

Hi Cathe!

A couple of weeks ago, I changed up my strength routine a little. I had been doing PH & ME for a long while (I just love them) and switched to doing MIS & ME plus adding HSTA. I noticed that my traps look larger and, quite frankly, I don't like it. I don't really know which exercise caused them to enlargen. I think it's the upright rows in MIS, but I don't know for certain. Could you tell me which exercise works the traps so I know to avoid it?


Shrugs work the traps directly (I think these are in PS). Upright rows (especially those done with a heavy barbell and the top part of the move) also work the traps hard. Overhead presses will work the traps some, but focus mostly on the deltoids. Deadlifts work the trapezius as well, but more indirectly.

You might want to do a modified upright row (use moderate or light dumbbells and keep your arms out farther to the side, almost like in a lateral raise position, and only bring the weights up so that the upper arm is parallel to the floor and no higher.
A long time ago I asked for some form pointers here on the forum, and figured out that during a LOT of my shoulder work (especially side lateral raises) I was tensing my traps and shrugging my shoulders as sort of a cheat. I had to decrease my shoulder weight and really concentrate on keeping my shoulders down and only using my shoulder muscles to do the lifts.

My shoulders tend to gain muscle quickly, I go really light with the weights on any shoulder routine. Upright rows I may do at 25 lbs., with side laterals, the highest I will go is 8 lbs. and lately I've been sticking to 5's. I notice its easy for me to get through my shoulder routine due to the lighter weights, but I've noticed that my shoulders are my best defined area. Try lightening your weights and see if that helps.
Debbie in OH
Hi Melanie! You have gotten great advice already. I don't think that you need to avoid all of these exercises but you may want to cut back on the amount of weight used and/or use fewer of these exercises together in one workout. Here are some additional exercises that involve the traps that I have not seen mentioned yet....rear delt fly's, one arm rows, deadrows, and Tbar rows (from PS series).

But the two that most directly aim at your traps are shrugs and upright rows (unless upright row is modified(already described in this thread) in which then it involves more deltoid and less trapezius).

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