Training for Intensity Series


Some of you (aka Donna, Aquajock, etc) already know this, but... I just added I-Max to my rotation 2 x's a week to kick my current plateau's butt, and to prepare myself (hah!) for the Intensity Series. It does get easier! It also helped me lose 5 lbs.! Not much, but I can see a difference! I use an 8" step now and although I cannot seem to reach even half of Cathe's height on the airborn jacks or tucks, I do them without stopping or getting a giant sidestitch, like I used to do. It has made other videos easier too. What are you guys doing to get ready "for the next step"?
I'm already ready, and I'm very excited to get tapes that I KNOW will be tough enough! That's a thrill in itself.

Just Do It! :)
Hi Jilly!

Well, to get ready I've put Circuit Max and IMax in my rotation, both once a week, in addition to BodyMax every other week. For me, Imax once a week is tough enough - you are one brave girl! Sounds like you've seen great results though. I'm thinking that when we get ImaxII, I'll start doing I & II once a week and see how that goes. I have to say, I've never felt stronger while doing Circuit Max. That video used to just totally kick my butt. I guess it still does, but now when I finish, I'm a bowl of Jell-O instead of a bowl of complete mush. I think the Slow & Heavy training may have something to do with that.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-02 AT 02:45PM (Est)[/font][p]I wasn't plannng on doing anything specific just stickig with my regular exercise routine and using the new videos as workouts to 'shock' my system but then you guys got me a little worried! So I've been doing Power Hour, Leaner Legs and the PS series once per week for the last 3 weeks.

I'm glad that I decided to follow your suggestions because Power Hour has started to become somewhat easier for me to do. I used to dread putting in that tape because I knew it would be a tough workout but now that I've been using it regularly I have been gaining strength and seeing some slight definition! :)

Thanks for putting a little fear in me! :)
I'm doing like Lizzie - have added both Circuit Max and Imax in my weekly rotation. Before I was alternating one of those every week.

Can't wait for the new series! :-jumpy
Hi Jillybean!

Did you already post your rotation and I missed it? Could you please post it again? How long were you doing it before you saw the weight loss?

Also, I don't have IMax, can you suggest one or two other workouts to sub for it?

I have been doing the PS series, but along with it, I have made my longer cardios MIC, BodyMax, and IMax. (Not all in one week, though!) I do MIC and BodyMax. Another week IMax within the same week as BodyMax, etc. On the days that I do weights, I do either CTX cardio or run. Also, have thrown PH in there a couple of weeks. I have lost a couple of pounds without changing my eating!! Wasn't trying, but it happened (I'll take it).


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