Hi girls. Juli-I did Crunch Time too this AM. I agree with you-this tape stretches you out as you work. I LOVE that! I always smile when I'm finished and feel so energized.

(((((Firmscorpio))))) Hope you feel bettter soon honey. Juli gave you very good advice I think. I had to see a therapist and take meds for awhile. There's nothing wrong with that! Just think about it.

Hi Bita:) Glad to see you today and thanks for the well wishes for the hurricane. I'm trying not to worry about it as I can't control it anyway.

Hi to Gloria, Otisan, Robyn, LA, and any I missed. Have a great weekend everyone. Hugssss...Janice
Happy Friday!

I'm glad to say I've worked our 3 days in a row now, so I hope I'm on my way back to a normal routine. Yesterday was Tone It Up. I love how you can turn the music off in these dvds and listen to your own. Wish everyone would do that. Today was Vol. 6. A little inspiration from Jayne Poteet was what I needed.

Firmscorpio, I'm sorry you're going through a rough time. Take one day at a time, make one choice at a time, and know that we're here rooting for you.

Janice, that looks like a nasty hurricane. Is it Isabel? My sister is in Charleston and my brother in Hilton Head. So, I'm hoping in jumps around all of you. Keep us posted. It's good to "hear" your sweet voice.

LA!? You and Bita are the wonder women of this little group. I can't wait to see what you think about the SS. 2 a day though? You're going to be soooo sore.

Later girls,
Thanks Gloria. Yes Isabel looks like a big girl! Hopefully she'll turn out to sea. If you come to visit your family here or at Hilton Head, I'd LOVE to see you or talk to you on phone. Just let me know if you're in my "neck of the woods".

Since insurance is my job!!!! this has been the day from hell!!!!!!

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, repeat over and over. Hugsss....Janice
Thanks for your great advice.My mom,my younger brother&I are having a talk Sunday night.I know this will help all of us.We've been dealing with this for over a year&1/2.I seriously need to talk to my mom.I feel so bad for her.She is a trooper.Yes,you are right JuliN,about depression as a sign of anger.I am extremely angry at my dad.It's so hurtful.But,i have to stop taking it out on myself.I'm only hurting myself.

I made a easy workout schedule for the next four weeks.My cleanse starts a week from Thursday.I am assisting my cleanse teacher.So,i am really excited about it.This is excating what i need.Have a great weekend.
Hi All --

It's a cloudy Sunday here in Cincinnati. FS, I hope the talk with your mom and brother was helpful. I think you're right to have a little lighter w.o. schedule for a while. You have some other things to address at the moment.

Janice, wow Isabel is a monster. Our thoughts and prayers are definitely with the Eastern seaboard. I remember Hurrican George a few years ago and that it (he?) abruptly turned out to sea instead of hitting land. Let's pray that Isabel does the same. This must be very frightening for you.

Yesterday was beautiful so my DH and I walked Sharon Woods. I find myself doing that a lot when the days are pretty.

Hope things are well with everyone!

Hi girls. Thanks Juli, yes it is a frightning storm. Hopefully it WILL turn like they keep saying on the weather channel. I don't wish it on ANTBODY but I sure hope it turns awaqy from us. Prayers are most appreciated.

I have been thinking about you a lot Firmscorpio. Hope you're feeling better.

I did new BSS2 tape that Allie leads(I LOVE IT!) Maximum Cardio Burn. It is TOUGH to me!

Have a great week all. Hi to Gloria, Bita, Juli, Robyn, Otisan, Firmscorpio....Janice

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