Total Body Blast Chk In #8


Hi Everyone,
This week marks the start of 8 weeks on this rotation. I will post my results on Saturday, March 1.

Wherever you are on this rotation, perhaps you would like to share your accomplishments as well. ? :D
Maybe it was weight loss. Perhaps more strength...noticing you could do one more rep or lift a heavier weight.
Maybe you noticed you were losing inches. How about noticing you walked taller or had more confidence.
We would all be interested and motivated by your experiences.

See you later for another week of shaping and sculpting and molding us into better and more educated people. :D
I can't believe you guys are on week 8 already! I am only on week 3. I did ME and C&W time saver step today. I thought I had 40# on my barbell for squats but it turns out there was 45# on there. I did low ends with a 45# barbell! I know lots of ladies on this forum use much heavier weight loads than this, but for me, this is an accomplishment. I couldn't use 30# when I started with Cathe a year ago. I can't wait to hear your results Wanda, it seems like the Intesity Series along with clean eating has really worked for you!
I am only on week 3. I will be starting week 4 with Boot Camp on Monday.

Today I did Slow & Heavy legs, Slow & Heavy abs, & Rhythmic Step. It felt great. I missed Rhythmic Step. It had been several weeks and seemed almost too easy. I think I max 2 & Boot Camp cardio have moved me to a new level of fitness:)

Tomorrow is PUB. I think I will also do CTX 10 10 10. I miss that one also.

I wish I was on week 8 like you Wanda. Are you going to keep doing it, or are you going to move on to a different rotation?

Good evening everyone.
Hi everyone! this morning was Boot Camp. I did all the side plank work without any modifications today!!
Wanda - I can't wait to hear your results!! You are definitely keeping me motivated to stick with this rotation!! Thank you for your inspiring posts! :)
Hi Everyone,
I just now finished PLB. I was proud that I could go heavier today. My weights were 35 and 40# only. I intend to increase the heaviest poundage to 45 soon. So instead of starting with a 30# barbell I started with 35, increased to 40 and stayed with 40 until coming back down to 35. Granted this wasn't a TRUE pyramid, but I felt like I could handle these reps with more weight.
(I have to catch up to Jillybean somehow!!LOL)

The way things are going, I'm thinking I will HAVE :D to be here another 4 weeks before moving on to Strength for 2 weeks and then Endurance. ;-) Hey, by that time, you girls might even join me on that. ?????

A big congratulations to you girls for sticking to your program. Results are to be had with patience and a little hard work.

I'm off to do some cardio. Since I discovered the world of the remote LOL All Step cardio and Step & Intervals cardio from CTX is on my 'to do' list.

Have a wonderful day. See you all tomorrow.
Hi everyone :)

I am starting my 2nd week of the blast rotation. Is it okay if I check in here too even though I'm way behind everyone else? :7

I only managed to get in 3 tapes last week, but I was very sore for several days. PLB is a killer workout.

Can anyone share their progress so far? I know it sounds crazy, but I can already see the fat melting. I am really concentrating on eating healthy as possible and I think it will work great with this rotation.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Hi Tsut
Welcome to the Total Body Blast.:D
I don't think you are crazy by seeing results after 2 weeks. I feel the intensity of this series really revs the body up and shocks into burning more fat.

I'm going to post this coming Saturday what my total results have been by doing this rotation 8 weeks. But I can tell you that I have lost a good 1/2 inch everywhere and 1 inch in my lower hips.
That is all I will say so far. LOL

I've been procrastinating on my cardio...better get at it....
Hi Wanda :)

Thanks for telling me that. I know this is a great rotation. My body has never felt this sore in a long time!! I really need help in the core region. And I definitely feel it in that area after doing the core work.

I can't wait to see your post this coming Saturday. :eek: Your results so far sound great!!!!!!!

How long is everyone doing this rotation? I'm a little behind of everyone else. Also, what rotations are you following after you finish this one? I tend to be more accountable of my workouts when I have some rotation to follow.

Hello Fellow Catheites!
Can I join you? I too am on week three of the rotation (except that I have added one of the Terminators per week and have altered some of the workouts to try out all the DVD extras - DH bought a DVD player for Christmas and these are my first time with DVD workouts -how did I survive without them?)- I am in love with these new workouts!!
This weekend was Pyramid weekend - yesterday I did IMax2 Blast Mania and went right into LBP (using the warm up as my cool down for the Blast...LOVE the Blast...did it on 10"...whew!!) Upped my weights for LBP from 30#,35#,40# to 35#,40#,45# this time (those Leg Presses were killers, but I made it!)
Today was UBP - I ALMOST made it through all the core work on the ball (had to modify the last set of pikes), but everytime I do it, I get closer to matching Cathe and the gang!

The new series has gotten me out of the "workout doldrums" and I'm ready for a new level of fittness!!

You guys are the best!! I'll keep you posted on my results!! I think I've already leaned out a bit...I haven't measured yet...

Hi Robin,
Welcome on board. :D
I just got my DVD player and DVD's recently as well. I can't believe how many ways you can play with these workouts. It is going to be a long time before I get bored. LOL

You have peaked my interest in Blast Mania....I will have to try that tomorrow. :D

I finished up my day after doing PLB, I did the cardio portions of 10 10 10, All Step and Step&Intervals of the CTX series. Boy, I forgot all the 15 and 7 rep jumps that are in Step/Intervals. LOL
Then I did the ab work from Triceps/Biceps using a ball for resistance.

It looks like Boot Camp for me tomorrow. See all of you then
Well, it snowed again today, so I went to church and the rest of the days activities were cancelled. That left a lot longer for me to exercise.:D I did PUB and YES YES YES, I got through the bicep section using 10/12/15}( That was a first for me. Then I of course couldn't get through all the agonizing core work at the end. I must be crazy. I can do a few of them, but I haven't gotten through them all yet. I then did Imax 2. My favorite:)

Tomorrow is Boot Camp for me.

Hope everyone has a great evening.

Hi Christi,
A big high Five to you for doing those bicep curls with the 15# dbs.

Keep practicing the core WILL get there. Like Cathe says in the last section of C & W ."You're gonna make it...oh yes YOU can!"

I can't get enough of Imax 2 either. Perhaps by using the different Blasts and Bonus workouts, I will be Imaxed to death.....:D

See ya tomorrow
Congratulations for being able to do side planks without modifications. Isn't it a great feeling when you can see results? For me, it makes me know I'm on the right track.:D

I look forward to hearing all the improvements you girls make as you go through this rotation.

Tomorrow is the airborne jumps and Terminators for me. And...another try at Bicep curls. My goal is to get through them with the 30# barbell instead of 30# (total) dumbells. I can't see what the difference is, but my biceps knows there's a difference. !!}(
Hi girls!!!!! Hope you all are doing well.

Wanda, I am so amazed at your result! I am so happy for you! I am so happy for everyone's progress! 15lbs on the biceps.... great job!

I just have to tell you all that I was going to skip my workout tonight. It is Sunday night here at 8:30 p.m. Then, I get online see all of your great motivation and guess what.... I just booted my DH out of the family room! Oh well... he is use to it!

Gotta run... chat later.... I am now off to PUB! I did Viper yesterday.

Have a great Sunday night!
Hi Rotation partners, ;-)

I did Boot Camp this morning. I think I will up my weights next time. I've been shy with this class and have been using only 30# on the barbell where Cathe uses 35#.
However, where she used 8# dbs I have been using 10#s LOL

I want to do the Upper Body from CTX this afternoon and I'm anxious to try this Imax 2 Blast that you girls have tried already. :D

Catch you all later....

ps LuvCardio,
Yes I think we are a pretty energetic group here. LOL My DH is busy this time of year watching ALL the Big Ten Basketball games. I hate to sit still and just watch something... I'd rather be moving. :D
This morning was PUB - all I can say about that is biceps, biceps, owww biceps! This weekend I did (Sat.) C&W but I did not have time for the abs & chest. On Sunday, I finished the abs and chest portion and did PLB and the first 5 of IMAX2. For some reason, I was sweating like crazy during and after PLB. I don't think that class has ever made me sweat that much. I'm not sure what that means....

I am on week 6 - Wednesday will be the start of my 7th week. So far, I have lost 3 pounds. In a way, I feel like "that's all?" but I have been getting a lot of compliments about looking thinner and one person even told me that somehow I looked taller. I feel stronger and slightly more toned than before. I wish I had measured my waist, arms, etc. before. My clothes still fit, but they are a little looser.

Wanda - I can't wait to see your results! I don't usually get online on the weekends, but I'm going to set a reminder for March 1.

Sounds like everyone is upping their weights! I'm very impressed by all of you! I did feel like I could've tried a little heavier with PLB yesterday, but it's still questionable. Maybe next time around I'll try. Or...(gulp) tomorrow is my Boot Camp day! I'm not sure if I want to go heavier on that one. It wears me out enough as is...

Have a great day.....
Hi, I should get the new series tonight. I only got the VHS but can you tell me if the series you are refering to is the series Cathy posted when this series came out. If so, Are you just doing the Blast week after week with no changes or do you go through the 3 different rotations she gave and then start over? Thanks for the help:) I can not wait to join you all. Any tips would be great.
Hey Girls!
I did IMax Extreme this morning and although it is half as long, I found Blast Mania to be much harder! (I always step on 10" and DO NOT recommend it to any one else, mainly because Cathe has said to be cautious about anything above 8" - I've just been doing 10" for years and it seems to be okay for my body). But here is the kicker, just for fun I tried the UBP core work afterwards (I did UBP yesterday) and found I could get through all the pikes! I think when I do it after the intense upper body work my arms are just to tuckered out to help with the balance, etc. on the ball! I also did them in socks and that seemed to help too! Has anyone else had this experience?

Thanks, Wanda, for the nice welcome...give the Blast a try and let me know what you think!

Hi everyone :)

I just finished Bootcamp. Wow! It's very fun, but I thought I was going to die after the 4th cycle. Obviously I'm the aerobically challenged one of the group. Is this workout painful to anyone else? I am going on little sleep today so I didn't have much energy. I started off with lifting heavier weights, but I really got winded after 30 minutes so I backed off a bit. My head was pounding like my chest. lol! If this rotation can't whip me into shape - nothing will.

So far I have seen improvements in my abdominal region - the place I need it most. It must be all the core work. Cathe is a genius coming up with this series. I think I will take measurements so I can track my progress.

Have a nice evening!!!
Hi Everyone,

Welcome Amanda...Come on in and join us. This rotation thread is mainly doing the Total Body Blast. Some of add other things to it, more cardio, or weight work. With the DVD's there is the Terminator, and the Bonus workouts etc, that we put in for fun. The Total Body Endurance and Total Body Strength is another workout. :D

Laura, that is great you lost 3 pounds. I always go by how my clothes feel and not the scale. My scale tells lies, does yours? LOL
By being more toned, this shows that you've increased your muscles and that is what we want, right? (it would take much more than what we are doing here to get GREAT big muscles and then we have to ge genetically inclined to get them.)

Robin, I tried the "Blast" this evening. I LOVE IT! This will be great to tack on when I need an extra bit of cardio and only have limited time.
Thanks for the tip about doing the pikes with socks. I really need to work on this move. Did you see Cathe's response to Honeybunch's question about pikes?
In essence, it takes practice for those like me who is having a terrible time with this move. :-(

Tsut, that is a good idea to take measurements. It helps you see results. You mentioned you got winded after 30 min today. I remember the first time I did Imax. I was so red faced, by heart was pounding so loud, my DH came in and found me laying down on my step. He was afraid I was going to have a heart attack. :D It gets better. It really does!

I did CTX Upper Body this afternoon. I could tell my strength is improving since the last time I did this workout.

I want to do ME tomorrow. All those 76 leg presses are making my legs look better. I upped my weight to 12#'s for them 2 weeks ago. I'm seeing definition, a definate line on either side of the quads. So I won't complain anymore about doing them. LOL
If those bicep curls would just get easier....

See you all tomorrow. Happy workouts everyone.

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