Treadmill Running

I normally run on the TM, but last week I started to do some of my running outside. Several people have told me that TM running is a lot easier than outdoor, but I'm finding this to be opposite-My pace is faster and seems like I'm not pushing myself nearly as hard when running outside. Wonder if my TM needs to be calibrated. Sometimes the speed will flucuate by itself. For example, I'll be running at my set pace and then all of sudden the screen will display a higher pace- is it because I'm going faster than the TM is set for? Anyone else feel that TM running is harder?
I definitely find treadmill running harder and don't know why. I run 30-40 miles/week outdoors, but can't last 45 minutes on the treadmill without getting sick. I don't know if I push myself too hard or get overheated or motion sick or what it is, but it happens to me almost every time. I get dizzy, nauseous and shaky. I think when I run outdoors, it's easier for me to speed up and slow down when I want/need to instead of having the treadmill set at a constant pace.

I do feel that the treadmill is easier on my joints, though.

I find that treadmill running is a lot easier than running outside. I prefer being outside, but the treadmill is easier on my foot (PF) and just overall better cushioning.

When outside I have more hills, more step ups and downs (curbs, etc.) and there is also wind resistance. I just always feel like an outside run gives me a better workout than the treadmill.
I find that TM running is harder as well. Even when my TM was brand spanking new, I thought so. Not sure why. Perhaps a personal preference??? Don't know! (guess I'm not much help, am I? lol)

Bio-mechanically, outdoor running is supposed to be more difficult. The motion of the treadbelt in the opposite direction of your feet actually propels you forward making an equivalent speed on the treadmill easier to maintain than when running outdoors.

I have done both (track outdoors - not natural terrain which I bet will seem different). My take is, the body adapts. If you are used to running oudoors, the first few times on the treadmill seem tougher just because it is different and vice versa.

I started out on the treadmill. My first outdoor run I had to slow down on speed. Venkat, my yoga teacher and running partner had the opposite issue of adapting to a treadmill after being a track runner.

As I ran more outdoors, the difference petered out. I learned how to use my body a bit differently / more efficiently (I stay closer to the ground by elevating less and maintain a slight forward tilt - not a back rounding but the entire body in a slight forward plane when sprinting.)

After running outdoors, the feedback from the physiotherapist at the gym is that my treadmill running form has improved. He says I put less stress on my knees and feet now. Outdoor running was so hard, I had to really think/read-up about what to do to be more efficient (conserve energy by not wasting any motion) and that has become part of my running syle.

I run mainly on the treadmill now because it is more convenient and time efficient to get all my working-out done in the gym.

~* Vrinda *~
I also find running on the treadmill to be harder, and I really have no idea why. But at least we're not alone. I can usually maintain a faster pace outdoors. I also believe that my gait is different on the treadmill - it just feels different - so maybe that's why it seems harder.
I feel the same way, treadmill running seems harder. I do a combination of both treadmill and outdoor every week (shorter runs on the treadmill weekdays and a long run on the weekend outside). I find it easier to maintain a faster pace outside versus treadmill, I also think it’s the treadmill belt limiting my natural gait.

Thought I was the only one that thought TM running was harder. Probably a good idea to alternate between outdoor running and TM for variety. :)

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