Top 3 'Non Cathe' Fitness videos

The two Franny Benedetto videos I have - "Non stop workouts" and "Two Workouts with a Vengeance" - and the FIRM's FIRM: Cardio. I love Heidi Tanner's style.
1) Extreme Intervals

2) HiLo Heaven

3) My new favorite for days when I want my brain to go into neutral, get a good low impact workout but still work hard enought to suit me.....Start Your Engines.

Just Do It! :)
I love Christi Taylor, but I am still trying to master her choreography. I have Janis Saffell's kickboxing videos (3) from CIA and I absolutely love her enthusiasm and instructions. My teenage daughters even like her because she puts some cool "funk" into it. I used to do the firms but don't find them as challenging anymore. But, Cathe is the best!
Good luck!
Don't post much here anymore, but I just caved in and spent a nauseating amount of money here, so thought I'd lurk awhile and post maybe. I've been focusing on strength and yoga lately (what a combo), so here are my top three:

1. David Swenson - Primary Series
2. Beryl Bender Birch - Power Yoga
3. Eoin Finn - Power Yoga

Surprisingly, when I do cardio, I found that my endurance has improved - something about that yoga.....

Although I do Cathe tapes 99.9% of the time, the other tapes that I do use are:
1.Kathy Smith fat burning breakthru.Step plus weights.Nice for morning work outs when you only have 45 min. of my powerstrike videos.
3.It would have to be either: mindy mylerre(or however you spell her name)or CIA Boot Camp.
These other tapes I don' t do very often.I did Kathy today and I haven't done powerstrike in a while.The last two I don't even remeber when I did them last.
I usually run when I am not doing Cathe.

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