training for marathon--question about weight training


New Member
I asked a question along these lines before and got a really great, thoughtful answer, but now I have another more specific question! :) Okay, my training schedule (given to me by my Team in Training coach) is a 6-day-a-week schedule--during the week I currently alternate 30 and 50 minute running sessions, with a long run on Saturday (currently 8 miles, this and the weekday sessions will build obviously). I take Sunday as my day off. When should I do my strength training? On my light running days or on my day off? Any suggestions about what I should do? I like Cathe tapes (obviously!:)) and I have CTX and Pure Strength on DVD and the new set pre-ordered. Should I go heavy or light? A full-body workout once a week, or parts on various days? I have to add (to further complicate matters!), the marathon training is really eating up my time and since I work full-time and have three young children, I need to find a quick routine. Basically, my goal now is just to keep my muscles, joints, and ligaments healthy and supported while I do my marathon training.
I would train my legs on my off day or my light day(s) and my upper body on my long or longer days. That'll save the glycogen stored in your leg muscle for running.
I know the marathon training will really take up your time, especially as you get closer to your event and clock in some 50 mile weeks. In my opinion, as your time allowed for weight training decreases, just get in the most important exercises. Save your Cathe tapes for when you can really concentrate on weights. Until then, I think I'd do pushups, lunges, and squats. Try for 3 sets 2-3 days a week. Don't skip the squats, especially. You really need to keep your quads strong to offset the pull from your hamstrings that running long distances does to you. They should help prevent knee injuries and will help on the hills. Be sure to stretch, stretch, stretch, too. Other runners may have other suggestions.

Running a marathon is a big commitment. Congratulations and good luck and good health to you!
How long until your marathon? I ran one back in December of 1999. Initially, I strength-trained as usual. Once you get to the really big mileage, you may want to cut back on strength, maybe train lightly once a week? I like using CTX for one body part a day and the upper body split would work really well for that. Also, the last few weeks, last week in particular, everything ceased. I didn't run or lift. And I remember 50 miles a week being a real challenge. (My usual mileage was 35 a week). You're going to do great! Do you visit Runner's World website. And your Team in Training coach should also be able to council you. Just listen to your body. If you feel overly tired or your heart rate increases, lighten up. I think Team in Training is wonderful and although one marathon was enough for me, I wouldn't mind doing another for a good cause!

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