Tower Use


Hello everyone
I have one of those towers that you can use for pullups, pushups and ab work (where you put your arms on and do leg raises). Does anyone have suggestions for an ab workout to do? I never know what's good - 3 sets of 10 straight leg lifts, etc.
Thank you for any ideas! I'd like to use it for more than my husband throwing his baseball caps on!
Are you talking about something like this one?

You can always do leg raises to the side to get more into the obliques, like she's doing in the picture. It's neat to vary the exercises using different counts up 2 and down 2 or up and hold for 3 and down, etc. You can also vary the exercise by alternating the amount of space between the can do a rep with the knees pressed together and then do a rep with about 2, 4, 6 inches of space between the knees, etc. You can also try straight leg or bent knee scissors and vary the speed there as well.

Any time the straight leg exercises get too hard, you can bend the legs and lift. With these types of exercises, it doesn't take long for fatigue to set in, especially in the upper body since it is working hard to support you in the air. Actually, it's the upper body that gives out on me first when doing these exercises. So, I do them at the beginning of a routine and then try to end with them as well.

Great idea Angie...I have a tower too and keep telling myself I need to dust it off! Anyone else have any other suggestions? Thanks for asking Liz!

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