Total Body Blast Chk In #8


Today I did C&W and the hi-lo from MIC. What a week it has been! I feel exhausted. I am ready for a new week!

Wanda - Sorry to hear you are moving on. You have really been an inspiration to us. You have been our "leader" on this total body blast. You're results were great! Your hard work and dedication has truly paid off. I hope we do meet again on another rotation, perhaps. I would certainly like to follow in your footsteps... Good luck! (You have made me wonder if perhaps I should be eating cleaner than I am to obtain results similar to yours.)
I'm so very very thrilled,happy and proud that you girls are going to continue on. If you want me to, I will start another thread for you, (not that you can't do it yourself ;-) ) I was thinking this would help you to keep posting about your results. I for one, am most interested in how you are doing.
Even though I will be focusing on more weights for the next 2 weeks, I will still be using the Intense Series. So I could pop in and say 'Hi' if you want me to? :D

On eating cleaner, I learned from the Firm years ago, that diet is about 75% of an fitness program. I was glad to see Cathe's approach to losing weight was not only senseable, but very doable as well.

My problem foods were McDonalds, potato chips doughnuts and ice cream. LOL I seemed to crave these things. I think I could have eaten a whole loaf of bread.
Cutting back (not out) on starches (potatoes etc) and increased protein, and more vegetables, I no longer crave the other things that was sabatoging my fitness program.

I encourage you girls to read Cathe's Behind the Scenes if you haven't done so already. That is what I based my regimen on. ;-)

Laura, I liked how you combined C&W with the high/low of MIC. MIC is my most feared workout.}( I keep forgetting that a person can break it up so that it more doable. LOL

Keep up the great work you are doing. Each time we work out, we are doing great things for ourselves.
Oh Wanda, I am so proud of your results and I will greatly miss you in this rotation. You seemed to be our fearless leader and was always inspiring.

I wish you luck! As for my weight watcher thing, I paid $60 for 3 months in the online program. I don't go to meetings as I would probably be laughed at. I didn't have very much to lose. Changing my diet and the intesity series is what made the weight come off.

Once again, congratulations on your weight loss and inches lost. Hope to see you in another challange soon.

Christi <><

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