training to run?


I have been wanting to get into running more. I have a treadmill. What is the best way to train yourself to run at a good pace. Rightnow I do about a 12 min mile (not too good) And run for 2-3 miles. Hope this makes sense.
I am 34 and in good shape.
That's a good question! I have been running, well...jogging for a number of years and when I feel really speedy, the best I can do is just under a 10 minute pace. So I hope the experienced runners give you some good tips. I have to add that I do think that cross-training with the Cathe videos, esp. those interval blasts, has helped me. Oh and listening to songs with a fast beat helps my brain quite a bit (usually happy pop-rock songs are my guilty pleasure), and I am sure to have noise related hearing loss as a result of this habit. Oh well, the price we pay for fitness, eh?
A quote I read in Runner's World that is so true is:

"To be able to run faster you have to run faster."

The previous poster is correct when she said that the IMAXs help improve running speed but you should also do running speed workouts if you want to increase running speed.

You can run intervals which are like Cathe blasts. Run at a fast speed for a given distance, slow down and recover, run fast again, recover.... You can also do hill repeats. Run up a hill maintaining a good pace, jog back down, run up again, jog back down......

If you incorporate speed work in your workout regimen then you will see improvement. But to avoid injury don't push too hard. As with any other fitness goal, running faster takes time and commitment.

Hope that helps.

Here is a suggestions to your question. I was listening to AM radio (Talk Show) about exercising and nutrition. On a treadmill, put the speed at a much higher speed and run for about 2-3mins. Stop. Get out and rest for 2 mins. Repeat. The guy ( the trainer for the football team...Houston Texans) said that pretty soon you can just stay on the treadmill for the entire time with that higher speed.

The example he gives was run at 12mph for 3mins..stop and rest. Start again (this example is to train for 6min mile run). He mentioned that interval training is the best way to reduce your mile.

Mrs. HTK
You have gotten great advice so far. Starting slow is good. Remember too fast to quick could very well burn you out. A couple of good sites with beginning running programs and ALOT of support are and I do agree about crosstraining. Weightlifting will get your body stronger and yes Imaxes can help your running too...hope this helps...:)...Carole
I prefer running outside to a treadmill. I use a pedometer, and I just track my time and try to work on my stride and pick up my pace little by little. I am a believer in slow and steady progress. Also, interval training improves your aerobic capacity which in turn helps your running ability.
I am thinking to increase my running distance. I am able to run 3.25 miles under 30 min. I would like to be able to run half marathon some day.

I have knees problem. My symptoms seemed to me like runner knees. I am 38 and in good shape. My question is

1. Should I run 3-4 miles everyday in order to increase the mileage?
2. Will it making my knees worse to run 3-4 miles everyday?


Yes - interval training is the best way to do it!

I usually will start with a comfortable jog for 5 minutes, then up that by .5mph for a minute, then back down, up by .6 for a minute, then back down. I continue until I cannot run for a full minute at that speed, and then go back down.

For example

5.0 mph (comfy jog) for 5 minutes
5.5 mph for a minute
5.0 for a minute
5.6 for a minute
5.0 for a minute
5.7 for a minute...

You'll see a difference very quickly.
I think we need more information on your knee problems to be able to answer that question. First a foremost - see a doctor - knees (and hips) are not something to mess with - knee and hip injuries can lead to all sorts of other problems - get them checked out asap.

If it is runner's knee, which is a repetitive use injury, then your best bet is to rest it for 14 days - completely - then slowly add running and other Cardio back in. Also ice you knees after every run for 15 minutes. It should get better. And then you really need to change your workout routine to include more cross training, so you're not using your knees the same way every day you exercise.

As for how to increase distance... If you usually run 4 days a week, run 3 of those at your normal distance, and then make one day a longer day - run 1.0 or 1/4 a mile (no further that 1/4 mile) further. Do that a few times, then add on another .10 or 1/4 of a mile. You'll work your way up pretty quickly.
>I have been wanting to get into running more. I have a
>treadmill. What is the best way to train yourself to run at a
>good pace. Rightnow I do about a 12 min mile (not too good)
>And run for 2-3 miles. Hope this makes sense.
>I am 34 and in good shape.

12 minutes per mile really isn't that bad. There are some marathoners in my training group that train at that pace.

I'm up to 15 miles now at a 10:30 per mile pace. I started with 2-3 miles @ a 12 minute per mile pace just like you back in Feb.
"The example he gives was run at 12mph for 3mins..stop and rest. Start again (this example is to train for 6min mile run). He mentioned that interval training is the best way to reduce your mile."

I think the ONLY way I could EVER run 12mph is if I were being chased my a lion! Let's face it, I'd still be screwed!!:7
I am in the physical therapy for my aching knees now. My PT said that my aching was due to the stiff muscles pulling my knees caps off the right position which caused abarasion between my knee caps & cartilage. She prescriped me doing some stretchs and moves to increase my quad, hamstring and calf muscles flexibility and strength in my inner thigh muscles.

Also she said I have a very flat feet. I need to buy the running shoes that made for that. She gave me a list of those shoes. I haven't got a chance to do the shopping yet.

Thanks for your advice. After I give my knees a couple weeks rest, I would start running. Thinking about the following schedule:

Mon, Wed & Fri: 3.5 mile + upper body weight training + stretch
Sat: 4 miles + abs+stretch
Tue, Thur: 200 freestyle leg traing, such as walking lunges + Imax or Plyo or KPC, KM to alternate
Sun: Stretch

What do you think about this rotation? Will it be overtraining?



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