Tracey's Steady State & Hi/Lo Med Ball

I don't know about these two latest ones, but I read somewhere that the earlier ones, coreblast, circuit zone and strike zone were done in Hi Def and I didn't have any issues (video or audio) on those earlier ones.

Regarding the music being too loud, Jim, Tracey's tech guy was telling me that my DVD player needs to be set to stereo instead of surround if I don't have surround sound as surround settings pick up the surrounding noise, in this case the music, more than the voice. (somehow, I don't think that's the problem either)

Oh another thing I noticed is that, the logo and the FBI warning message are cut off on the left side of the screen. I don't know if anyone else has seen that?


I noticed this only when I watched it on my tiny portable dvd player.


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