Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challenge)

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi girls, I'm having a full blown pity party by myself so I'll talk to ya'll when I'm feeling normal again. Nothing life shattering just back problems and stuff. Talk to ya'll tomorrow. Janice:(
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...


Hang in there don’t sweat the small stuff, you are a (healthy albeit sore) person, with a wonderful loving, giving spirit so don’t knock yourself. If your body needs time then listen to it but in the mean time don’t torture yourself with doubts. Because you ROCK!!!

Hello Everybody,

Well today is MIS, 2 mile run and an hour fat burning walk on Burner. First I’m going to bake some bread from this new Italian Cookbook that I got off of Amazon. Bread is my weakness for sure, well one of my weaknesses at least. Hope you all have a great day.

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi Everyone,

Great to see our group is growing! Welcome back, Wildpony & Firmscorpio, glad to see you found us.

Yesterday I felt 100% lousy. I was sore & nauseated all day and just wanted to go to sleep. What a difference a day makes! I feel much better today and I'm ready to hit the weights again.

Have a great day!! :)
Hi all,

A beautiful day for tennis - 65 and sunny! My favorite workout! Not really a workout but I count it anyway. We played two sets and won. I plan to take a walk with DH and the dog after supper. I have to confess I got into the cookies today. Sheesh, I hate when I do that. We've got too many snacks left over from the kids Super Bowl party. Gotta send them to DH's office tomorrow. Make the sexytaries fat.

Janice, sorry about your back. Did you lift grandkids all weekend? And Dawn, a root canal! Youch! Debbie, keep us informed about the wild pigs. What a place you live on.

Hi to all and especially our new girls.

Does everyone check in here everyday or just once a week?If it is everyday today for me was Imax/Abs/4 mile powerwalk....hope everyone had a great day!!
Hi smiley,
We do our best to check-in every day. Each monday we start with a new topic for the week and keep that topic in mind all the time :). And start of each month we set goals for the whole month.

It looks like you are doing fantastic on your rotation. More power to you.:)
Thanks!I am doing the rotation that you suggested for me and its good its making me do imax...mabe it will be my new favorite(dont count on that!)This will be neat checking in w/everyone!
Hey y’all! It’s great to see our little group grow. Today’s workout was cardio from Cathe’s Body Max. I’m going to try and work in some Yoga tonight.

WildPony, wild pigs! You truly are living “The Wild Kingdom”

FirmScorpio, you are amazing. I went to bed at 5:00 am and you woke at 2:45 am. What’s wrong with this picture?

Janice ((((hugs)))) to you girlfriend. Some days you just need to survive the day until you can crawl in to bed.

Welcome StepEdith, Smiley, Dawn, Robyn, Angie!:D

Cathe’s new DVDs will soon be in my hands!!!!!!}(
I so didnt want to work out today. One of those days :(. I'm not working and today it got to me. Anyhow late in the day I did Power Hour and felt SO much better.

Tough week so far - Sun (PH) Mon (IMAX) Today (PH)
The good news is I'm really noticing a difference in firmness yippee :)
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Tonight before bed I did the New York City Ballet Workout for the first time. Eeegads, it was difficult to do the exercises correctly - and I'm a little sore already. I'll let you know if I can move tomorrow.

(I usually fast forward through all stretching sequences in my workouts and skip the cool down - it's terrible - I know.)
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi! Hope you are all doing fantastic.

Janice, hope you are feeling tons better today.

Today exercises are Cathe's Muscle Endurance and Yoga Sanctuary.

Have to run.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful, productive day.

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi everyone,
This morning was cardio. I did the All-Step step portion only, and the step portion of BodyMax. I feel like I just did a million lunges! I'm pooped! We need a smiley who's sweaty and panting like a dog!
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi Everyone -- I had computer problems at home and work last week and couldn 't post until now. Great topic, Fitdoc! Success in any area of life takes work and accountability. I'll avoid getting on my soapbox on this one but suffice it to say that I have a terrific life (compared to other members of my family) mainly because I've taken this attitude to heart. The earmarks of my family are obesity/fear & depression/poverty and my life is the opposite. It all comes down to decisions followed up by lots of hard work.

Rhonda, Edith, Smiley2, and other newcomers -- Welcome! You'll love this group. Everyone is very positive and supportive.

Edith -- So sorry about your SIL. Your family is in my prayers.

Otisan -- Still sewing on my costumes. Thanks for your encouragement along the way!

Hope all is well with everyone.

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Almost forgot -- Did yoga and SS on Monday and Tuesday for my w.o.

Re: Yoga. I've noticed that my upper body got even stronger and it made my abs much flatter. What a shock! Especially since it seems like it's not "real" exercise. Who would have thought?

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Hi girls. Thanks Bita, Debbie, Doc and Gloria for the support. Don't know what was wrong with me yesterday but finally went to bed at 9:30 just to get away from myself!!Sheesh! What a bi&^$ I was! Whatever it was it's gone, thank God. I got up this AM and did Nancy's Scs and 2 parts of 5 day abs. Felt so much better!!!

Welcome to our new people. Hope you find a home with us. This is a great group of caring people. We've been thru a lot together this past year haven't we girls? We're survivors!! No doubt about it.

Tomorrow after dentist apptx( It's either Super Cardio or Cathe's IMAX2(LOVE that tape) Hope you all have a great rest of the week. Hi to Otisan too. Talk to ya'll Friday. Janice:)
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Juli! Glad you found us. I hated the thought of no sewing update.

Janice, glad you're feeling better. I've heard of so many people with some sort of yucky bug lately.

Today was a rest day for me. If you call housecleaning a rest day. How did everyone do on their January goals? I feel good about my rotation. I'm going to continue with the same tank top rotation next month. The drawer a day thing didn't work. Once I did all the easy ones I didn't want to tackle the time consuming ones. Maybe a drawer a week is more my mentality. Start thinking about those Feb. goals.

RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

Did CB this morning.Was going to clean the frige after work today.But,I just don't feel like it:-( I'm always so beat after work.I have the most energy in the morning.Tomorrow morning i'll clean out my frige and wash the outside.After i do BBB(finally got my tape back).I made Thursday nights family dinner night.Atleast,we get to spend time with each other.It's hard to get together on the weekends at time.This way it will be our night.Goldengirl,it's all part of being a women.Hormones,Hormones,hormones.Glad your feeling better.

JuliN,glad to see you.Hope you finish your sewing projects.Congrats to you for sewing all those costumes.What a sweetheart.Our group is growing.Hopefully,the website will be up soon.Going to send Vicky another e-mail so she can check in with us.
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...


Did the last 60 minutes of BodyMax (intervals and weights). Working the night shift tonight so I must booogie oogie oogie till I just can't boogie no more . . .
RE: Transformation Check-In (Formerly Ultimate Challeng...

hey everyone ...thanks all for the welcome!today was s&h biceps &triceps then a 4 mile powerwalk.

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