
Hi ladies,
Hope your day is beautiful.
Being on the second week of Cathe's Sept. rotation, I did Imax1 (warm-up and 1st five intervals, and Imax2 (intervals 6-10 and cool down).
Have a wonderful day and week.:)
Hi girls. Hi Bita. Man! that's a tough start to the week. You inspire me! I'm so happy that I was ABLE to do G-Force this morning. First wrokout in almost 2 weeks due to back problem. It felt so GOOD to do a workout. The things we take for granted!

Hi to Debbie, Otisan, Firmscorpio, Gloria, LA, Juli, Robyn and ohters. Have a great week all.....Janice
Good morning everyone,
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!! I had a very nice one, and feel great this lovely morning.

I will be mixing things up a bit tonight, since it's a gym night for me. 30 min Cardio on Crosstrainer, Legs weight training, and Yoga.
Bita, Janice, keep up the great work!!

The rest of you lovely ladies out there, good luck on whatever it is you choose to do today.
Hi girls!

I'm back from my trip to Boston and Maine. It was wonderful!! I think I ate lobster every day. (And blueberries, and ice cream and pie!) Such a beautiful part of the country. I hope you girls up north of me have taken advantage of it and spent some time there. I played tennis today but haven't done any other exercise. Clothes washing instead. I'd still like to get in a quick something. Goodness knows I need it.

Janice, I'm glad your back is better. Just ease back into your workouts. You don't want to hurt it again.

Back to my catch up work.

Hi Gloria -- Glad you're back! Sounds like you had a really good time.

I posted last night but it looks like my post was dropped somehow. I was discussing my Crunch Time experience. Got the video and previewed it over the weekend. It didn't look especially difficult. Was I surprised when I did the tape yesterday. It was deceptively intense. It's all the balancing moves. Quite creative and I greatly enjoyed the workout. So glad I bought the tape.

Tonight is Yoga night (Forward bends, I think). Hope everyone has started the week off well.

Hey Gloria, Juli, Bita, Otisan, FS, Janice, LA!

Sounds like everyone is doing well. WONDERFUL weather here today. Gloria its always great to hear from someone outside the area how nice it is here (except the LONG winters).

I'm working too hard.. working on not doing too much.

Went to daughter's field hockey game - sigh - only one more year til she's goes away to college. I'm SO NOT ready :( Son's soccer game though he hardly played :(

Did Lean Legs yesterday - today my own lifting during the red sox game!

Have a great week all. I wont be checking in much until I get my work hours more under control. Hopefully back soon :)
Hi ladies,
Hope you are doing great. It's so great to see all of you!
Gloria, welcome back. Glad you had an awesome time. It really is a beautiful area up there.
Janice, glad your back is doing better. You are awesome! Keep up the great work.
DebbieH, you are always welcome to butt in anytime;)!!! It's always great to see you!
Robyn, hope your timing schedule works, so we can see you very soon here.
LA, Juli, FS, Otisan, hope you are doing wonderful.

I am doing MIS, BTR, and rebounding today.
Have yourselves a beautiful, productive, and happy day.
Good morning ladies,
It's great to hear from everyone.
Gloria, I was salivating as I was reading your post, yummy, and what a great time it must have been!
Robyn, you sound so busy, I hope everything works out for you, and you come back soon.
Juli, thank you for sharing your Crunch time video experience with us. It sounds really intriguing, since you mentioned "balancing" and creative. Does Susan incorporate a lot of yoga into her new videos?
I'm just curious.
Bita, you're amazing, and I thank you for being part of this group.
Janice, Otisan, and FS, I hope you're all doing great this week.

Yesterday, did not go as planned, Legs were left out. I like to try new things, and didn't go as good as I thought it would. I tried a 30 min ab class, which was a total waste of time. I should have stopped there, because the next class was not what I thought it would be. I tried a kickboxing class, and left the class 30 min into it. Went straight to the crosstrainer and was able to sweat my tush off for 30 min before my yoga class. Oh well, at least I did something, and without realizing it, it kept me more in line with the Sept rotation anyway. It's just a little frustrating when you feel so much energy, and end up wasting so much time.

Tonight, I plan to do both upper and lower pyramids, along with 30 min yoga afterwards. My best workouts are really at home with Cathe, no distractions, or interruptions, so this should be something to talk about tomorrow.

Until then my friends in fitness,
Hi All-- Just a quick post since I must leave very shortly for work. Didn't work out last night. I slept very poorly the night before and was really out of it all day. Today I'll make up for it.

Hope everyone is well. I'm VERY busy at work.

Hi ladies,

I did Imax2 the warm up and the first 5 interval and Imax1 intervals 6-10 and the cool down. Did BTR, and will do rebounding later today.

Have a great day!
Good morning ladies,

Juli, I hope things ease up for you a bit. Hang in there, and have a great workout today!!

Hope everything is well with everyone else.

Doing both Upper body and Lower body pyramids was quite an experience for me last night. I can't believe how well I did. I felt so strong afterwards, challenged, and drenched!! What a workout! Feeling great this morning, and looking forward to doing all cardio tonight at the gym. 30 min Spinning, 30 min Crosstrainer, 30 min Treadmill and 1 hr Yoga.

Have a great day!
Well, I did 10-10-10 today. I always write down my workouts and the date. Sheesh! I knew it had been awhile but wow 8/16 was my last workout. No wonder I'm feeling smushy. I hope things have calmed down around here now and I can get back to my routine. Oh boy, bet I'm going to feel this one tomorrow.

Gotta finish cooking supper.

Good morning everyone,
Gloria, good to see you're back to your routine.
Well...after the pyramids the other night, I'm still sore. I always listen to my body, and don't need any injuries, so I only did 15 min Spinning, and 30 Step + Yoga. I received the SS, so tonight I'll be starting w/Shape it Up.
Have a lovely day ladies!
Sorry,I haven't written lately.I've been very depressed.Going through extremely hurtful emotions about my dad.I haven't worked out in two weeks and my eating is way out of control.I've hit rock bottom.I did make a promise to myself.I'm going to give myself the best birthday present ever.For the next ten and half weeks.I'm going to shed the old me and reinvent myself.I'm going to get back on track with my workouts and my cleanse.As always you ladies are doing great.

You inspire me.Thanks for being so awesome.Oh yea,guess what i did? I got my belly button pierced!!! Do you ladies have yours pierced.I've been having a miserable time because i have to wear jeans to work.They are irritating the hell out my belly button.I feel so much better when i get home and take them off.I'm getting use to it.I've feel much better once i get rid of my huge roll.

So,tomorrow morning is the start of my new beginning.Wish me luck!!!
Hi FS,
I'm so sorry to hear how you've been feeling. I can only hope you can overcome all these emotions and calm your mind. I know how times likes these can make you feel so depressed, I've been there. It takes time, and if time is what you need, then give it to yourself. When is your birthday? I hope you have a very nice one, and I'm very glad to hear you're re-inventing yourself. Hey, I'm still working on my way up again, and it feels really nice to be back on my feet.

Like Bita told me when I joined you ladies, you'll be back in no time!
I've had my belly pierced for about 6-7 years now, and it took me about 1 year to completely heal, so I feel your pain. I know exactly how it feels, and I'll never forget that pop sound of my skin as it was pierced, ouch! My friend had told me that it would take that long, and that I couldn't change the ring for about 1 yr after the piercing. I just love it, and when that 1 year mark came, I bought myself a very cute baby blue heart. I think it's so sexy, and every year I purchase a new ring for it. All I can say is that the pain will subside, and it will be well worth it!

You go girl!
Best wishes on your new beginning!
Hi girlfriends. I'm just cking in. Did Allie's MCB from BSS2 and LOVED!! it. sorry to hear you're having problems Firmscorpio. We're here for you honey. Hope it all works out for you.

Hi to Bita, Otisan, Gloria, LA, Juli, Robyn, and any I've missed.

Please pray that Hurricane Isobel changes course or else Savannah is in the direct path. Scarry stuff!!!!! Hope you all have a great night and rest of the week....Janice
Hi ladies,
I didn't get to check in yesterday. I still did my Cathe's MS, and Mix it Up.
Today is Leaner legs and Firm it up.
Gloria, glad you are getting back to the schedule.
Janice, you are in my prayers. I hope this Hurricance doesn't come your way and doesn't hurt anyone anywhere.
FS, I am sorry about the down feeling. Hang in there! I know you can rise above all these feelings and emotions. Take care of yourself.
LA, you are doing so wonderfully. More power to you. I love your get up and go!
Hi to Otisan, Robyn and Juli.
Have a beautiful day.
Hi All -- I'm working from home today so I have a little more time to post.

FS -- So sorry you're having a rough time. I recently read something that might be an encouragement to you. I read that, except in cases of a hormonal imbalance, that depression serves an important purpose. When people have been hurt deeply, they are justifiably very angry. Many times, depression allows them to control their anger until it can be expressed in a more controlled manner. I'm really sorry for the hurt you've experienced and wanted to let you know that there is nothing wrong with your "processing" by feeling down. I would encourage you to talk with a therapist so that you can express your emotions safely and start feeling better. We're always here for you, too.

LA -- I'm so impressed with your w.o. schedule! How do you find the time?!!! I'm lucky to get in 4 w.o. each week and those are generally 45-60 minutes. Can't seem to carve out more than that, I have so many things going on. Luckily my body seems ok with that and never seems to change.

Last night I did Crunch Time with Susan Harris. I really like that tape. I'm still amazed how much harder the balancing aspect makes the move. I also like the yoga stretches that are incorporated into the moves. After most tapes I have to do extra stretches or I will feel way too tight the next morning. I noticed feeling a lot looser after this workout.

Time to get to work. Waves & hugs to all.

Hello workout buddies,
FS, I hope you're doing better today, and that our words help you.
Janice, I hope you're back is a lot better, keep us posted regarding the Hurricane as well.
Juli, I like the article you posted here, it's so encouraging. Thank you. As far as my workouts, I have so much energy at times that I have to expend it some how and working out is my favorite way to do so. I can't believe I didn't for so long! I push a lot harder than other days and put in 2+ hrs. It does wonders for me overall, and feel so much better. I always take 1 day/wk off, and yoga is what helps me calm down or winds me down I should say. I did not w/o last night, so I will start the SS tonight. I'm going to try to fit in 2 w/o/dy this weekend, and starting the rotation once again on Monday. We'll see how it goes.
Bita, looking at your workouts, girl, you are a powerful woman!! WOW!
Outstanding job!
Gloria, Robyn & Otisan, I hope you're all having a good week.
Have a lovely weekend ladies!

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