Trouble with length of workouts


Active Member
I have been working out for several years with videos. I have used mostly Firm workouts. I have recently started with Cathe. I have Low Impact Step & Low Max. (I enjoy both!)
Typically, I work out 30 - 45 minutes a day 4 - 5 days a week, which works well for me. Rarely will I use a workout that is longer than 45 minutes.
I bought and received the new Cathe workouts. I am familiar with the premixes. However, there are only 2 or 3 I believe that are within my allotted workout time frame. (When I do Low Max, I use one of the 45 min premixes.)
I am looking for suggestions on how to incorporate the new Cathe workouts into my routine. I like to put a workout in and go, not stop working out to grab the remote to switch to another part of a workout. In other words, I like to put a workout in, warmup, do either weights or weights/cardio, cooldown, stretch, and be done.

Should I plan on doing say: first half of BodyMax2, forward to stretch; and then next time I workout, do warmup and second half of BodyMax2, forward to stretch? I would have to also take into consideration not doing lower body weights/upper body weights work on consective days. For instance, do a cardio in between days if both halves of one long workout would have lower work in both halves.

Hope this makes sense.
Thanks for any advice you can give me on how to best approach my new workouts from Cathe. I am so excited and eager to get started with these!!!
Hi Beth :) This is a good question, because most of these workouts, premixes and the original production, are quite long from start to finish. I'm not sure if you're a strict warmup and cooldown person, because that shaves sometimes considerable time off a routine and it fits w/in the hour. Some people need them, others don't bother, some do one ;) I just wondered what camp you were in. I'm guilty of not usually doing the w/up or cooldown. Sometimes I do the cooldown if I feel I need it.

Second, as an example, you can FF in Bodymax 2 to the powercircuits and do all of those sections plus the weights and still come in the time frame you were talking about. With DM, maybe do only half of the drills. Same thing with LIC. Maybe you'll just have to save the whole enchilada for weekends or when you have more time.

I hope this helps a little bit.


My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.
--Ellen Degeneres
Debbie -
Thanks for your response. That makes sense.
I guess I've always had the mindset of starting a workout at the beginning and ending at the end. I guess I'm a follow the rules kind of person.
That's interesting that you asked about warmup and cooldown though. I do remember in order to learn the choreography of LowMax, I would do one of my 30 minute Firm workouts and then do 1 step portion of LowMax afterwards. This way is was "manageable" to learn. Some days, I would skip my Firm workout, throw in LowMax and didn't bother to do a warmup and just started in to learn the routines.
I guess for me, I would need to do half of a new Cathe workout and sometimes skip the warmup. That doesn't really bother me.
Again, thanks for your input!
Hi Beth,
The other day when I did LIC I just did the first 35 minutes or so (I wanted to get wts and abs in that day) The following day I finished doing the rest of the dvd (I did do the warm up, and FF to where I left off) Hope this helps!!

Enjoy your new dvds!! They are so much FUN!!

Beth, I did LIC today and had to limit my time too. I did the warmup, Circuit cycles 1 and 2, about 1/2 the bonus cardio (the phone rang), abs and the stretch. it was just about 55 minutes, but you could skip the bonus cardio and get a good workout in about 45-50 mins. You could save the third circuit cycle for another day: Start with warmup, cycle 3, bonus cardio, abs and stretch.

Loved this workout!! The time flew by!!!
Beth I to only like to workout for an hour. After that I kind of lose focus. I either do just a straight 60 mins of the workout, or jump around using the chapters and mix&match options. This way I focus on what I want to work on for that day. I also wear my hrm and in an hour I burn 400+ calories. Usually in the 600's. I do the w/u's and try to get a cooldown and a little strectch. If you end the w/o about 10 mins early you can fit in the c/d and strectch.


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