

Active Member
Hi guys I know this is CATHE forum but I was wandering if anybody used these and liked them. I love Cathe more then anything but also love running and wanted some videos to keep me interested since I can't run outside during the winter months. They look pretty fun. any input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS CANT wait for Body blast it's killing me
I have all four of the treadmoves tapes and I really like them. You can increase or decrease the speed according to your level of fitness. The older ones include a kind of interval feel with running, hill climbing and weights mixed in all together. There are also aerobic tapes that have knee lifts, hamstring pulls and kick forwards mixed in with running and hill climbs. Again you can increase or decrease the speed according to skill level.

My daughter uses the training for speed to increase her endurance for soccer ( she is 16 ) and has noticed an improvement.

Extreme moves uses a lot of plyometrics and intervals to really get your heartrate moving. The weight training is at the end and you can use Cathe's video's instead ( at least that's what I do )
I can't speak to Treadmoves, but I love, love love, Runervals ( One of the only other cardio workouts I have found that give me the same intensity as Cathe. And Coach Troy rocks!

Hi, Cybersis,

I have to be nosy and ask you about your daughter and soccer. I coach High school down in California, so I'm just curious about what season you play; are the teams attached to school or are they just clubs, etc. The Canadian women made a great showing in the world cup this year. I hope they continue! TIA
Hi Kat! I just checked out the runerval web site you listed and would like to try one. Which one would you recommend - #2 or #3 (I think #2 was tempo and #3 was Cheetah fast).

Thanks! Lynn
Thanks guys!!!! That really helps I think I will get one treadmoves and one runervals tape. I love Cathe cardio and weights but really want to work on improving my running speeds. I am an intermediate runner (have been running for 5 years, one marathon and other races) and really want to increase my speed. My goal is to beat my dad's time in the Annapolis 10 miler which is 80 min. I am hoping these will help
I have Treadmoves sports and cond. I like it, and it is tough (not as tough as the runervals though). The blonde girl in it is annoying(chatty) to me, but might not be to others. The weights are 2 pounds and kind of a waste to me. I know I could go heavier, but I feel uncomfortable on the treadmill when I do. I have 2 of the runnervals. #1 and #2. I pesonally like them alot better. Maybe because there are no weights, as there is in the Treadmoves that I have. #1 of the runervals is harder than Treadmoves sports and cond. I just thought I'd tell you just in case you thought it would be to easy-LOL!! The #2 runnervals is VERY tough. I have to modify all the way through. I'm not getting #3 until I can do #2 and that may be never. It has you running at 5 mph over your comfort/base pace at times! Very, very tough. To me they are as tough or tougher than any Cathe cardio. I have all of these on DVD and they are all chaptered and you can skip segments for them to fit your own workout if you like.
Cool thanks guys. I think I am going to go with the runervals. I like Cathe lifting so don't need that in a running video. You guys are great.
Thanks! I'll check out the reviews, but you've got me convinced! I think I will put this on my Christmas list. I'm excited, since I don't know when the BB DVD's will get here and I have been bored with my workouts lately. This sounds like what I have been loooking for....

Happy Holidays! Lynn.
I use the IMAX videos to do intervals and pace myself on my EFX machine. Works great for me :+ Don't see any reason it wouldn't work on a treadmill too. }(


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