Tower Questions



Is anyone else having a problem on where to set bars etc for the pull ups using the Tower? I tried to see where the crew had it set, but could not easily tell. I am trying to use it to do the easiest version of the pull up/chin ups where your legs are slightly bent, outstreched. Sort of like Brenda in disk 21.

I really wish there was some type of tutorial on using this piece of equipment. I am almost sorry I bought it..:(
Hi Deb!

Sorry for your tower troubles! I know that when hubby and I first lowered it, I tested it by walking my feet out into that position prior to doing the workout. Then we could "count" the notches and know where the placement was--same thing for when I have to move it for chest work. Once you find it, you can then count it out and write it down and then hopefully you'll just remember it! :)

Hope that helps!

I was actually thinking of marking next to the holes with masking tape so I'd know which onces to use.
I was actually thinking of marking next to the holes with masking tape so I'd know which onces to use.

That's what I did with my power cage. I can not think or count straight when working out. So to be safe I marked where the saftey catches for squats and for benching- that way I don't have to think :p
That's what I did with my power cage. I can not think or count straight when working out. So to be safe I marked where the saftey catches for squats and for benching- that way I don't have to think :p

Catherine - you use the Tower for squats? How is that working for you? I know they said that it wasn't meant for use as a squat stand and I was thinking of trying it anyway but felt it wouldn't be safe. Let me know your experience with it if you can. Thanks!
Thanks for the replies. I tthink I will "mark" the holes for the different things too. I even have to use different levels for the flat bench press versus the incline one. I have not tried it for squats yet. It's the dang pull ups that I bought it for and I cannot do even one. It just doesn't fee comfortable.

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