Totally Cool Step, revisited


Hi ladies. I know that we just had a thread about TCS, but this thread inspired me to move it to the top of the Netflix queue and now it is on it's way. I should get it tomorrow. I have never done a Christi workout before. Do you have any suggestions? Should I preview? I heard that there is a section where she teaches the moves slowly. Do you recommend this section? I am so excited, but don't want to bite off more than I can chew and get too frustrated.

Any advice is appreciated!


Karin, I started the other thread, and am happy to report that I am starting to fall in love with this workout! I tagged the first combo onto the end of RS this morning, and was able to get through it, with a few modifications, and it was only my second time doing it. Then, I started the second combo, which seemed similar in choreographic complexity to the first combo. I didn't preview or look at the teaching section... though I may to move away from a couple modifications. All in all, I feel this workout will become more fun each time I do it... definitely "dancier" than Cathe IMO, but made me feel real graceful... and, yup, kinda like a dancer.
PS. Also got it thru Netflix.
As with most new workouts I view the workout all the way thru without trying it. Then I try it once. The parts I can't seem to get by the repetition within the workout I use Movemaster.

Don't get frustrated. I was so intimidated by Christi for the longest time. Once I got my nerve up to buy some of her stuff it really wasn't near as hard as I thought (and you're taking this advice from a person who still hasn't been able to remember the Electric Slide from one wedding to the next LOL). By the third time thru you'll have it down. You'll have so much fun!

You will do fine. I never had to use the move master for any of Christi's workouts. I just learn it by sections. I do the first section over and over until I get it down. With the DVD's you wil be able to skip back and forth.

I love Christi's workouts. The music is great and the workouts are fun and sweaty.

I really enjoy this workout ... I find that previewing helps ... also when Christi adds a turn, it's ok to continue with what you were doing until you become more familiar with the workout. The back row exercisers usually do the modified/simplied version so follow them a few times to get the idea down and still get a good workout. I didn't bother with the "mover master" section where Christi slows down the movements to teach them ... I have this workout on VHS and this section is at the very end so it comes on after the workout, making it too much of a bother for me. I hope you enjoy TCS, it really is a fun fun fun workout ... be patient with the learning curve and you'll soon have another very fun, effective cardio workout to add to your rotations. Deb :)
I would say watch the workout. Then watch the movemaster. Then give it a try!

Remember, you can stick with the more basic moves the first time or two. Don't worry about doing that or feel like you are doing less than you should!

I love Christi! Although I did the 2nd stage of her Step Heaven yesterday and fell all over myself. I can't wait to try it again.The first stage was pretty easy for me. I did get all of Hi-Lo Heaven in about 2 tries.

She's a challenge, and nothing feels quite so good as when you "get it". It's a great way to start a day! Have fun!
Karin, wondering if you tried TCS and how you liked it. I made it through the entire workout today, all the way to the end, and had a BLAST! I found it totally fun and invigorating... think I'll have to buy this one.
Yes, I did TCS the whole way through last night. I previewed it and then just gave it a try. Wow, it was fun. I was stumbling a little bit, but she is such a great cuer it was really my clumsy fault. I can't get over how much I like her. Did you do the bonus cardio? That to me was the best part because you could really just have fun with the combinations once you learn them. I was doing most of the spins that she put in but toward the end I ended up taking some of them out because my bum knee was starting to ache. I am totally buying this one too!!!

What is next for you? I have Fantastic Four Disc 2 at the top of my queue. I can't wait to give this one a try. I am also going to try Seasun Zieger too when I have time. This is such fun.

Thanks so much for asking. Keep me posted of anything else that you try of hers or anyone else's that you enjoy.

TCS is the only C. Taylor workout I've tried. Now that I've discovered how much I like her, maybe I'll try some others. I can only get one fitness DVD at a time, though, because we're currently in a huge "24" stage, going through each season at a time. We're almost at the end of season 2. Let me know how you do with Seasun Z. I tried her about a year ago, and found the workout pretty complicated. Maybe I'd do better now. Good luck w/Fantasic Four Disc 2!

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