Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challenge)


Good morning! This week's topic is lifted from "O"

"No free rides"

"Whether we want to lose weight, reach a career goal, or improve our relationships, it's human to look for the easy way out - the shortcut. . . The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal for this year, you can get there - as long as you're willing to be honest with yourself about the preparation and work involved. There are no back doors, no free rides. There's just you and a choice. Will you persevere when you most want to quit? Will you pry yourself out of bed for a morning run months after you made your New Year's promise . . .I know for sure you can attain your goal the old-fashioned way - through hard work" - Oprah

It's Power Hour Monday for me. Make it a great day:D
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi Michelle, I can't believe I was able to get here with no problem. I love your message-No free rides. Took me a very long time to figure that out! My weekend was Sat-IMAX2 and Pilates plus 45 min on tredmill.WHEW! Sunday -Rest. Mon-TT2. Hope everyone finds us here. Have a great week all. Janice :) :p }(
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Is there a rotation with this check in or just what you feel like doing?

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi Rhonda, no formal rotation with this check-in (though a few in the group have "buddied up" and do rotations together.) Anyone is welcome to join. We post a topic for the week and try to "bond" with that topic while we work on fitness.

Janice (goldengirl), I'm glad you made it:D
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

FitDoc!! Good too see you! How's it goin?

This looks like a great checkin for me. Love your topic for the week.

I'm really having a struggle with getting weights in these days. I did get a new barbell for inspriation and did PH once last week and plan to again this week. The week b4 that I did CTX Upper Body. Doesn't sound like much but it's a lot more weights than I was doing.

Cardio and yoga, well now, I'm not having any problem getting those two things in!! I keep trying to tell myself the power yoga will replace weights. I'm not so sure about that one so I"m going to do a full body weight workout once a week.

So today it's weights and cardio since I have the day off. Unusual forme to be home on a Monday but there was a death in my family and I get 3 days off for that even though my sister in law left specific instructions for no funeral and to be cremated. We are having mass said for the family.

Hi girls!

Fitdoc, great topic for our first week in our new home. No free rides, no magic pills. Hard work, good choices and lots of motivation from good friends will keep us on track. I hope everyone will find us today. Welcome to anyone who wants to join out little group.

Today was PS-CST and PS-BB(no abs though) Gonna be feeling it on the tennis court tomorrow!

Have a good day all.

Hi ladies,
Good to "see" you and welcome! Hope everyone makes it! And hope even more friends join us!

Fitdoc, Thanks for choosing the great topic from Oprah. I LOVE it! And I love the continuation of the last week's Gloria's topic "choices" .

I did CIA 2102, the powerbar training.

Have a beautiful day!
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hey everyone!!

I'm so glad to see some familiar faces- Janice, Gloria, Fitdoc & Bita. I think I am really ready to move on to Cathe in not just the forum sense. After reviewing all my scheduled workouts from the Lablover rotation, I've been substituting a lot of Cathe's. As I'm typing this, I've got my charge card out to get the Pure Strength series. OMG }(

While I agree that there are no free rides, having a friendly nudge in the right direction really helps motivate. I also have to remember that obstacles are the things you see once you lose sight of your goal. Let's keep our eyes on the prize!

Saturday's workout was MIS and yesterday's was the Wedding tape plus floor legs & abs. Today I'm supposed to do Volume 3 (with Sandahl), but my hammies are still sore from Saturday.

Great to see all you new faces too. Have a great day!
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

I wanted to report I did Power Hour!!! YESSSS, threee weeks in a row now weight work! Granted only once a week all three weeks but that's gotta beat the heck outta zippo.

Tonight I'm doing the step portion from MIC!

I love Power Hour more everytime I do it. Great abs section too.

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Otisan, you're going to fall in love with the PS series. It may be my favorite, well that and CTX. Have fun with it. Edith, I've just recently added PH and I agree it gets better every time I do it. OK, so who's still missing? Debbie, Firmscorpio, Juli?

Is there a way to read all messages in the thread while posting? That's a great feature for the memory challenged like me.

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

I'M HERE!I had a busy weekend.Timber99 and I went shopping Saturday.Sunday was family day.Ate lots of junk and enjoyed every bit of it.Very tired today.I didn't get up this morning to do SS.I was going to do it when i got home.Got a headache and very tired.Going to relax.Great topic fitdoc.Prefect timing for our next set of goals.I'm still need to work on my previous goals.I'm determined to make them stick.Still freezing out here.We had snow last night.About three inches.Going to lie down and rest.Glad to see everyone.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Edith! Welcome to the check-in. It's nice to "see" you :D Sorry about your family's bad news :C

(Judging by Madonna's body - yoga can replace weights!)
Hey...mind if i join??? I am doing a rotation that bfj suggested actually;-) I did S&H-chest and back plus a 3.6 mile powerwalk.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

I would also like to join you ladies,
I can use all the motivation I can get.
Today I did
CTX Kickbox(cardio section only) PS BBA

This is great a GENERAL check in! I've been looking for this! I posted to the new tape video checkin for 2 weeks - and PS check in once. SInce I dont have either the new tapes or PS I think this is much better!

I'm out of work now :( so have lots of time to work out - trying to see the posiitive in it.

THis week was going to be CTX rotation but I think I need a bit of power hour. SO goal is to do 3 PH, 1 IMAX, 1 Lean leg, and 2 other cardio!

Thanks for setting up this check in! It's great!
Good Evening Ladies,

So nice to see us all together over here. Seems like we are going to get a few new people to join in on our fun. Yippee!!!!

Well today after another trip to see LLOR TT AGAIN!!! I got home late but managed to get in a 5k run on Burner and an ab hits w/o. No walk tonight though.

All is well here at the Full Circle Ranch, except I think we have some wild pigs running around here. Dh and I saw these little tracks all over the place up at Eagles Nest so we hit the internet and sure enough we do. So far all the damage they are doing is rooting around. Although I am getting ready for some serious spring planting and at that point they might be a problem. Maybe some electrical fencing around the garden areas will take care of it. After all can't we just all get along. :)

Have a good night see ya all tomorrow,
Couldn't sleep last night.I came home with a headache yesterday after work.Went to bed early.Woke up at 11:30 to go the bathroom,then at 1.Reset my alarm for 4.But, i forced myself to get up at 2:45 to workout.Did SS this morning.Heavied up on my weights.Going to feel it tomorrow.Did a load of laundry,clean the bathroom,did the dishes,folded towels,made lunch.Now,i'm making breakfast.I'm scrubbing the tub and kitchen sink when i get home.It's still freezing outx( Not looking forward to go out in the cold.Working on my goals for Feb.Looks like we are getting more challengers.I did talk to Vicky last week.She is having trouble posting on the FP forum.I told her we were coming over here.She should pop in soon.The website should be ready.I'll e-mail her again.Have a good day:)
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi Everyone,
I would love to join the check-in. I just found you guys, the new forum has been intimidating me a bit. Due to a root canal yesterday :( , I had a rest day. Today is PH, my least favorite, and I just avoid it like a wimp. I need a good kick in the a** to push me along! I love the quote! Great choice!
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is doing great. Looks like we are having such a wonderful, great, strong, and dedicated group here. Very impressive.

I did Cathe's Bootcamp and Finn's power yoga today.

Have a beautiful day.

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