Dallas, I was wondering how to spell "blek" when I posted, because it absolutely communicates how I felt when I tried some of these foods. So since it sounds like Schrek I figured blek, but I am glad to learn it is "blech." That looks right. Thanks!
I threw out the corn bread I bought, and the cookies are going next. It makes me feel so wasteful, having been brought up with the phrase, "Clean your plate! Don't you know there are starving people in the world!" I think it used to be "...in Ethiopia", but my awareness has been raised to understand that the issue is more global. Of course, it probably doesn't include the starving models and actresses who look like bobble head dolls, but I digress.
I threw out the corn bread I bought, and the cookies are going next. It makes me feel so wasteful, having been brought up with the phrase, "Clean your plate! Don't you know there are starving people in the world!" I think it used to be "...in Ethiopia", but my awareness has been raised to understand that the issue is more global. Of course, it probably doesn't include the starving models and actresses who look like bobble head dolls, but I digress.