Tracey's Steady State & Hi/Lo Med Ball


Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask if anyone else is having problems with those two DVDs. I received the DVDs today and I am truly disappointed. The sound quality is just awful. I could barely hear Tracey. The video is worse. The picture is clear and sharp if they are not moving, but as soon as they move, it's all blurry.

Maybe you got a bad set of DVD's? Could you try and contact CS and see if you can't get new ones?
I did SSS last night. I got a paper that said something about the settings of your tv. She filmed these in two different settings. I believe.

But you are correct the filming is not the best. Tracey needs to go back to her early workouts where her filming was much better. HISM, sweatfest.

Overall I think the workout was fun and some of her best cueing. I got pretty much everything but the last combo on the first try. The sound didn't bother me. What bothered me was wanting to learn a combo but having to look at close up of one of them.

I also kept thinking this must be frustrating for Jill and Barbie because there were times when they would have to catch up. But I also found those leave ins endearing because I felt like they were going through the same thing as me, trying to learn the dvd.

I know this was the first dvd Tracey edited herself, so I guess for a first time it wasn't to bad.

The workout was fun, I liked the music, and the vibe was energetic and fun.
Hopefully the more I learn it the less I will have to look at the bad camera angles.

I did hi/lo med ball this weekend and enjoyed it. I just wished we used the med ball more than just that 1 cardio section.

I noticed, also, the filming. When they were moving really fast (which was quite a bit, lol), it was almost fuzzy...sort of like the camera and focus couldn't keep up with the girls.

Sound....I only noticed, a few times, minor 'fuzziness' when Tracey was speaking/yelling loudly. And their were a few times when her voice was drowned out. But it didn't bother me all that much.

Overall, I liked it!

I did hi/lo med ball this morning. I got through combos 1-8 and then the cable guys showed up. I have to say this work was FUN!! Music was fun and the workout moved quickly.

I think this workout of better production than SSS but both are fun. :D
I can barely hear Tracey in HLMB most of the time in this w/o. And there are a couple of time where there is no sound from her at all, but her lips are moving. One segment (Ithink combo 4 or 5, but not sure) where her voice is missing for several seconds :( I think it's a good w/o, but it's a shame the quality isn't better.
Catherine-I noticed the same thing and I figured it was to edit out something 'goofy' she was saying! LOL

I have to say that I really like Tracey, both as a person and as an instructor. As I was doing HLMB I kept thinking that it's different, and DIFFERENT is good. I LOVE her Core Blast!!! LOVE IT!

I have only previewed both workouts but they both look FUN!!! I noticed at one point Tracey's voice was gone but the lips were moving but, like Gayle, I thought it was to edit out something she said. I notice this in almost all exercise dvd's. I am looking forward to actually doing the dvd's. I already had my rotation set up for the next month but I will work them in somehow!!

I got both. I did Steady State Step and had no problems with it. Here's my mini-review that I posted on VF:

Did Steady State Step this a.m. and...

I really liked it! Great music, great choreography. She has Barbie doing it on the floor and Jill doing the higher impact choreography. This is true steady state step - it doesn't stop.

Warmup starts out with a lot of hip shaking (she seems to really like to do that), step taps, squats, basics. There's no more hip shaking once the warmup is over.

She did a couple of moves that were in Low Max (or IMAX 3) - 2 knee repeaters and then a walk with a turn around the step and also 2 knee repeaters and triple steps around the step. She does a lot of reverse mambo moves - NOT like Low Max. The first reverse mambo move is a bit tricky. For the most part, she's easy to follow but that move tripped me up a bit. She also does a turning jumping jack on/off the step (the most high impact move of the workout). There are a lot of moves facing away from the step and lots of turning around the step. She does an around the world with 2 kicks and then each foot taps the step and then you turn back to the front. She also does a mambo front and back and then a pony over to the other side of the step. She also does box lunges around the step. This is not for the choreography-challenged but it's not the most complicated choreography I've done. This was easier for me to pick up than HISM1. She does TIFT but the workout goes so fast, you really don't notice it. She's pretty good at cueing but some steps are broken down more than others.

After the main combos are over, Jill and Barbie leave and Tracey is by herself and does a more athletic section - kind of like one of Cathe's blasts in Low Max - Knee repeaters, L steps, L step with kick to the side.

This is all I can remember for now. If I get a chance, I'll try and write out the combos. The whole workout is 55 minutes. There are no stretches in the warmup and there's a quick 4 minute cooldown with grapevines, alternating side lunges, hamstring. hip flexor and calf stretches and shoulder and chest stretches.

I didn't like some of the camera angles - they panned down to just their feet or just their faces at times. I like to see the whole body. Patrick did the same thing in Step Up and it really annoyed me.

I think Tracey delivered with this one. I'd give it an A - it would have been an A-plus if she didn't fool around with the camera angles.

Did Steady State Step this a.m. and...


I really liked it! Great music, great choreography. She has Barbie doing it on the floor and Jill doing the higher impact choreography. This is true steady state step - it doesn't stop.

Warmup starts out with a lot of hip shaking (she seems to really like to do that), step taps, squats, basics. There's no more hip shaking once the warmup is over.

She did a couple of moves that were in Low Max (or IMAX 3) - 2 knee repeaters and then a walk with a turn around the step and also 2 knee repeaters and triple steps around the step. She does a lot of reverse mambo moves - NOT like Low Max. The first reverse mambo move is a bit tricky. For the most part, she's easy to follow but that move tripped me up a bit. She also does a turning jumping jack on/off the step (the most high impact move of the workout). There are a lot of moves facing away from the step and lots of turning around the step. She does an around the world with 2 kicks and then each foot taps the step and then you turn back to the front. She also does a mambo front and back and then a pony over to the other side of the step. She also does box lunges around the step. This is not for the choreography-challenged but it's not the most complicated choreography I've done. This was easier for me to pick up than HISM1. She does TIFT but the workout goes so fast, you really don't notice it. She's pretty good at cueing but some steps are broken down more than others.

After the main combos are over, Jill and Barbie leave and Tracey is by herself and does a more athletic section - kind of like one of Cathe's blasts in Low Max - Knee repeaters, L steps, L step with kick to the side.

This is all I can remember for now. If I get a chance, I'll try and write out the combos. The whole workout is 55 minutes. There are no stretches in the warmup and there's a quick 4 minute cooldown with grapevines, alternating side lunges, hamstring. hip flexor and calf stretches and shoulder and chest stretches.

I didn't like some of the camera angles - they panned down to just their feet or just their faces at times. I like to see the whole body. Patrick did the same thing in Step Up and it really annoyed me.

I think Tracey delivered with this one. I'd give it an A - it would have been an A-plus if she didn't fool around with the camera angles.

For anyone who wants a comparison to Cathe, I would say this has more complicated choreography than Rhythmic Step and Cathe also breaks down the moves a bit more.

I did SSS this morning, and really liked it! I esp. liked how one of the cameras did some overhead shots so you could see her feet moving on the step.

Towards the end, though, the music seemed to get louder and it became hard to hear her cuing in places. I also noticed a bit of that blurring when the they moved too quickly.

She also breaks down the choreography really nicely, so it's easy to follow along the first time. :)
I have hi/lo med ball and did it the other day -- I really like it! Great music, and a great change of pace from high impact cardio that is starting to really take a toll on my body. I had no issues with the sound or picture -- I also noticed the edited out sound and figured she was saying something about things falling out of the front of her shirt -- just my guess! :) It's a fun workout!


I guess I am glad I am not the odd one with the problems (cuz when I received the email back from Tracey, I was told no one else has reported the problem). I try watching the DVD but I got dizzy looking at the blurry picture, so I didn't even get far on previewing. Let alone working out with it. The music sounds really upbeat and pumping; I am just sad that I can't do the workout.

I emailed Tracey and Tracey had her tech guy, Jim, called to me help me configure my DVD player. Didn't help but Jim said he downloaded my DVD player manual and will call me back tomorrow.

I seriously doubt that it's the DVD player issue, but awesome customer support.

Was it filmed in high definition? I just wonder if that's the issue. This is just a wild guess. But do those who have problems with the blurry movements have a tv that supports HD? I have a HD tv and do not have that problem. But I still have audio problems with HLMB :( I have to turn it up so loud to hear Tracey. But then the music just practically drowns her out :(
Has everyone gotten their copy of SSS? I preordered in January, received Coreblast as scheduled, but have not gotten my SSS yet...
Has everyone gotten their copy of SSS? I preordered in January, received Coreblast as scheduled, but have not gotten my SSS yet...

Hi Conni- I also preordered (not sure when but maybe in Jan) I live in AZ and received my copies of HLMB and SSS on Monday. I would email Tracey and ask her if she sent you your copy. Hope you get it soon:)

Thanks Jacque, I did just that. I live in Ohio and should not be waiting this long.

Let's see how quick I hear from them....

Was it filmed in high definition? I just wonder if that's the issue. This is just a wild guess. But do those who have problems with the blurry movements have a tv that supports HD? I have a HD tv and do not have that problem. But I still have audio problems with HLMB :( I have to turn it up so loud to hear Tracey. But then the music just practically drowns her out :(

I don't know about these two latest ones, but I read somewhere that the earlier ones, coreblast, circuit zone and strike zone were done in Hi Def and I didn't have any issues (video or audio) on those earlier ones.

Regarding the music being too loud, Jim, Tracey's tech guy was telling me that my DVD player needs to be set to stereo instead of surround if I don't have surround sound as surround settings pick up the surrounding noise, in this case the music, more than the voice. (somehow, I don't think that's the problem either)

Oh another thing I noticed is that, the logo and the FBI warning message are cut off on the left side of the screen. I don't know if anyone else has seen that?


Regarding the music being too loud, Jim, Tracey's tech guy was telling me that my DVD player needs to be set to stereo instead of surround if I don't have surround sound as surround settings pick up the surrounding noise, in this case the music, more than the voice. (somehow, I don't think that's the problem either)

Oh another thing I noticed is that, the logo and the FBI warning message are cut off on the left side of the screen. I don't know if anyone else has seen that?


I changed the audio settings on my dvd player and that helped some. But all in all the music is too loud for her voice JMO.

I don't want to sound negative, I really do like the w/o. Just wish I could hear the cuing better.

I didn't notice the FBI warning being cut off.
I got both HLMB & SSS and love them. Love the music and the moves in both. Lots of fun! No problems with sound or viewing. How frustrating that must be, sorry to hear that.
I just wanted to follow up with my missing dvd issue.

I emailed Tracey yesterday and she replied last evening. She couldn't have been more apologetic, and is shipping my dvd plus her metabolism boosting workout free just for the trouble.

She handled this with class, I give her props on my problem.

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