "Move!" :)

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
Kindof related to this....

Can anyone tell me why Cathe makes you do OH presses "not directly above you" but like you are putting clothes on a shelf?? I never was taught this way before Cathe and I know the Firm does them the traditional way, so what gives??

Also, I was doing my Firm: Upper Body tape the other day and noticed that they in NO WAY adhere to the larger muscle groups-smaller muscle groups way of lifting. I noticed the lack of this fatigued me much sooner. I hated not being able to finish the push-ups at the end. It really bugs me when I do those tapes now. All Cathe strength tapes start with legs and work down all the way to triceps. Much better layout for strength conditioning, I think.
> Kindof related
>to this....
>Can anyone tell me why
>Cathe makes you do OH
>presses "not directly above you"
>but like you are putting
>clothes on a shelf?? I
>never was taught this way
>before Cathe and I know
>the Firm does them the
>traditional way, so what gives??
The slight forward angle is to reduce chances of impingement (pinching) at the shoulder joint.
I agree with reducing your weights temporarily, then building back up. Also, you can support your back by leaning against a firmly-positioned stability ball ( sells puncture proof balls that deflate very slowly instead of bursting. The Paul Check ball is specifically made for weight training). I've done this by sitting on the floor and positioning the ball behind me, propped securely against my couch (which is against the wall).
Thank you for all the tips. I think I'm going to try using a chair with a back first and go from there.

Susan G.

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